Alchemist bandoliers

Rules Discussion

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Do bandoliers let you use elixirs and alchemist tools with the same action it takes to draw them?


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Page 287: "A bandolier can be dedicated to a full set of tools, such as healer’s tools, allowing you to draw the tools as part of the action that requires them."

So no on elixirs and yes to tools as long as it's one bandolier per set of tools.

Page 287: "Bandolier: A bandolier holds up to eight items of light
Bulk within easy reach and is usually used for alchemical
items or potions."

I would say yes to elixirs since they fall under alchemical tools in chapter 11.

Emizzon27 wrote:

Page 287: "Bandolier: A bandolier holds up to eight items of light

Bulk within easy reach and is usually used for alchemical
items or potions."

I would say yes to elixirs since they fall under alchemical tools in chapter 11.

It requires it be "dedicated to a full set of tools". IMO, elixirs aren't "a full set of tools" or even a "set of tools".

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I think there's a language mismatch here. A bandolier can be used for either:

* A full set of tools, such as a set of alchemist's tools, or

* Up to eight items of light bulk or less, such as potions of alchemical items.

The mismatch is that the game both has "Alchemist's tools", which is a specific piece of gear representing the whole toolkit used by alchemists, and "Alchemical tools", which is a category of alchemical items and consists of consumables you make via alchemy but which you don't drink - things like sunrods and smokesticks.

So yes, unless you've filled your bandolier with your alchemist's toolkit, you can use it for things like sunrods.

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