Some kobolds have more options than others (Boons have different text)

Pathfinder Society

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Finland—Turku

9 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 7 people marked this as a favorite.

The kobold boon from Gen con 2018 says that "Treat all kobold specific character options in the ARG, ISR, and Kobolds of Golarion as legal except icy mementos, lair snake, lightning blessed, ooze defense, and the spell blightburn weapon and the item blightburn paste."

The new GM boon that includes Ghoran, Kobold, Rougarou, and Samsaran, has no such language, instead merely stating that you may play a kobold, but doesn't open up the racial options.

I very much assume that this is just an oversight, and all kobolds should be equal. Would be nice to get an official confirmation for this.

While we're at it, I also assume it's an oversight that the Monster Codex is missing from that list of Kobold Legal options- it includes two archetypes (alchemical trapper and dragon yapper) and two feats (draconic magic and Slurk Rider) - could those be added to the list of kobold-legal options too?

Thank you!

Exo-Guardians 2/5 5/5

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Seconded. I just got this and the world of options for a PFS Kobold is very small

The Exchange 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

There is also the Kobold variants from Classic Monsters Revisited, which are slightly different. It would be great if those options could be allowed, too.

4/5 Venture-Agent, Nebraska—Kearny

Also looking for an answer to this, is the lack of inclusion on the 2019 GM boon purposeful, or an oversight?

Liberty's Edge 1/5 5/5

"I wanted to be a powerful 'dragonyapper' but the Sewer Dragons already have one with Dragon-Talker Engashez. They said I needed to go help the Softscale NotDragon Snarl and maybe someday they would teach me... I now know they meant the softscale 'someday', which seems to mean 'never'. I really wish the Softscale Dragon Snarl would use words as they are supposed to be used-- it'd fix so many of their problems!"

Scarab Sages 4/5

I’m bumping this as the topic continues to come up. A lack of an answer to this question is leading to some areas assuming that all options were meant to be open and other areas sticking strictly to the text of the boon. That is creating table variation and confusion among players. We really need an answer on this, or the current Kobold boons are just going to continue to cause problems.

Do people with the 2019 Kobold boon have access to character options from the books named on the boon?

Either that was what what intended, or it was intentional to limit characters to only the base Kobold options and items already marked legal in AR.

This really should be a simple answer, and it would be much appreciated if we could get one before even more of these boons are issued and more confusion occurs. Venture Officers are doing their best to interpret it, but this information only rests with Paizo, and someone dropping in with an answer could help avoid a lot of problems.

Exo-Guardians 2/5 5/5

I guess it could have been cut for space. There are three other races on that one.

Scarab Sages 4/5

Half of the page is empty.

Grand Archive 3/5 *

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I could see it either way. The GM boon is easier to get so you get less interesting kobolds than the other, harder to earn, kobold boon...but, I don't think that makes a lot of sense and I'd like to see all the kobold boons being treated equally.

Liberty's Edge 1/5 5/5

"In the snarl, all dragons are treated alike, unless they do something to earn 'special attention'. Nobody wants to be the one cleaning out the midden, or the one that has to do the dishes all the time -- well, except for that one dragon that likes to lick them clean for some reason bleh. Not having options for some of my brethren restricts their freedom to be treated alike, and can lead to them being forced to do things like be trap-tester and ooze-finderer!!

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Organized Play Lead Developer

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The 2019 GM boon should also open up the same kobold rules options as the Gen Con 2018 one. That is to say, add the following to the kobold section of the GM boon that lets you play a Ghoran, Kobold, Rougarou, or Samsaran.

"Treat all kobold specific character options in the Advanced Race Guide and Inner Sea Races as if they appeared on the Additional Resources list, as well as all character options from Kobolds of Golarion except the traits icy mementos, lair snake, lightning blessed, ooze defense; the spell blightburn weapon; and the item blightburn paste."


1 person marked this as a favorite.

^Thank you for the clarification!

Scarab Sages 4/5

Thank you!

