Late Night Forum with Vidmaster7

Off-Topic Discussions

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Hmm Looks like Onyx path is redoing Abberant. I am excite.

The Exchange

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I lost my wallet and had to do all the necessary calling up to cancel cards. Luckily the cards have not been used since the last time I saw my wallet.

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Just a Mort wrote:
I lost my wallet and had to do all the necessary calling up to cancel cards. Luckily the cards have not been used since the last time I saw my wallet.

That sucks. I'm glad you found out before any serious harm was done. Hopefully, it will be found by someone with a conscious and will be returned to you intact.

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Lost wallets are horrible. Good luck.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
So we had session 0 for my all 18's game. I swear to you all that they all tried to play a bard. after some convincing the party is now 1 brawler 1 sorcerer 2 rogues and we have one more TBA.

I vote bard.

We had an all bard party for Skull and Shackles.

They walked over EVERYTHING.

Scarab Sages

The forum acting up hasnt let me access my PbP games since yesterday. Its annoying.

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Captain Yesterday wrote:

We had an all bard party for Skull and Shackles.

They walked over EVERYTHING

Did they also stop every few minutes or so to recap their adventures so far in perfect six-part harmony?

That would have been astounding.

Just a Mort wrote:
I lost my wallet and had to do all the necessary calling up to cancel cards. Luckily the cards have not been used since the last time I saw my wallet.

Happened to me once. It sucked.

Vanykrye wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
So we had session 0 for my all 18's game. I swear to you all that they all tried to play a bard. after some convincing the party is now 1 brawler 1 sorcerer 2 rogues and we have one more TBA.
I vote bard.

Really one of them could of stayed bard. preferably one of the rogues. I have no doubt a party of bards could work well. I just didn't want to turn this game into a musical.

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Yay! Bards are my favorite!! Their blood is fortified with glitter!!!

Why do I not have a OOTS alias. I feel shame.


Order of the Stick.

You know where Banjo is from.

Never heard of it.

Shut up, Elan. I'm Bluffing.

gran rey de los mono wrote:

Never heard of it.

Shut up, Elan. I'm Bluffing.

You almost freaked me out. Just completely blew my mind.

And your mind is all I'm going to blow.

Well you went and made it weird gran.

That's my job.

Speaking of which, we need to talk. I haven't received my paycheck for making it weird. You need to pay up or I'll have to sue.

You done lost your $%&@ mind.

No I haven't. I know just where it is. It's in a jar in my closet. Right next to my empathy. I really have no need for either.

So does empathy come from the heart instead of the head then?

Deep philosophical question there.

As far as I can tell, it comes from the tonsils. That why I have none.

Can't be. I had my tonsils out as well.

Mandibular second molars then.

Could be I still have those. It's for sure not Gall bladder.

Yeah, I still have that.

And just to be clear, by "that" I mean your gall bladder.

Creepy but your welcome to keep it. It didn't work out for me.

The Exchange

I also made these on Sunday, inspired by this

It's a Mort.

That looks good Mort. Green peppers onions Mushroom and some sort of cheese?

A sort of mushroom burger, with the bun replaced with mushrooms? Good idea!

The Exchange

Green peppers and onion on stir fried chicken breast. I was rather conservative on the spices used as I just wanted to keep it simple as I wanted my mom to be able to sample some(she doesn't care for most western spices).

The burger looked rather stacked and also I had other things on my mind(like my missing wallet) so I didn't top it up with raw tomatoes else I think it would look even nicer.

Also since the mushroom was rather plain, maybe next time I will add garlic onto it along with salt and black pepper.

Cheese could be another idea. But I don't want to buy a packet of cheddar just for a one off experiment.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
It's a Mort.

Anyone else read this in Rowan Atkinson's voice from Rat Race?

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FYI random thought from Saturday;

If you're going to be build a house in Florida...there's no way you can do a crawl space in low lying areas without the house sinking. Thus the first hour and half of Crawl makes no sense otherwise.

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You can just read all my posts in Rowan Atkinson's voice.

Thomas Seitz wrote:

FYI random thought from Saturday;

If you're going to be build a house in Florida...there's no way you can do a crawl space in low lying areas without the house sinking. Thus the first hour and half of Crawl makes no sense otherwise.

I'll just not live in Florida.

Just a Mort wrote:

Green peppers and onion on stir fried chicken breast. I was rather conservative on the spices used as I just wanted to keep it simple as I wanted my mom to be able to sample some(she doesn't care for most western spices).

The burger looked rather stacked and also I had other things on my mind(like my missing wallet) so I didn't top it up with raw tomatoes else I think it would look even nicer.

Also since the mushroom was rather plain, maybe next time I will add garlic onto it along with salt and black pepper.

Cheese could be another idea. But I don't want to buy a packet of cheddar just for a one off experiment.

Hmm Low carb too. I may have to see If I can find mushrooms locally that are big enough to make a burger out of.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:

You can just read all my posts in Rowan Atkinson's voice.

His Mr. Bean voice?

I was thinking more 4th season black adder.

Nah. I don't think I can allow that.

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And you shall be voiced by Hugh Laurie but season 2 Black Adder Hugh Laurie.

Nah, I'm definitely a Baldrick.

Yeah you right.

The Exchange

It is low carb. Pretty much Paleo/even Keto if you're headed that direction. I was thinking of an eggplant prawn sub but I think I'll work more on my shroom burgers first.

But man they're not cheap. Because portobello mushrooms cost $4.95 per box to make 2 burgers.

Eh I have doubts about Paleo diet.

You, who look more like Captain Caveman than any of us? ;)

I do too. I have doubts about all of them, tbh, though my other half is very fond of keto.

Yeah look how old I look and I'm only 30! How good could the Paleo diet be good for someone?

keto replaces sugar's right? That one may be more promising.

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