It's 319 AG, and it's Election Time!

Starfinder Society

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

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“Hello Starfinders and other Sentients!” The most famous host in the Pact Worlds comes on to the stage, stepping into the spotlight.

“These are exciting times! As you all know, we have an important election coming up which we will determine not only your new first seeker, but also your future path as a Society. I volunteered to host the first debate as winner-take-all death match, but Star Daddy said that these matters are usually decided by voting. Zo! sighs dramatically, which is a fascinating feat for someone incapable of respiration. Then he raises a bony finger. “But how can we step forward to the future without knowing a little about the past? Who were some of previous First Seekers? What is your history as a Society?”

Zo! saunters up to a giant viewscreen. “While we’re impatiently waiting to meet our candidates, let’s have a review, shall we?”

★--- ★ --- ★ --- ★

Present Day First Seekers

  • Luwazi Elsebo, "A New Way Forward!" A savvy human female leader with impeccable taste in allies. Under her leadership, you prevented me from being bombed, so I of course approve. She’s also the badass champion who rescued Starfinders from the Scoured Stars and helped you all rebuild.

  • Jadnura, "Leading the Charge!" So he doesn’t have much in brains, but check out that style! He’s an athletic male kasatha who enjoys scuffles with dinosaurs and then meditating with a quiet cup of tea afterwards. He led you to explore the Scoured Stars -- and get trapped there, but without my film crews so all that drama was totally wasted. However, once rescued, he turned out to be a standup guy. He worked hard to support the goal of uniting the society, and actually worked with his successor.

    ★--- ★ --- ★ --- ★

    Some Historical First Seekers

  • Ilyastre. No personal data known, but the First Seeker Ilyastre Memorial museum is a major Lorespire tourist attraction. You know what it needs to liven it up, though? A theater, showing views of Live Action Extreme and Pact World Warriors!

  • Lezosk, Slogan unknown.

    SFS 1-08:
    A portrait found on Arniselle showed he was an intense ysoki in military uniform. About 150 years ago was a time known as the "Time of Uncertainty." First Seeker Lezosk took command of the Society during the later end of this troubled time and was responsible for various reforms. That all seems a bit noble and yawn-worthy until you realize that Lezosk's last known act was to construct the Perplexity, a mysterious and deadly proving ground that exists to this day on the grounds of the Lorespire Complex. And you all call me extreme!

  • Lanrah, No personal data known other than her gender.

    SFS 1-25:
    In 160 AG, the Starfinder Society Forum elected Lanrah to the position of First Seeker. Lanrah made it her mission to solve the Gap. The results of this unachievable mission were disastrous for the Society, and after only 2 years, Lanrah had expended much of the Society's capital and resources in foolish missions that cost the lives of countless Starfinder field agents. Her death saw the coming of a tumultuous time for the Society, which took the organization almost 10 years to fully recover from. She was a gal after my own heart!

  • Roheas, No personal data known. Roheas, a First Seeker from early in the Society's existence, was focused on making the most of available resources, protecting pre-Drift civilizations, and later on, starship advancements. I like them mainly because they spent so much time upgrading the Starfinder fleet, which gave you all better ships to explore the unknown with, and to use to blow up space sharks. Ba-ba-boom!

    Sources: SFS 1-08, SFS 1-25, Pact Worlds, and the PaizoCon 2019 SFS GM boon.

  • Manifold Host 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

    "I don't know who we'll get as candidates! John Compton revealed on Starfinder Wednesday that he does not want to bias our voting by giving us previews before we all get to do do missions with them in person. I just know that I want someone who will keep welcoming newcomers to the Society!" Charli bounces up and down.

    "Oh, and whichever one of you wins, I hope you'll serve Poshkettle Tea at your victory celebration!"

    Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

    The nominating process was rigged I tell ya. A white Ysoki in a blue and orange suit says nursing a Starfinder Society branded flask from his cheek.

    Not even this "Luwazi Elsebo Special Edition" Gin is cheering me up. These candidates won't even hold a candle to Mama Luwazi. I'm not bitter YOU'RE bitter He yells at no one in particular.

    I wonder what they'll have us get up to...*HIC*

    Wayfinders 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

    4 people marked this as a favorite.

