Searching for new PC's for ongoing steampunk game!


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I've been running this game for a few years now, and as it goes in the world of play-by-post, we've lost contact with some players. I'm opening a new recruitment here for some fresh PC's from folks interested in a built-from-the-ground-up steampunk setting. Our currently active players are:

  • Abel the Wanderer. Monk/Soulknife.
  • Seraphina Firedancer. Oracle.
  • Jean Guy-Roth. Technician (Akin to a gunslinger)

    I'll consider more than one submission if I like more than one enough.

    Here's the long and short of the campaign set-up:

    The set-up:
    The isolationist island nation of Calweld holds the titular festival every three years. On the surface it is a longstanding celebration to both honor family and friends who have passed on, and to ward off angry spirits of less reputable individuals. Colorful outfits with masks, treats and entertainment are all available for the commonfolk to enjoy. The forest within the Capital is closed off for the three day duration. For the safety of the people you see. Hoodlums can get rowdy after all.
    Underneath, it’s also an excuse for the local nobility to jockey for power. You see, when the Festival of the Damned was created, the ruling families agreed to the festival as a twisted, yet fair way to decide which houses would get to increase their influence and control of the nation. The competitions would predominantly take place within the Irewood. And when I say “competitions” I mean “people are hired in groups of 4 or 5 and go around killing each other while regular civilians are left none the wiser.” Well not always killing, but that's beside the point. The point is that, for whatever reason (detailed in your potential bio preferably) you were picked from either the island itself, or are one of the lucky few who were permitted into the territory for the time of the festival. Sometimes merchants with a bit of pull in the right places can get an invitation. Others may simply be in the right place at the right time.
    The PC's have been recruited by The Ainsworth noble house to represent them during this years official activities. The Island itself has focused more on the development of technology than magic, as such the tech level is quite a bit higher than your average medieval society. There will be factories. And guns. I’m debating on whether or not there will be blood, brawl, or airships. Think steampunk. Maybe a little magitech.


  • 25 Point-buy. Two traits. I'd like for them to fit the character.
    Background skill system from the Unchained book is in use.
    Automatic bonus progression is as well.
  • Only outright banned alignments are NE, and CE. I’d need to look over and approve any CN, or LE characters. I’d be more lenient with Chaotic Neutral, but the stereotypes are all too real.
  • A general Gentlefolks agreement on certain things. The shortlist is:
    No PvP unless all involved players want to do it, lemme know ahead of time too. I may want to have some fun with it.

  • Guns everywhere rules. To tie into the steampunk atmosphere. These will instead of targeting touch AC work off of a Penetration rating system.
    Penetration Rating:

    This rating is equal to one quarter (rounded up) of the damage die of the weapon. So, a revolver dealing 1d8 ignores 2 points of armor, a rifle ignores 3, a small sized revolver (dealing 1d6) would still ignore 2 AC, but a small rifle only ignores 2, etc... When a misfire occurs, the superior make of a masterwork gun means that the misfire value only increases by 1. It would be a standard action to fix when a gun is broken from a misfire. This effect doesn't stack with the similar effect from Gun Training. Also, due to the availability of advanced firearms, their price is 10% normal value listed in the firearm table, and regular ammunition as well. However, due to government regulation, you will be known about by at least one of the three major houses.

  • All first party classes are allowed. Anti-Paladin would be Lawful Evil only, in this case. I’m happy to allow third-party material as well, I just require any prospective players to give me access to it, and I’ll allow them on a case by case basis. I reserve the right to reverse this decision after a period of gameplay. As a protip; try to avoid things that require me to learn a new system. That’s not a hard “no” mind you, it would just be extra effort on my part. The Rogue and Summoner are replaced with their younger, cooler siblings from Unchained. Pick your favorite between the Monk and unchained counterpart, and only original Barbarian allowed.
  • Common, Uncommon, and featured races are allowed too. The most prominent races of the nation of Calweld are the core races, and the tiefling.
  • Spheres of Power/Might system is allowed.
  • Level 4. Average Gold. Full HP first level. Roll others.
  • In general? If you want to try something weird, just ask. I’m pretty open, but I’ll admit I have my hang-ups. Let’s see what we can come up with through the power of jolly co-operation.

    This setting also comes complete with a homebrewed pantheon. 23 of those suck-a-ducks for you to check out with your eyeholes.

    If you have other questions, feel free to check out the campaign info tab for more. It comes complete with NPC's the party has met, and other random tidbits that are admittedly incomplete.

    Extra homebrew race options:
    These four races are a little something I came up with and are available for use if one so desires.




    And lastly of course, I don't expect anyone to memorize any of the lore I'm presenting before they enter a character. Just consider them options if you're like me, and like to dig through setting information. If there's anything you'd like to know, you're free to ask.

