ElterAgo |

Thinking of joining a group with a wildblooded / crossblodded sorcerer with the sylvan and sage bloodlines. Sylvan to mesh well with the group and sage to provide some much needed skill points.
As part of that, I am considering performing the 'face' party role.
There is the traits Student of Philosophy or Clever Wordplay to get diplomacy to use intelligence instead of charisma.
There are also traits like Influence to make it a class skill.
Unfortunately, all that I have found so far are social traits. So I can't take 2 of them.
Is there some way to both have it as a class skill and use intelligence instead of charisma?
I would rather not multiclass this character if I don't have to do so.

Nyerkh |

As an off-topic sidenote, short of houserules I'm pretty sure you can't do the crossblooded/wildblooded sylvan/sage bit.
Because crossblood and wildblood both affect similar things, for one (I know that's been debated before).
And because Sylvan specifically loses its Arcana (and 1st power), making it ineligible for crossblood anyway.
It's not necessarily an insane houserule to implement, but by default I believe it should not be a possibility.

willuwontu |
There's an FAQ about it.
Sorcerer, Crossblooded and Wildblooded: Can I take both of these archetypes for the same character?
No, because the archetype rules say none of the alternate class features can replace or alter the same class feature from the class as another alternate class feature. Because the crossblooded and wildblooded sorcerer archetypes both alter the bloodline arcana and bloodline powers, they aren't compatible archetypes.
Note that it is certainly within the GM's purview to allow this combination. However, the character should not be able to use the crossblooded archetype's ability to select a lower-level bloodline power that was replaced by the wildblooded archetype. For example, a wildblooded brutal (abyssal) sorcerer replaces "strength of the abyss" with "wings of the abyss" at 9th level; the character has "paid" for the wildblooded archetype by giving up "strength of the abyss," and can't use the crossblooded bloodline to select "strength of the abyss" as her 15th-level or 20th-level bloodline power.

Nyerkh |

Yep. Indeed, I forgot there was an actual FAQ.
Sylvan just happens, on top of that, to be probaly the one sorcerer option that is compatible with the least things. It's set up in that unique a way.
Simply houseruling that you can stack wildblood and crossblood is not enough, you would need to adapt to its specificity as well.
All of which depends on your GM's good will.
I wouldn't allow it, but who knows, they might.

baggageboy |

Look at the exemplar trait Charming Smile, Cunning Soul. With it you can take all of the social traits that let you key social skills off of intelligence and get a solid bonus to boot. It's expensive feat wise, but it pays off pretty well.
Other good options are cunning liar which is a regional trait to make bluff an int skill.
Another odd option is to go emperyal bloodline, then take GM's cleric and for your domain pick the conversion inquisition.
Or you know, just use charisma like a normal scorceror and pick up class skills via bloodlines or traits and gain skill points via thing like upping int, being han, and burning feats.