Using spells as a Wild Order Druid


Most battles I will most likely spend the first turn wild shaping into my form of choice.

How can I use spells to make my wild order druid most useful to the team.

What kind of stats should I use as a Wild Order Druid? What should I put the 18 into? Wisdom? Possibly 14 strength to get form control at level 4?

For the early levels should I be casting spells for a round or 2 before wild shaping? I don't think I can self-buff then wild-shape.

How can I best use spells in and out of combat as a wild order druid?

I wanted to go 18 STR and then 16 con or wis (For a wild order druid). However for druid it says key ability is wisdom so I'm forced to go max 16 str?

For this type of Druid what is the best way to use my spells? I'll have to use my animal form/ dinoform spells until level 8 in which then I can use focus points to wild shape.

Before that I can't use any forms via focus points I believe. Just wild morph early levels. Where do spend my focus spells/points before I get level 8 ferocious shape?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Crexis wrote:

I wanted to go 18 STR and then 16 con or wis (For a wild order druid). However for druid it says key ability is wisdom so I'm forced to go max 16 str?

For this type of Druid what is the best way to use my spells? I'll have to use my animal form/ dinoform spells until level 8 in which then I can use focus points to wild shape.

Before that I can't use any forms via focus points I believe. Just wild morph early levels. Where do spend my focus spells/points before I get level 8 ferocious shape?

Yes, your max starting strength is 16 because your class can't boost it.

I don't understand your focus point question. You can cast wild morph and get claws (1d6 S agile, finesse) at level one, since you have Wild Shape. This is probably a good use of your focus points until you hit level 3 (getting 2nd level spells) and can cast wild shape for animal form.

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I'm doing a storm/wild druid. With the plan typically to blast with spells in the first round and then wild shape/wild morph. Wild morph can still use spells for times when I have more and think I'll need them, there's that option.

Out of combat, you want any utility spells, but if you're all in on animal forms you probably don't need fly/movement type spells (if you have form control/etc to extend their duration).

I'm curious if the Dragon Form (which allows manipulation) can do the sustain rider on Storm Lord (spells can definitely be sustained in battle forms, but normally you can't trigger manipulate actions that might be an option on sustain)

You don't need to boost your strength, as your wild shaped form will have specific bonuses to hit and damage independent of your stats. Better to go with Dex for reflex saves and Con for HP/fortitude and just cast cantrips or do a d6 flat with claws until you get to level 3.

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A STR boosted wild druid, with the +2 bonus you get can stay ahead of the native to hit bonuses and is allowed to use them.

Yeah for many levels your attack roll is higher if you start with 16 strength vs the wild shaped form.

How bout wisdom and con/dex which would you guys recommend I grab.

IF i took storm retribution 6th level feat.
"You lash out, directing a burst of storming fury toward a creature that has harmed you. You cast tempest surge on the triggering opponent and push that creature, moving it 5 feet away from you if it fails its Reflex save, or 10 feet if it critically fails. This movement is forced movement. "

Can I use this reaction if I'm in wild shape form? Via spell OR wild shape (ferocious shape)?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Crexis wrote:

Most battles I will most likely spend the first turn wild shaping into my form of choice.

How can I use spells to make my wild order druid most useful to the team.

What kind of stats should I use as a Wild Order Druid? What should I put the 18 into? Wisdom? Possibly 14 strength to get form control at level 4?

For the early levels should I be casting spells for a round or 2 before wild shaping? I don't think I can self-buff then wild-shape.

How can I best use spells in and out of combat as a wild order druid?

16 str is a must imo. In wild shape a druid can have a higher attack bonus as quickly as the level after its lowest caster level for the spell with level appropriate handwraps and maxed str.

18 wis can help with perception so you can go early on combat. A low dex will lead to a low ac out of wild shape form. Also a wild druid may need to fall back on spells if they are not given a chance to refocus after each battle. I would have liked to have see wild druids able to choose str over wis as a class stat but this didn't happen.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

On another note fighter with druid dedication will gain legendary unarmed prof and the +2 wild shape attack bouns. They also can have an 18 str at level one and there would be no need, outside will saves, for wis if you don't want to worry about spell casting. You will just end up with animal form for most of your fighter career.

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