  • I'm interested! Will have a think about a character and write something up shortly.

    Hmm Steampunk... sound interesting. Maybe a swashbuckler... or a alchemist.


    I'll try to post a concept later today.

    Dot. How long will you be keeping recruitment up?


    So, here's a background and character sheet for a character based on the Iron Chef archetype and template from path of might.

    I didn't select any item with the average money for level 4, except a "revolver w/ 20 bullets". If selected, I'll properly purchase magical and mundane items.


    It has been a hard journey so far, the Harry reflects while pouring oil into the wok, but none of that matters anymore because today, it is the new, new ultimate first step to glory!


    It all began as other histories begin. Mommy orc, met daddy human. Mommy immediately awestruck by daddy chased after him for days, weeks, months. Daddy maybe finally moved by her insistence or maybe just tired, gave in to her charms, thus, about 10 months later little orc was born… and immediately dumped into an orphanage, since daddy had already fled far and wide, and mommy couldn’t wait a day more to chase after him.

    Thus, the hastily named Harry (the father’s name) Boulevard (where they met) Pimpleton (because she thinks it sounds cool) was born and abandoned.

    Fast forward many years, big boy Harry manages to become a blacksmith apprentice, but while to hammer steel was fun, he always thought that making food would probably be better, since he could eat as much as he wanted of the food made himself.
    Thus, the self-graduated blacksmith, forged on, on the path of the self taught Iron Chef!

    Fast forward another couple of years, fights, booze, troubles and past enemies, Harry B. Pimpleton arrives in island nation of Calweld for a new beginning!

    His first target: One of the tree major houses. A first step to glory.
    Objectives: Become the family master chef.
    His dream: Become the legendary cook!
    The result: A door slammed on his face before he could even make his pitch.

    His second target: The Golden Tap. A new, new first step to glory.
    Objectives: Become the cook.
    His dream: Become a legendary master cook!
    The result: A door slammed on his face and his cooking utensils thrown into the street.

    Isn’t me fault they can’t appreciate me cuisine’s beauty!

    His third target: Oberton Veldtstein Amphitheatre. A new, new, super first step to glory.
    Objectives: To earn money for his own expenses.
    His dream: Become a legendary master cook!
    The result: A week throw in jail for disturbing the “public peace”.

    Little did he knew that his chance would come from being a busybody. Soon after leaving jail, fortunately with his cooking utensils intact, while taking a shortcut into the shady part of the town, the half-orc was greeted by a mob of thugs abusing their superior numbers to “interrogate” a “poor” message boy. Questions such as “Where’s Jorn?” “What Bishop did to him?” could be heard, but ignoring all that, Harry moved in, using his trusty skillet to break weapons and ribs, dispersing the crowd.
    To make sure none of that happened again, good boy Harry escorted the message person back to his employee place and once there, a certain “Bishop” offered money as reward, but Harry wouldn’t have any of that, no, no. Instead, he manage to bargain a chance to prove his cooking skills!


    Now, back to the present, Harry happily cooks for his new friends, and altho it isn't the family’s cook position he was offered, it’s a first step to his dreams.

    The Cook:

