Xexyz |
One of the PCs in my game has been periodically scried on by the BBEG and is kind of powerless to stop it because the BBEG has several locks of her hair. Obviously, mind blank and non-detection are options, but the player is rightly concerned her character's hair might be used for other nefarious purposes and wanted to research of there was a way to protect herself. She knows a very powerful wizard who would likely know of such a spell and would be willing to share it with her (for a price).
So, here's my spell idea: The spell would destroy any body parts/effects that are not attached to the caster. The spell would have unlimited range and work across planes. Necromancy seems to be the most appropriate school, but I don't know what level such a spell would be. The effect itself isn't overly strong, but the fact I want it to work over an unlimited distance would make me think it would be around 5th level or so.
What do you guys think?
TheGreatWot |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Biological Singularity
School necromancy, Level sorcerer/wizard 5
Casting Time 1 standard action
Range unlimited
Target 1 living creature
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Will negates, Spell Resistance no
This spell disintegrates any body part of the target creature that isn't currently attached to its body. The body parts immediately turn to dust and cannot be restored short of a miracle or wish spell. Unattended parts receive no save, while parts in the possession of another creature use that creature's will save bonus to negate the effect. This spell also destroys clones and simulacra of the creature- clones use their creator's will save bonus, and simulacra use their own save bonus. In order to destroy a clone or simulacra, either the original creature or the clone/simulacrum can be targeted with this spell. Note that if a living creature dies and its soul transfers to its clone, the clone is no longer subject to this spell.
Xexyz |
Biological Singularity
School necromancy, Level sorcerer/wizard 5
Casting Time 1 standard action
Range unlimited
Target 1 living creature
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Will negates, Spell Resistance noThis spell disintegrates any body part of the target creature that isn't currently attached to its body. The body parts immediately turn to dust and cannot be restored short of a miracle or wish spell. Unattended parts receive no save, while parts in the possession of another creature use that creature's will save bonus to negate the effect. This spell also destroys clones and simulacra of the creature- clones use their creator's will save bonus, and simulacra use their own save bonus. In order to destroy a clone or simulacra, either the original creature or the clone/simulacrum can be targeted with this spell. Note that if a living creature dies and its soul transfers to its clone, the clone is no longer subject to this spell.
Hmm, I like it except I would want the spell to not have a save. Should probably bump it up to 6th, then.
Kayerloth |
Consider making its target "Personal". Makes range irrelevant. Also tones down the power of the spell, which is potent for a level 5 (or even 6)
I'd make the caster responsible for knowing 'what's gone missing' especially in light of a lack of save and level of the spell. The spell is very powerful if you don't have to be aware of what's been lost or if used offensively i.e. destroy some opposing mage's clones, for example, preemptively.
What happens when the astral body of an astrally projected creature is targeted (if the range remains something other than personal)? Is the material plane body destroyed?
Not sure this belongs in Necromancy but *shrug*.
Also while not new spells there are Detect Scrying, Private Sanctum and False Vision to block, baffle or discover ongoing scrying and Discern Location to find her hairs etc., that are being used to make the scrying easier. And while only 10min/lvl Spell Immunity would provide immunity for the duration.
That said the concept of the spell is excellent.
OmniMage |
Having something that makes scrying easier is a valuable asset. It could have been a lot of work to acquire those bits of hair. Having a spell that could simply destroy such items might be unfair, all things considered. I'm thinking that maybe a spell that destroys such stuff anywhere and everywhere should have expensive material component cost.
Zepheri |
Biological Singularity
School necromancy, Level sorcerer/wizard 5
Casting Time 1 standard action
Range unlimited
Target 1 living creature
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Will negates, Spell Resistance noThis spell disintegrates any body part of the target creature that isn't currently attached to its body. The body parts immediately turn to dust and cannot be restored short of a miracle or wish spell. Unattended parts receive no save, while parts in the possession of another creature use that creature's will save bonus to negate the effect. This spell also destroys clones and simulacra of the creature- clones use their creator's will save bonus, and simulacra use their own save bonus. In order to destroy a clone or simulacra, either the original creature or the clone/simulacrum can be targeted with this spell. Note that if a living creature dies and its soul transfers to its clone, the clone is no longer subject to this spell.
To much power I will put this spell in lv 7 to 8 because is more powerful than a disintegrate and what more destroy copies whit no save
Goth Guru |
Voodoo Boomerang
School: Abjuration/illusion, Level sorcerer/wizard 5
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: unlimited
Target: 1 living creature
Duration: concentration
Saving Throw: Will negates, Spell Resistance: no
The spell recipient must be under some mental influence such as a voodoo doll, scrying, hipnosis, ect. If they only think they are under some hostile mental connection, this spell automatically disrupts that belief.
