2nd Edition Guide to the Guides!


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That's wonderful news from both of you. Gortle, I think I got thrown off by the fact that your guide's date is still listed as Sep '22.

Have a good day, both of you and anyone else reading this! :)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Thanks again!

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I'm not the author of this guide, but the "Definitive Champion Build Guide" was last updated as of 12/5/2024 for the release of Divine Mysteries. (It's already listed and linked among the other 2e guides, just the current as of date in the listing hasn't been updated yet.)


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Working on a champion guide right now myself. I'm not as confident about it as my current magus guide but still, I do like the class and want to offer my advise for it, such as it is. I'll share when it's ready.

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And done. The champion guide itself, and the discussion thread.

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