Animal Companion Confusion

Rules Discussion

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I've got a couple questions from trying to make a ranger with an animal companion. First, specifically with the ranger, their animal companion also gains the benefits of their Hunter's Edge so if they had the Precision Edge (which does additional precision damage on the first attack you hit with in a round) can both the ranger and companion trigger it in the same round?

A second question, there seems to be an error with either heavy barding or the AC item bonus cap for companions. Under the rules for companions it states they can not get more than a +2 item bonus to AC, yet heavy barding gives a +3 bonus and the dex cap seems to be balanced around the whole bonus applying. Is there something I am missing here?

Sovereign Court

Sure, it works. Probably even more evidence of it, that a feat upgrades the hunter edge of your animal companion to the master version later on if you pick it.

As for the heavy barding, you aren't missing anything. Animal companions are still trained in Barding, so they enjoy the proficiency bonus.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Eltacolibre wrote:

Sure, it works. Probably even more evidence of it, that a feat upgrades the hunter edge of your animal companion to the master version later on if you pick it.

As for the heavy barding, you aren't missing anything. Animal companions are still trained in Barding, so they enjoy the proficiency bonus.

It has nothing to do with proficiency. AC bonus in armor is an item bonus (page 274). Heavy Barding gives an AC bonus of +3 (page 295 on the bottom). Animal companions can get a maximum item bonus to ac of +2 (page 214).

What this means is heavy barding only fully works for animals that are not companions. They can get +3. Animal companions only get 2/3 the benefit. I am not sure if that is intended but that item bonus rule is causing all sorts of issues (such as magic fang not working on them).

I had the same question on edge. Seems powerful when the companion also gets precision bonus. Also can Hunt Prey be chosen new each round in combat?

I think as long as you spend the action you can change it all you want. Just remember that you lose it on the old target when you designate a new prey.

Grand Lodge

Velisruna wrote:

I've got a couple questions from trying to make a ranger with an animal companion. First, specifically with the ranger, their animal companion also gains the benefits of their Hunter's Edge so if they had the Precision Edge (which does additional precision damage on the first attack you hit with in a round) can both the ranger and companion trigger it in the same round?

A second question, there seems to be an error with either heavy barding or the AC item bonus cap for companions. Under the rules for companions it states they can not get more than a +2 item bonus to AC, yet heavy barding gives a +3 bonus and the dex cap seems to be balanced around the whole bonus applying. Is there something I am missing here?

A recent errata changed the +2 bonus cap to +3


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