Rise of the Runelords 2e

Rise of the Runelords

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I'm sure someone's asked this by now, but I couldn't find a thread, so I'll put it out there:

RotRL was one of my favorite campaigns I've ever run, but we only got so far before we stopped about 7 years ago. I want to pick it back up again with the same players now that my passion for Pathfinder has been rekindled.

Does anybody have super quick-and-dirty recommendations for converting RotRL to PF2? I don't think I have the patience for a full hack, nor do I think many people do. Like, if you had three main points, what would you do to hack it?

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I run adventures written for one system in a completely different system all the time. It's FAR easier than many GMs expect.

Just run it straight out of the book, converting what you need on the fly.

Swap out the monster and hazard stats for their PF2e equivalents. If there are monsters that aren't in the book, keep the description the same but use the stats of something vaguely similar (i.e. "re-skin"). Your players can't tell.

Set DCs for skill checks per the table on p. 234 of the Core Rulebook:

Treasure and magic items scale a little differently. For treasure, convert GP prices to silver. For items, just keep the loot level-appropriate and sub in something thematically appropriate.

Either use PF2e XP equivalents, or just ditch XP entirely for milestone advancement.

That's it. You're done.

Good luck!

Haladir wrote:

I run adventures written for one system in a completely different system all the time. It's FAR easier than many GMs expect.

Just run it straight out of the book, converting what you need on the fly.

Swap out the monster and hazard stats for their PF2e equivalents. If there are monsters that aren't in the book, keep the description the same but use the stats of something vaguely similar (i.e. "re-skin"). Your players can't tell.

Set DCs for skill checks per the table on p. 234 of the Core Rulebook:

Treasure and magic items scale a little differently. For treasure, convert GP prices to silver. For items, just keep the loot level-appropriate and sub in something thematically appropriate.

Either use PF2e XP equivalents, or just ditch XP entirely for milestone advancement.

That's it. You're done.

Good luck!

Thanks for the advice! This is exactly the type of thing I was looking for, and seems pretty intuitive!

I might make a separate post about this another time but it is very much the plan for my group to play this AP in 2E after our current AP is finished because they want to play it, I want to run it and I want to switch to 2E

I have already floated that despite being "Core" in 2E that Goblins would not be playable from the start

This was met with a mix of dismay/grumpiness/hostility from the one player I floated this to. This annoyed me to no end

I tried to explain without spoilers why it didn't make sense and was met with "people will be annoyed if you ban something that is a major core option" and "if one of the core options from 2E is allowed then perhaps we shouldn't play using the 2E rules"

This also ignores that Goblins would not be allowed as a playable race if we played in 1E either

I don't want to have to resort to refusing to run it (only I realistically can run it as I have played up the end of Book 4)

Haladir wrote:

I run adventures written for one system in a completely different system all the time. It's FAR easier than many GMs expect.

Just run it straight out of the book, converting what you need on the fly.

Swap out the monster and hazard stats for their PF2e equivalents. If there are monsters that aren't in the book, keep the description the same but use the stats of something vaguely similar (i.e. "re-skin"). Your players can't tell.

Set DCs for skill checks per the table on p. 234 of the Core Rulebook:

Treasure and magic items scale a little differently. For treasure, convert GP prices to silver. For items, just keep the loot level-appropriate and sub in something thematically appropriate.

Either use PF2e XP equivalents, or just ditch XP entirely for milestone advancement.

That's it. You're done.

Good luck!

This is all good advise

As an early adventure most of the monsters are likely to be in the Bestiary or the second one

You can then find similar reskins as suggested e.g an Otyugh for the Tentamort

There is an AP conversion guide that is being written on the 2E boards and treasure looks most fiddly

Depending on when you might start waiting for GMG and the new Auto Bonus Progression might help this as it will remove a chunk of magic items (I assume)


A suggestion about your goblin problem, is to run with "While there are more than a couple reasons why playing a Goblin to start is a bad idea, one of the prominent locals, has a fine collection of Goblin Ears at his establishment, the GOBLIN SQUASH STABLES, and I'd hate to have you go through the effort of making a character, and have a semi-random NPC kill you for your collection, when a rational decision is to just hold off playing a Goblin for a couple levels."

Good luck to you and to the OP superhorse!

Roonfizzle Garnackle wrote:


A suggestion about your goblin problem, is to run with "While there are more than a couple reasons why playing a Goblin to start is a bad idea, one of the prominent locals, has a fine collection of Goblin Ears at his establishment, the GOBLIN SQUASH STABLES, and I'd hate to have you go through the effort of making a character, and have a semi-random NPC kill you for your collection, when a rational decision is to just hold off playing a Goblin for a couple levels."

Good luck to you and to the OP superhorse!

Haha thanks for that. I did mention the goblin squash stables in my frustration - both the name and the ear thing!

