Frog shifter Tongue???

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Okay so frog shifter got the tongue ability at up to 30 feet reach. Do any opponent grappled by the tongue always has to be yanked right next to our somewhat vulnerable hero or can I be an absolute jerk and perform grapple combat maneuver at a safe distance? If it works like frog do monsters arent auto pulled so to use a feat like neck slicer id have to move to them or use the pull feature wich for some reason is missing from our dear shifter.

Note that performing the move grapple maneuver would likely still allow me to closr the distance while dealing damage. Likeeise since I aint grappled myself id guess I could just move around as a regular move actions

You're still grappling them, and thus you still have to move them to an adjacent square. The "move to an adjacent square" rule exists specifically to deal with unusual means of grappling from afar, so it'd be strange to not apply it here barring specific text to the contrary.

Dark Archive

As soon as you grapple they get yanked into an adjacent square. Same way a constructed pugilist does

Does that mean that you would be forced to let go of an enemy that you just grabbed if you are surrounded by other creatures on all sides and there is thus no adjacent square that the enemy can be pulled into?

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To quote the rules : If you successfully grapple a creature that is not adjacent to you, move that creature to an adjacent open space ( if no space is available, your grapple fails).
Not even within your reach, mind you, but adjacent. If you can't make them "come here", they don't move at all.

Grapple with reach gets weird fast.
Constructed pugilist being the reachiest, I believe, but there are a few other options, none of which are all that clearer.

I've also looked into the tongue and grab rules to see of theres much leeway. I found little. If you can't you don't.

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