    "I hope Lezosk is rotting in hell."

    Exo-Guardians 5/5

    5 people marked this as a favorite.
    Lyther Welwin wrote:
    "I hope Lezosk is rotting in hell."

    "Hey bud. I know it hurts. I try to stay away from sharp objects these days. But Mr. Lezosk probably didn't intend all that to happen, you know?"

    Wayfinders 3/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    Zoggy Grav wrote:
    Lyther Welwin wrote:
    "I hope Lezosk is rotting in hell."
    "Hey bud. I know it hurts. I try to stay away from sharp objects these days. But Mr. Lezosk probably didn't intend all that to happen, you know?"

    "I just want to find out why. I've petitioned Naiaj to send me in again. I'm hoping she'll let me.

    The gnome scratches the tattoo on novs shoulder, then sighs deeply and addresses novs peers.

    "I want us to have a leader who can help us recover, personally and Society-wide. I want us to have a leader with the heart of Luwazi and the drive of Jadnura. I want us to have a leader who loves and cares for the agents we have, and who is willing to protect the vulnerable. I don't know who that could be, but I want to help such a person.."

    Exo-Guardians 5/5

    Stella Hamill wrote:
    Zoggy Grav wrote:
    Lyther Welwin wrote:
    "I hope Lezosk is rotting in hell."
    "Hey bud. I know it hurts. I try to stay away from sharp objects these days. But Mr. Lezosk probably didn't intend all that to happen, you know?"
    "I just want to find out why. I've petitioned Naiaj to send me in again. I'm hoping she'll let me.

    "Okay. Maybe we can go in together. I don't want anyone to get hurt again. Last time I knocked a lot of things over before, you know."


    "I want us to have a leader who can help us recover, personally and Society-wide. I want us to have a leader with the heart of Luwazi and the drive of Jadnura. I want us to have a leader who loves and cares for the agents we have, and who is willing to protect the vulnerable. I don't know who that could be, but I want to help such a person.."

    "I don't know much about politics, but I just want a boss who doesn't get blown up or stranded in remote places all the time."

    Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) 1/5 5/55/5

    4 people marked this as a favorite.

    A wary ryphorian wearing a black band around one arm stands up.
    "I'm tired of the Starfinder Society playing defense. I want to revisit the glory of olden days, when we were explorers, scientists, and adventurers. First into the unknown! That was us, right?
    Too long have we been reacting. We've been Rescuers reacting to the Jinsuls, or PR Agents reacting to...whatever is behind this bad publicity. I'm tired of the galaxy leaving its mark on us; I want to leave our mark on the galaxy! I want a leader who will make the rest of the galaxy look at the Society and think, yeah, those froods really have their towels about them!"

    He pauses to scratch his chin for a moment, looking up in thought.
    "...although it does sound like I'm describing Jadnura. So, that, but - let's make sure there's no godshields this time, shall we?"


    "I want us to have a leader who can help us recover, personally and Society-wide. I want us to have a leader with the heart of Luwazi and the drive of Jadnura. I want us to have a leader who loves and cares for the agents we have, and who is willing to protect the vulnerable. I don't know who that could be, but I want to help such a person.."

    Zach sighed as he heard his fellow Wayfinder speak he was right behind her leaning against a post, after shaking out his fiery red and orange hair he addressed the gnome "I have to agree with you...I remember the episode of live exploration extreme i did...or the ghost ship and just...I think about my parents and this galaxy needs heroes the stewards are too caught up in bureaucracy and cant be everywhere at once...maybe it's time for us to live up to the ideals of the ancient organization we based ourselves explorers and adventurers and do some real good for the galaxy as a whole...we have the numbers and means now after all"

    Paizo Employee 5/55/5 *

    What a marvelous chance we have to show the Pact Worlds what we're all about! I'm going to make sure to get selfies with each of the candidates!

    Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) 5/55/5

    "I think we need someone with the heart of Luwazi, the drive of Jadnura, the media savvy of Zo!, and the brains... Well, the brains of someone really really really smart. I happily followed Seeker Elsebo to the Scoured Stars and would gladly do so again. But with all these rumors, we need someone willing and able to keep our momentum going and get these gonzo journalists off our backs."

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