Do Monks need Wisdom?

Rules Discussion

As the title. I know that Wisdom is needed for Perception and such, but I'm not seeing anything about the monk class abilities/feats that asks for Wisdom. The sample Ki Monk says they use Wisdom for their ki abilities, but I'm not seeing in the rules anywhere that backs that up. Am I missing it on another page?

Squiggit wrote:

They forgot to include it in the book, but the Ki spells do indeed run off Wisdom.

If you aren't using Ki spells though, you don't need Wisdom for anything.

Gotcha, thanks! Was this in a Paizo blog post or something?

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

They forgot to include it in the book, but the Ki spells do indeed run off Wisdom.

If you aren't using Ki spells though, you don't need Wisdom for anything.

It's only the Ki Spells which have DCs that you really need wisdom for, though if you have low wisdom an enemy could conceivably dispel your wholeness of body or whatever and their DC wouldn't be very high for the counteract check.

I believe it only matters for Ki Blast and Wholeness of Body (counteract function only) at present. Presumably more such feats will be added.

Fuzzy-Wuzzy wrote:
I believe it only matters for Ki Blast and Wholeness of Body (counteract function only) at present. Presumably more such feats will be added.

Quivering Palm, too.

Everybody needs Wisdom.
It's a major stat.

I had been wondering this too. Can anyone cite where this was mentioned? Was it in the same video as the wizard not getting a first level feat or some place else?

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Kage_no_Oukami wrote:
I had been wondering this too. Can anyone cite where this was mentioned? Was it in the same video as the wizard not getting a first level feat or some place else?

Same video, but the monk character sheet in the character sheet pack (a thing that was sent to the printers after the CRB was) has it correctly. You use Str/Dex for class DC and Wis for Ki Spell DC.

Cool. I guess I missed/forgot about that piece of information in that post launch Twitch. Thanks!

PossibleCabbage wrote:
Fuzzy-Wuzzy wrote:
I believe it only matters for Ki Blast and Wholeness of Body (counteract function only) at present. Presumably more such feats will be added.
Quivering Palm, too.

And now also all of the Perfect Ki Adept powers save for Untwisting Iron Buffer.

Squiggit wrote:

They forgot to include it in the book, but the Ki spells do indeed run off Wisdom.

If you aren't using Ki spells though, you don't need Wisdom for anything.

So little use for core monks, but there are things like the Student of Perfection archetype with its ki spells.

If you aren't looking at other dedication feats, then it is a straight upgrade on monk. The first dedication feat gives you the ki strike feat as well, so you might as well grab the dedication if you wanted to do ki stuff.

The last feat, 'Perfect Ki Adept' gives you a ki spell based off the school you choose. the water option gives AoE shove with a nice bit of potential damage, and the wind option gives you a bit of pseudo flight that also places a wall of wind (Which can be great defensively to block archers for the party, as well as area of denial). These spells are save based, so you want wisdom for the DC.

Only the fire and water ki powers seem to involve a DC. I don't see where the air one does, save for someone deciding to attempt a counteract check against your wall of wind.

Well, you do need it to justify being able to carry out the most important monk class feature, which is having an ice-cream koan for every situation.

PossibleCabbage wrote:
Only the fire and water ki powers seem to involve a DC. I don't see where the air one does, save for someone deciding to attempt a counteract check against your wall of wind.
Wall of Wind wrote:

Ammunition from physical ranged attacks—such as arrows, bolts, sling bullets, and other objects of similar size—can't pass through the wall. Attacks with bigger ranged weapons, such as javelins, take a –2 circumstance penalty to their attack rolls if their paths pass through the wall. Massive ranged weapons and spell effects that don't create physical objects pass through the wall with no penalty.

The wall is difficult terrain to creatures attempting to move overland through it. Gases, including creatures in gaseous form, can't pass through the wall.
A creature that attempts to fly through the wall using a move action must attempt a Fortitude save.

Critical Success The creature can move through the wall normally this turn.
Success The flying creature can move through the wall this turn, but the wall is difficult terrain.
Failure The wall stops the movement of the flying creature, and any remaining movement from its current action is wasted.
Critical Failure As failure, and the creature is pushed 10 feet away from the wall.

The wind option mostly seems to have saves that come up when dealing with fliers. Which can be fairly useful because fliers can often have the speed and maneuverability that would make them a pain for the back line.

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