    Concept Image

    Harry Boulevard Pimpleton
    Male Half-Orc Blacksmith 4 (Iron Chef)
    CG M humanoid (human and orc)
    Init +3; Senses Perception +0
    AC 18, touch 18, flat-footed 18 [+4 armor, +3 dex, +1 ABP]
    hp X (4 HD; 4d10+12)
    Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +4
    Defensive Abilities improvised shield (+1, +2, or +4 shield bonus to AC)
    Speed 30 ft.
    Melee medium-sized improvised weapon[wok] +7 (2d6+2/19-20), small-sized improvised weapon[skillet] +7 (1d8+2/19-20) or tiny-sized improvised weapon[spatula] +7 (1d6+2/19-20)
    Ranged Revolver +8 (1d8/20 x4) w/ 20 bullets, medium-sized improvised weapon[wok] +8 (2d6+2/19-20), small-sized improvised weapon[skillet] +8 (1d8+2/19-20) or tiny-sized improvised weapon[spatula] +8 (1d6+2/19-20)
    Special Attacks thunderous blows +2d6
    Tradition Chemist (Alchemy sphere (formulae) package: Salve; Barroom sphere: Barroom Expert; Equipment sphere: Fast Draw); PAM Con
    Alchemy sphere - DC 13, Packages formulae, Talents Salve
    - formulae (salve)
    Barroom sphere - DC 13, Talents Barroom Expert, Improvised Shield
    - barroom expert (free action, grant an improvised weapon one of the following: blocking, brace, deadly, disarm, distracting, double, grapple, nonlethal, performance, reach, sunder, or trip)
    - brutal breaker (don't suffer penalties w/ improvised weapons)
    - hard drinker (move action, retrieve and drink an elixir, potion, or beverage; if alcoholic gain drunk status for 3 rounds)
    - improvised shield (may decrease damage die by 2 steps to count as a shield based on size)
    Equipment sphere - DC 13, Talents Fast Draw, Toolkit Training, Unarmored Training
    - discipline (proficient w/ battle ladder, battle stein, battle wrench, climbing pick, fishing tackle, garrote, grappling hook, iron brush, machete, net, ten foot pole, torch, and whip)
    - fast draw (draw a weapon as part of the action used to attack with it)
    - unarmored training (gain +3 armor bonus to AC while unarmored)
    Str 14, Dex 16, Con 17, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 10
    Base Atk +4; CMB +6; CMD 19
    Feats ; Associated Feats Improved Weapon Mastery, Quick Draw
    Skills Climb +9, Swim +9, Intimidate +7; Associated Skills Craft (alchemy) +8; Background Skills Profession (cook) +8, Craft (Cooking Tools) +8, Appraise +8
    Languages common, orc
    Other Gear Gear wok (medium-sized), skillet (small-sized), spatula (tiny-sized), revolver (w/ 20 bullets), portable alchemist lab
    Special Abilities
    Alchemy Sphere Training in the Alchemy combat sphere teaches you how to quickly and efficiently combine volatile chemicals for new or enhanced effects.

    When you gain the Alchemy sphere, you gain 5 ranks in the Craft (alchemy) skill, plus 5 ranks per additional talent spent in the Alchemy sphere (maximum ranks equal to your total Hit Dice). If you already have ranks in the Craft (alchemy) skill you may immediately retrain them, but you do not get to retrain when only temporarily gaining talents, such as through the armiger’s customized weapons class feature.

    In addition, choose one of the following packages: Formulae or Poison. (Chosen: Formulae)

    Alchemy: Formulae Package Some Alchemy talents have the (formulae) descriptor; these are improved or original versions of alchemical items you can only create once you’ve learned the talent. All formulae have a base crafting DC as noted in their descriptor, and their saving throw DCs, if any, are determined using the normal formula for combat sphere talents, using the practitioner’s ranks in Craft (alchemy) in place of their base attack bonus. The necessary ingredients for creating formulae are gathered over the course of a given day; there is no monetary cost to creating a formulae. You may craft any item whose formulae you know in 30 minutes, or 15 minutes if you have access to an alchemist’s lab or alchemist’s crafting kit, but due to the volatile nature of the enhanced formulae you cannot prepare more formulae at one time than a number equal to 1/2 your ranks in Craft (alchemy) (minimum 1) + the number of formulae talents you possess. For every 4 ranks in Craft (alchemy) you possess, you may craft 1 additional formulae as part of the same 30/15 minute time period.

    Any creature affected by splash damage from an improved formulae is entitled to a Reflex save to reduce the damage by half.

    Because formulae are more unstable than standard alchemical items, they expire and no longer work after 24 hours; it is relatively easy (DC 10 Appraise) to recognize the unstable and impermanent nature of these items so typically they have no monetary value; a potential buyer who fails their Appraise check assumes they are a standard item of their type (if applicable), or as a mundane item worth no more than 10 gp. In addition, the overly refined and unstable nature of formulae means that they cannot be further refined or enhanced by items such as focusing flasks or hybridization funnels. You cannot fail to craft an alchemical item you know the formulae for; failure to meet the DC instead means you create the item but at its minimum potency, without additional effects or benefits for having additional Craft (alchemy) ranks or having increased the crafting DC. When you first gain this package, you may learn any one (formulae) talent you qualify for.

    Alchemy: Salve (formulae) Craft DC: 15

    You create a poultice that can be used as a standard action to heal yourself or a target within your natural reach for 1d8 points of damage per 2 ranks in Craft (alchemy) you possess (minimum 1d8) plus your practitioner modifier. You can only attempt to heal a particular creature with this ability a number of times per day equal to 1/2 the number of ranks you possess in the Craft (alchemy) skill (minimum 1) plus your practitioner modifier.

    You can increase the Craft DC for this item in increments of 10; each time you do so you increase the healing granted by the salve by 5.

    Barroom Sphere Barroom practitioners specialize in using whatever is available to them, willing to swing table legs, chairs, and anything else as they chug down a fresh brew.

    Practitioners of the Barroom sphere gain the following abilities: Brutal Breaker and Hard Drinker.