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Finland—Turku

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate. 2 people marked this as a favorite.
Linda Zayas-Palmer wrote:

The 2019 GM boon should also open up the same kobold rules options as the Gen Con 2018 one. That is to say, add the following to the kobold section of the GM boon that lets you play a Ghoran, Kobold, Rougarou, or Samsaran.

"Treat all kobold specific character options in the Advanced Race Guide and Inner Sea Races as if they appeared on the Additional Resources list, as well as all character options from Kobolds of Golarion except the traits icy mementos, lair snake, lightning blessed, ooze defense; the spell blightburn weapon; and the item blightburn paste."

Thank you very much Linda <3!

Is there any chance of reviewing the options from the monster codex
(includes two archetypes (alchemical trapper and dragon yapper) and two feats (draconic magic and Slurk Rider)) to see if those could be opened up for the kobolds? The Dragon Yapper is pretty iconic and is featured in the Kobold-pregen special too, and it would be awesome to see this allowed for PFS.

The Exchange 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

Also, could you review the alternate kobold racial options in Classic Monsters Revisited as well, please?

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

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The Dragon Yapper is such an awesome bard archetype! It would make me want to actually start a new PFS 1 character (something that I have been avoiding doing, because the PF1 characters that I have already feel a bit neglected.)


Grand Archive 3/5 *

I'm interested in doing a kobold grappler character that uses Kobold Style from Kobolds of Golorian. Not sure if I want to do hangman vigilante, strangler, or tetori though. I've already done all but the former of the three before.


Now that Gameday 8 is over, there's some interest in making an all-kobold Confirmation table over on the Flaxseed thread, if some of you would be mildly interested... :)


GM PDK wrote:

like a good concept piece, any Kobolds interested can check in at the discussion thread HERE for the Kobold Confirmation...or Kobold Formation, as I'm calling it.

Seats are reserved for those who showed interest so far which, I think leaves us with one seat open for any kobold who wants to prove his or her merit to the Pathfinder Society.

We got four FINE lookin' kobolds in their prime rearin' to go! need another two or so to make this experience HILARIOUS! :) :P

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Washington—Spokane

Linda Zayas-Palmer wrote:

The 2019 GM boon should also open up the same kobold rules options as the Gen Con 2018 one. That is to say, add the following to the kobold section of the GM boon that lets you play a Ghoran, Kobold, Rougarou, or Samsaran.

"Treat all kobold specific character options in the Advanced Race Guide and Inner Sea Races as if they appeared on the Additional Resources list, as well as all character options from Kobolds of Golarion except the traits icy mementos, lair snake, lightning blessed, ooze defense; the spell blightburn weapon; and the item blightburn paste."

Thank you Linda!! I was curious about this as well as the Classic Monsters Revisited but we work with what we have available. Much appreciation!!

Shadow Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area South & West

Well, I've got the necessary boon to be able to build a Kobold, but with another (small) convention to run this weekend I won't be able to think much about building a character in the immediate future.


Game starts in a week I think... :)

Shadow Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area South & West

Pencil me in as a tentative - I'll try to find time over the weekend to build a character.

What classes are currently covered?


1-tank: paladin (yes, paladin)
2-artillery: sorcerer
3-tank: medium (yes, a small medium kobold)
4-??? (player Redelia)
5-??? (player Wei Ji the Learner)

One more spot which will most likely fill in the next few hours, now that I've posted this reply to your question... :)


Update: full table

5-Cave Druid
6-??? Mystery!! ???

Grand Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area South & West

JohnF will be bringing a Bard (Dragon Herald)


Linda Zayas-Palmer wrote:

The 2019 GM boon should also open up the same kobold rules options as the Gen Con 2018 one. That is to say, add the following to the kobold section of the GM boon that lets you play a Ghoran, Kobold, Rougarou, or Samsaran.

"Treat all kobold specific character options in the Advanced Race Guide and Inner Sea Races as if they appeared on the Additional Resources list, as well as all character options from Kobolds of Golarion except the traits icy mementos, lair snake, lightning blessed, ooze defense; the spell blightburn weapon; and the item blightburn paste."

I'm guessing this applies to the charity boons as well?

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