Anaconda grapple and constriction

Rules Questions

Attack of Anaconda at Round 2: (The target is already grappled by Anaconda)

"Anaconda takes a standard action to make a grapple check to maintain the grapple. He, fortunately, succeeds. Anaconda automatically deals his bite damage (the natural attack used to start the grapple) and automatically deals his constrict damage and opts to deal his bite damage again instead of moving Target or going for the pin."

Is correct that does automatically damage with his bite and constrict damage?

I thought that Anaconda could only do bite damage OR constriction damage.

Thank you

sirmaniak wrote:

Attack of Anaconda at Round 2: (The target is already grappled by Anaconda)

"Anaconda takes a standard action to make a grapple check to maintain the grapple. He, fortunately, succeeds. Anaconda automatically deals his bite damage (the natural attack used to start the grapple) and automatically deals his constrict damage and opts to deal his bite damage again instead of moving Target or going for the pin."

Is correct that does automatically damage with his bite and constrict damage?

I thought that Anaconda could only do bite damage OR constriction damage.

Thank you

If the anaconda is conducting the grapple with a -20 to it's grapple check as per the grab ability then yes it gets to automatically deal damage with it's constrict ability and it's bite (assuming the bite was used to initiate the grapple). Doing this also means the Anaconda doesn't gain the grappled condition which allows it to keep it's dex to AC and continue to threaten the area around it.

If the anaconda conducts the grapple normally then it gains the grappled condition and only deals automatic damage with its constrict ability.

Constrict damage happens every time a creature makes a successful grapple check, as per this FAQ.

First off, if you succeed at maintaining a grapple, you don't automatically do damage, you have to choose to do damage.

Grappling Rules: "Once you are grappling an opponent, a successful check allows you to continue grappling the foe, and also allows you to perform one of the following actions (as part of the standard action spent to maintain the grapple)." The options are Move, Damage, Pin, or Tie Up, you pick one.

The Anaconda, and any monster with the Constrict ability, always do constrict damage, it doesn't matter what option you pick. Constrict applies when it decides to move the grapple, pin, whatever, as long as it succeeds the grapple check. That's in the FAQ mentioned. If you decide to do damage with the bite, you do bite AND constrict damage. If it decides to Pin, it Pins AND does constrict damage.

Lets start at round 1.
R1: Anaconda successfully attacks victim and does bite damage. It has grab so it makes a free grapple check. It succeeds. It now immediately does constrict damage.

R2: It starts the round with the grappled condition (victim did not escape on its turn). It chooses to maintain the grapple (with or without the -20). It decides to grapple for damage. If it succeeds on the grapple check it does bite damage. Because it has the constrict ability it also does constrict damage.

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