Can you alternate actions with your minion?

Rules Discussion

So you use Command an Animal and the Animal Companion gets 2 actions. Can the Companion take 1 action, you take 1 action, then the Companion takes its second action Or must they take all their actions at once?

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It has to be done together, from what I can see.

PG. 634 of the CRB says a Minion can only act once per turn, during your turn. They can spend 2 actions.

From reading that, they cannot break it up.

So an alt question then is can you take two actions (one of which is command) then your companion followed by your last action.

Glimturen Runekeeper wrote:
So an alt question then is can you take two actions (one of which is command) then your companion followed by your last action.

Yea that's fine. The minion can only act once, but it can happen at any point during your turn when you use command.

There is a ranger with an animal companion in one of my groups, and she regularly makes good timing calls on when to use Command during her turn.

Typical turns for her go like this:
Strike, killing the target she and the cat were engaging last turn
Stride, positioning herself to set up a flank for her cat
Command, and the cat Strides into flanking position on the new target and Strikes that new target

Or some such. If she wants the big hit it may work like this:
Stride into a good position near an enemy
Command the pet which Strides into flanking then Strikes
Strike to attack

There are also turns where she has to Hunt Prey, and depending on the situation she may or may not even attack herself, but leave it up to the cat.

Say the situation is that she's in melee with a previously hunted target, and the Barbarian is nearby getting mauled by something:
Strike against her hunted target, killing it.
Hunt Prey on the target that's working over the Barbarian
Command and the cat Strides to the new prey and Strikes to take it out before it can KO the Barbarian

It really is quite flexible in how it all ends up working out. I like that. Combat is fairly fluid in PF2, and you can do all sorts of things with your animal companion.

This particular Ranger's player is having a blast with her :)

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Ugh. I'm playing in a 5e campaign right now and I realized tonight how flat the combats are by comparison.

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