Leshy Seedpod while wielding a two handed weapon

Rules Discussion

As Lesshy seedpod is an unarmed attack is it possible to use while wielding a weapon in two hands. I think it should be able to be used but just covering my bases by making sure here.

pavaan wrote:
As Lesshy seedpod is an unarmed attack is it possible to use while wielding a weapon in two hands. I think it should be able to be used but just covering my bases by making sure here.

Nothing indicates you need to use a hand to make a seedpod attack: it just has a Manipulate trait and that only requires you to "make gestures to use". For instance, the Point Out action has Manipulate that is "gesturing in a direction". Without any indication of "gestures" or "physically manipulate",I see no reason force it to use hands as the attack isn't described: neither being thrown or fired.

This leads back to the Manipulate arguments from the Battle Medicine thread. I tend to land in the group that agrees that unless an ability specifies requiring a hand, you don't need a hand free to use it.

So I would have no problem with a player using Leshy Seed pod even while wielding a two handed weapon.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

There's been an ongoing debate about hand requirements for months. Some people believe that Manipulate traits expect a free hand with some exceptions while others believe Manipulate doesn't require a free hand unless an ability specifically called out as needing one.

I think RAW lines up with the latter interpretation and seedpods are kinda weak anyways so there's no real benefit to making them worse, but there's been so much contention over this I think this still ends up being an ask your GM question.

Also ask your GM how much damage they do.

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