Summon Plant or Fungus

Rules Discussion

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

You conjure a plant or fungus to fight for you. This works like summon animal (page 375), except you summon a common creature that has the plant or fungus trait and whose level is –1. Heightened As summon animal.


There is NO plant or fungus in the Bestiary whose level is -1....

So what are we meant to summon now?

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It's the same with some of he other summon spells. Not all of them have something to summon at each spell level.

Bestiary 2 comes in a few month is said to fill all the level gaps in the various summon spells.

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It is one of the reasons they are slamming out the second bestiary so fast. There are gaps even in a big book like the first one there is only so much room.

I like that the spell still makes the leaf druid recommended build despite having no options. Poor leaf druids.

You could probably use a level 0 creature with the weak adjustments if you needed something till more content comes out.

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