Backpack Rules Errata and Adventures Kit

Rules Discussion

So the errata changed the bulk of an adventurers kit to 1 and also ruled that backpacks help you ignore 2 bulk for the purposes of encumbrance.

The adventurers kit comes with a backpack so I just wanted to check this was correct.

So if you have an adventurers kit (bulk 1), a healers kit (bulk 1) a climbing kit Bulk 1 and a Repair Kit Bulk 1 and place them all in the backpack included in the adventurers kits backpack (hitting the 4 bulk max for a backpack) it will only count 2 bulk of that towards encumbrance?

That's how I read it.

Liberty's Edge

In the Adventurer's kit, the backpack is described as containing the other items. So I read it as meaning the -2 bulk has already been taken into account in the resulting 1 bulk for the kit. In other words, that the whole Adventurer's kit's items taken separately amount to 3 bulk.

So unless I am mistaken, carrying all the kits above end up in 4 bulk because the -2 has already been counted.

Liberty's Edge

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The Raven Black wrote:

In the Adventurer's kit, the backpack is described as containing the other items. So I read it as meaning the -2 bulk has already been taken into account in the resulting 1 bulk for the kit. In other words, that the whole Adventurer's kit's items taken separately amount to 3 bulk.

So unless I am mistaken, carrying all the kits above end up in 4 bulk because the -2 has already been counted.

This is not correct. I've added up all the items and the -2 is not taken into account in the Adventurer's Kit.

The Backpack only reduces Bulk under specific circumstances which they don't want to assume, so that reduction is left for the player to add in.

The Raven Black wrote:

In the Adventurer's kit, the backpack is described as containing the other items. So I read it as meaning the -2 bulk has already been taken into account in the resulting 1 bulk for the kit. In other words, that the whole Adventurer's kit's items taken separately amount to 3 bulk.

So unless I am mistaken, carrying all the kits above end up in 4 bulk because the -2 has already been counted.

You are mistaken.

An adventurer's pack contains items which, if taken individually, total up to 1 bulk: the backpack, two belt pouches, flint and steel, soap, and chalk (10) listed as "=" bulk; the bedroll, 50 feet of rope, 2 weeks rations, 5 torches, and waterskin each being Light bulk and the 10 of them meaning 1 bulk.

Liberty's Edge

My bad. Thank you for the clarification :-)

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