Deaths Adorable Apprentice |

I have a wizard among my players and they are wanting to make a few items for the small colony they are part of. My party is only level 3 at the moment. The items they want to make are not for combat but for the NPC's to use. I am running them though the Ruin's of Azlant AP and they do not have access to really anything but the tiny colony they are working on building so my wonderful players are really invested in the colony and I love that.
I have no clue how to price these items but I really love that they are wanting to get this involved so I kind of want them to get to make these things. Please help!
The first is what they are calling 'the hoe of crop rotation'. At the moment it is gonna be fairly simple. She wants spells like Expeditious Excavation and Expeditious Construction. They are wanting it to be able to till the ground for farming. Later when more levels and more money has been gain they want to add some spells like plant growth.
Another one is being called the 'Woodsman Axe'. They want it be able to cut though the hardness of a tree quicker and possibly ease the physical exhaustion that chopping down trees gets you.
The others are gonna be a little later as the spells are not avalible yet. One is carpentry tools with 'Wood Shape'. The goal is to make it easier or faster to build things.
Along with eventually something with Stone Shape to make it easier on the stone masons.
And something for the same thing with the blacksmith. Possibly with spells like crafters fortune

OmniMage |
Magic items can be pricey. I don't think that your level 3 PCs are going to be able to make anything fancy. Not yet at least. Level 3 PCs should have 3000 gp according to the wealth by level table. A simple magic item that gives +5 bonus to a given skill is 2500 gp (5 * 5 * 100 gp). Maybe you could make a +1 to skill magic item, which would be 100 gp.
Use activated magic items start at 2000 gp. 1 (spell level) * 1 (caster level) * 2000 gp = 2000 gp. You could try giving the items charges per day to reduce the cost. You could reduce the cost by a factor of 5, by giving them 1 charge per day, making them 400 gp. You could also further reduce the cost by making them command word instead of use activated (360 gp vs 400 gp).
The PCs will likely find that consumables are the only things they can afford to make.