Still some way off yet - haven’t started book 5 of current AP

Lanathar wrote:

I have already floated that despite being "Core" in 2E that Goblins would not be playable from the start


I tried to explain without spoilers why it didn't make sense and was met with "people will be annoyed if you ban something that is a major core option" and "if one of the core options from 2E is allowed then perhaps we shouldn't play using the 2E rules"

Maybe you could switch the low-level enemies from goblins to kobolds? I realize that the stats are significantly different, but if you use the name and description of kobolds but apply goblin stats and behaviors, it sidesteps the goblin issue.

"Kobold Squash Stables" and a collection of kobold scales would be easy enough to have the townsfolk biased against the little reptilians.

Just an option, of course. Its your table, run it however you choose to. :)

Lanathar wrote:

I did mention the goblin squash stables in my frustration - both the name and the ear thing!

Still some way off yet - haven’t started book 5 of current AP

I know it's easy to make comments from the bench over here, Lanathar, when I don't know your players and don't have to be social with them.

But I'd highly question anyone who just insists on something the GM says is problematic (such as a goblin race, or like the thread where the player insisted on playing a cleric of an evil god).

So the options I would list to him are 1) you're not playing a goblin, or 2) we are picking a different campaign, or 3) we are playing Runelords and you're not.

I am surprised that no one has converted this AP to 2nd Ed yet, as it is such an amazing Adventure Path.

I have run this AP a few times, more specifically, the first chapter 3 times. I would have no problem with a player being a Goblin. In the Adventure Paths card game, there is a Goblin named "Tup" that does just this.

However, when I first ran it, I would have held the "no Goblins" line of defense. But in hind-site, I think it holds back the potential for great role play, if the specific person is up for it. That being said, if they drop the ball, they could get the whole group killed, so the rest of the group would have to be ok with it. I would make the group decide as it would kind of need to be a group effort. This also allows you to be a judge rather then Jury.

It should be noted, after Chapter 3, there is no real big deal about the race besides a built in obvious redeeming story arch here. All around there is plenty of fuel for roleplay.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

There is a discord of people working on 2e conversions for 1e ap's we have some usable conversions of some 1e Npcs from Book 1 like Nualia, Tsuto and others as well as guides and suggestions for conversion.
Here is a thread with a link to the discord.

I am on that discord under a different user name
Haven’t completed anything for the upload as I need to sign up to github

I have finished my Koruvus so might do that

Hoping to use Christmas to do book 1 and put it in one hit
I am finding the treasure somewhat problematic because I haven’t sat and focused on it yet

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Lanathar wrote:

I am on that discord under a different user name

Haven’t completed anything for the upload as I need to sign up to github

I have finished my Koruvus so might do that

Hoping to use Christmas to do book 1 and put it in one hit
I am finding the treasure somewhat problematic because I haven’t sat and focused on it yet

I agree. Treasure is where I am having some difficulty with conversion since a lot of early 1E treasure seems to be the basic bit stat items that 2E got rid of Like rings of prot, cloaks of resistance and so on. Also most of the low level treasure in 2E is consumable and although usefull doesn't feel as good to receive as a player I think.

It is the cash that I am a little unsure on

Consumables are probably something i will throw in and "under value" and maybe even try and think up ways to make them rewards for side quests (such as from the Sandpoint book) as if it were a video game

This is because they are overpriced and i am not sure PCs will ever actually buy them

Anybody tackled converting Karzoug yet?

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Actually, yes. I gave an effort when they published the 2E NPC/Monster building PDF. I'm not sure I did it right, but here's what I came up with.

Karzoug 2E:

