Claxon |
Yeah, you've not given us much to go on. It this a link from a Paizo web page?
There are certainly still two major sources of rules for PF1, and These two have pretty much always been the major online rules source for PF1, aside from when Paizo had hosted the rules on their website. A while back they actually announced that Archives of Nethys, aonprd, was becoming the official rules source host.
Michael Sayre Organized Play Developer |
A while back they actually announced that Archives of Nethys, aonprd, was becoming the official rules source host.
Archives of Nethys is the official rules source host, yes.
It's possible that if the OP has a link they saved somewhere, or that was hyperlinked into a document that hasn't been updated, what's happening is that they click the link and instead of being routed to our in-house PRD (which we no longer host) they're being redirected to the main landing page for the site, which obviously has a lot of PF2 links and banners. This is the site you want to go to if you're looking for our official rules source host.
Claxon |
Okay, I think I understand the problem now.
Kevil wants to purchase the first edition rulebooks from Paizo.
Following any of the links they've posted, takes you only to the pre-order page for PF2. Trying the links that even specify first edition rule books still ends up taking you to the PF2 pre-order page. So it looks like the link is just pointing to the wrong page.
Brian Bauman Software Developer |