If a voodoo doll is involved, and the attacker fails the save, they believe the doll animates and tries to stick pins in them. They have to keep saving till they sever the connection or the spell caster stops concentrating.
If scrying is involved, and the spell recipient is the target, perhaps if the scryer has something of the scrying target's, then a failed save means they start scrying on themselves.
A simulacrum will simply go uncontrolled if their creator fails a save. The snow twin will probably turn on their creator and seek a wish spell to make them real. They will do these things in a manner most convenient and pleasing to them. A simulacrum of a paladin would go right to the church seeking both penance and a miracle, for example.
Dasrak |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Remotely destroying an object from without even knowing where it is (or even whether it exists at all) or what protection it is under is quite frankly beyond the normal scope of magic in Pathfinder. And given the scope of high-level magic, that's saying something. What you're describing is "Wish" territory, in my view. And even then if the body part in question is an attended object the owner should get a save to avoid it being destroyed.
Kayerloth |
Current thoughts (as I do like the idea):
The remotely destroying outright is the most problematic portion of the spell.
-You need to know and be intimately familiar with what is missing.
-Can only target one item with each casting. A lock of hair or string of pearls is one item.
-The spell should not cross planar boundaries. Or if it does any saves to prevent the spell working should be buffed.
-If the missing items/body parts, if attended, definitely allow a saving throw by the current possessor.
-More details on what sort of protections can be used against the spell.
-What if any partial effects occur if the save vs the spell is made.
Perhaps it needs to be tackled from a different angle. What if while being scried upon by another caster who is using said body part or object that is when the spell comes into effect? A sort of blend of Detect Scrying and Contingency. Win an opposed caster level check then you can inflict damage/potentially destroy the item(s) or part(s) they are using to help scry on you.
Goth Guru |
Current thoughts (as I do like the idea):
The remotely destroying outright is the most problematic portion of the spell.
-You need to know and be intimately familiar with what is missing.
-Can only target one item with each casting. A lock of hair or string of pearls is one item.
-The spell should not cross planar boundaries. Or if it does any saves to prevent the spell working should be buffed.
-If the missing items/body parts, if attended, definitely allow a saving throw by the current possessor.
-More details on what sort of protections can be used against the spell.
-What if any partial effects occur if the save vs the spell is made.Perhaps it needs to be tackled from a different angle. What if while being scried upon by another caster who is using said body part or object that is when the spell comes into effect? A sort of blend of Detect Scrying and Contingency. Win an opposed caster level check then you can inflict damage/potentially destroy the item(s) or part(s) they are using to help scry on you.
The planar boundaries thing is problematic for me. Why then can the attacker attack across planar boundaries?
Kayerloth |
Basically I agree. Very few spells 'attack' or work across planar boundaries. But there are exceptions, particularly where the interaction occurs with the ethereal or another of the transitive planes.
In this case Scry and Greater Scrying both allow the caster to scry on someone on another plane and that creature gets a +5 on its Will save to resist the attempt. And that is precisely why the OP was trying to come up with a new defense/counter, for when the scrier had some personal item or part in their possession to use against them (specifically a lock of hair).
Further I lean heavily towards making the spell 'Personal', regardless of how it were to function overall.
Kayerloth |
Sever the Mystic Bonds
School Abjuration: Bard 5, Sor/Wiz 7
Casting Time 10 minutes
Components V,S,M(cold iron scissors and a miniature hearing trumpet),F(small statuette of you worth 1,500 gp)
Range 60ft
Area 60ft-radius emanation centered on you
Duration 24 hours
Saving Throw None; Spell Resistance No
You become immediately aware of any attempt to observe you by means of a divination(scrying) spell or effect. The spell area radiates from you and moves as you move. You learn of and know the location of any scrying sensors within the area of the spells effect.
If the scrying attempt originates within the area, you also know its location; otherwise, you and the scrier immediately make opposed caster level checks (1d20 + caster level). If you at least match the scrier's result, you get a visual image of the scrier and an accurate sense of his direction and distance from you if on the same plane of existence and if not you know they are on another plane of existence but do not get a precise location. If on another plane of existence the scrier gains a +4 to his caster level check. Further you become aware if the scrier is using any connections with you to aid in his scrying and if you won the caster level check elect to sever those connections to you negating those connections (picture, possessions, garment(s), body part(s), lock of hair, finger nails, blood or similar) and their ability to aid the scrier. Those connections no longer have a mystical bond with you and may no longer be used to aid in scrying attempts against you by this scrier or any other scrying attempts. This severing of the connection is permanent but does not prevent the use of other connections against you in future attempts to scry upon your person.
Thoughts, critiques?