Karzoug the Claimer (Creature 21)
NE; Medium; Humanoid; Human; Azlanti
Perception +32; darkvision; see invisibility
Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Aquan, Auran, Azlanti, Common, Draconic, Elven, Giant, Ignan, Infernal, Necril, Sylvan, Terran, Thassilonian
Skills Arcana +43, Crafting +40, Deception +29, Intimidate +34, Nature +36, Occultism +40, Religion +36
Str +7, Dex +10, Con +10, Int +11, Wis +3, Cha +6
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
AC 43 (44 with shield cantrip), Fort +32, Ref +35, Will +35; +1 status to all saves vs magic
HP 305; Resistance mental 23; Weakness Dominant Weapons 12
Counterspell (Reaction) Trigger A creature Casts a Spell that you have prepared; Effect When a foe Casts a Spell and you can see its manifestations, you can use your own magic to disrupt it. You expend a prepared spell to counter the triggering creature’s casting of that same spell. You lose your spell slot as if you had cast the triggering spell. You then attempt to counteract the triggering spell (page 458).
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
Speed 25 ft, fly 25 ft
Melee Karzoug’s burning glaive
Melee Talons of Leng
Wizard School Spells (2 Focus Points) Spell DC 48, Spell Attack +40 Physical Boost, Shifting Form
Arcane Prepared Spells Spell DC 48, Spell Attack +40; 10th - time stop, wish; 9th - disjunction, infinite possibilities, meteor swarm, shapechange, 8th - horrid wilting, mind blank, monstrosity form, prismatic wall, 7th - haste, prismatic spray, spell turning, true target, 6th - baleful polymorph, disintegrate, flesh to stone, true seeing, 5th - cloudkill, cone of cold, elemental form, wall of stone, 4th - freedom of movement, solid fog, spell immunity, stoneskin, 3rd - blindness, haste, stinking cloud, vampiric touch, 2nd - dispel magic (2), enlarge, false life, 1st - longstrider, true strike (3), Cantrips (10th) - chill touch, electric arc, shield, sigil, telekinetic projectile
Drain Boned Item (Free Action) 10th Level
Effortless Concentration (Free Action) Trigger Your turn begins; Effect You maintain a spell with hardly a thought. You immediately gain the effects of the Sustain a Spell action, allowing you to extend the duration of one of your active class spells.
Quickened Casting (Free Action) If your next action is to cast a cantrip or a spell that is at least 2 levels lower than the highest level spell you can cast, reduce the number of actions to cast it by 1 (minimum 1 action).
Clever Counterspell Instead of being able to counter a foe’s spell with Counterspell only if you have that same spell prepared, you can use Counterspell as long as you have the spell the foe is casting in your spellbook. When you use Counterspell in this way, the prepared spell you expend must share a trait other than its tradition with the triggering spell (Karzoug has all spells except enchantment and illusion in his spellbook).
Infinite Possibilities You’ve found a way to prepare a spell slot that exists in your mind as many different possibilities at once. Once during your daily preparations, you can use a spell slot to hold that infinite potential, rather than using it to prepare a spell. You can use this spell slot to cast any spell from your spellbook that’s at least 2 levels lower than the slot you designate; the spell acts in all ways as a spell of 2 levels lower. You don’t have any particular spell prepared in that slot until you cast it.
Linked Focus You have linked your bonded item to the well of energy that powers your school spells. When you Drain your Bonded Item to cast a spell of your arcane school, you also regain 1 Focus Point.
Reflect Spell When you successfully use Counterspell to counteract a spell that affects targeted creatures or an area, you can turn that spell’s effect back on its caster. When reflected, the spell affects only the original caster, even if it’s an area spell or it would normally affect more than one creature. The original caster can attempt a save and use other defenses against the reflected spell as normal.
Steady Spellcasting Confident in your technique, you don’t easily lose your concentration when you Cast a Spell. If a reaction would disrupt your spellcasting action, attempt a DC 15 flat check. If you succeed, your action isn’t disrupted.

I followed most of the suggestions for a Wizard NPC from the handout, and tried to keep things parallel. However, the limited number of feats thus far at each level makes Counterspelling one of his better means of survival. With Counterspelling no longer so tightly tied to Abjuration, it seems a valid tradeoff.

This isn't, specifically, a 2e post, and not even, necessarily, a post on the subject of goblins as PCs for RotRL (which occupied a few of the foregoing posts.)

But, before I get to the real question, I do want to say something on that latter subject. My own group has, in fact, been playing through the AP with one of the PCs as a Goblin. All I will say is that it has provided no end of both Difficulties and Opportunities; or, perhaps more appropriately, Risk and Rewards. And, if I may wax poetic, I will add that our campaign has aptly demonstrated that Risk and Reward are two sides of the same coin and that nothing worth doing in an RPG is done without that coin. It has been a lot of fun.

Anyway, my real reason for posting here is to find out if anyone knows of the existence of a rendering of Daverin Hosk's "Goblin Squash Stables" sign? I have searched and searched, but to no avail.

We have started the Hook Mountain Massacre, and the party is preparing to depart for Turtleback Ferry from Sandpoint. On the night before their departure, the party's Goblin took it upon himself to steal Hosk's collection of goblin ears and Chief Whartus' remains. He wasn't explicit on his intentions, but it might have involved ritual-ear-snacking, and possible cremation for the defunct Chief. We do know that the real point is, likely, to impress the members of Smink's little gang of goblins there in Sandpoint (cf. "PCS Sandpoint, Light of the Lost Coast"), as well as Smink herself, since he has been rather smitten with her goblin-ey charms.

For his final act, he wants to deface Hosk's sign by scrawling on it an image of a goblin striving to behead the sign's horse with a horsechopper.

I would very much like to provide that image to the group, but I need to start with an image of the original sign.

Has anyone ever come across such?


- s.west

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I just finished a converted-on-the-fly War for the Crown campaign and honestly, what people are saying here is so true. 2e fits SO WELL over the setup of 1e that kitbashing and some minor, spontaneous behind-the-scenes adjustments are all I needed to make a challenging, fun, and extremely engaging adventure, using threshold-based levelling so as to negate the need to XP balance.

Re: the sign

There is a sandpoint YouTube video with a sign in it : https://youtu.be/5wkY_RPttgc

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I know I am late to the party, but I do have a thought on the Goblin PC issue.

In Curse of the Crimson Throne, almost all of the adversaries are human. Yet, no one would ever suggest not allowing Human PCs for that Adventure Path.

If I recall (and it has been a long time since I read any of the Rise of the Runelords books), there is a tribe of Goblins indigenous to Sandpoint. They dig through the trash at the dump or something like that. Couldn't you just say that none of the goblins involved in the hostilities come from that tribe, which could be the starting ground for the PC?

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