    Barroom: Barroom Expert You may treat an improvised weapon as though it had one of the following special features (chosen upon first picking up an improvised weapon and may be changed once per round as a free action): blocking, brace, deadly, disarm, distracting, double (this may not be applied to improvised light weapons), grapple, nonlethal, performance, reach (this may only be applied to two handed improvised weapons), sunder, or trip. If the GM chooses, he may pose reasonable limitations on which items can gain which special features (for example, a sack of flour wouldn’t have reach, while a sandwich wouldn’t have deadly).

    In addition, the improvised weapon has its damage increased by 1 size category and has its critical threat range increased to 19–20, with a critical multiplier of ×2. At +10 base attack bonus, improvised weapons have their critical threat range increased to 18-20 and you may apply two of the listed special features to improvised weapons. Associated Feat: Improvised Weapon Mastery

    Barroom: Brutal Breaker You do not suffer any penalty when using an improvised weapon, be it ranged or melee, and may treat improvised weapons you are wielding as manufactured weapons for the purpose of being able to be targeted by spells and other effects. You may grab an unattended object within your natural reach and make an attack action with it as part of the same standard action.

    Additionally, you may treat any improvised weapon made of any material with a hardness of 5 or lower (wood, glass, etc.) as having the fragile weapon special feature for the purpose of any feats or talents you possess. This does not apply to magic items, nor to creatures being used as improvised weapons.

    Some talents allow you to grant a fragile weapon the broken condition in exchange for a benefit. If you apply a second such benefit to a weapon, it is destroyed. You cannot apply more than 2 benefits that break a weapon to the same weapon attack.

    Note: Talents which would allow you to add the broken condition or destroy an improvised weapon cannot be used while using a creature as an improvised weapon.

    Barroom: Hard Drinker Whenever you imbibe an alcoholic drink (normally a standard action), you gain the drunk status for a number of rounds equal to your Constitution modifier (creatures without a Constitution score cannot gain this status). As a move action, you may retrieve an alcoholic drink, elixir, or potion (but not extract) from your person or grab one within your natural reach and drink it, all without provoking an attack of opportunity. For every 4 points of base attack bonus you possess, the drunk status last for one additional round.

    Some talents possess the (drunk) tag, requiring you to expend your drunk status to perform them. (Drunk) talents are a free action unless stated otherwise in their description.

    Barroom: Improvised Shield As a free action, you may wield an improvised weapon as an improvised shield for a round. When wielded as an improvised shield, the weapon’s damage die is decreased by 2 sizes, and the weapon grants a shield bonus: light weapons grant +1 shield bonus, one-handed weapons grant a +2 shield bonus, and two-handed weapons grant a +4 shield bonus. Just as with all shields, you lose this shield bonus to AC if you use the improvised shield to attack, unless you possess the ability to make shield bashes without sacrificing shield bonus. An improvised shield counts as a regular shield for the Shield sphere.

    Whenever you are wielding a shield with the fragile special feature and a target scores a critical hit against you, you may give your shield the broken condition to change the critical hit into a normal hit.

    Combat Training A blacksmith may combine combat spheres and talents to create powerful martial techniques. Blacksmiths are considered Expert combatants and use Constitution as their practitioner modifier.

    Equipment: Fast Draw You can draw a weapon as part of the action used to make an attack with it. This can be used with splash weapons, but not with other items such as potions, scrolls, or wands. You can draw a hidden weapon (see the Sleight of Hand skill) as a move action. Associated Feat: Quick Draw.

    Equipment: Toolkit Training You are adept at using adventuring tools as impromptu weapons of war. You gain proficiency with the battle ladder, battle stein, battle wrench, climbing pick, fishing tackle, garrote, grappling hook, iron brush, machete, net, ten foot pole, torch, and whip.

    Equipment: Unarmored Training Your deft movements, physical conditioning, and expert use of your chosen weapons allow you to create a protective barrier around yourself as effective as any true suit of armor. When unarmored and unencumbered, you gain a +3 armor bonus to your AC. This bonus increases by +1 for every 3 points of base attack bonus you possess. Characters who gain Acrobatics as a class skill may instead choose to have the armor bonus increase by +1 for every 3 ranks in the Acrobatics skill they possess.

    This bonus to AC applies even against touch attacks or when you are flat-footed. You lose these bonuses when you are immobilized or helpless, when you wear any armor, or when you carry a medium or heavy load. These bonuses do not stack with the AC bonus class feature of the monk or similar abilities.

    This bonus depends on an intricate awareness of the practicioner’s body and balance, and as such is lost when the target is under any shapeshift other than blank form, or is polymorphed into a creature of the animal, dragon, elemental, magical beast, plant, or vermin type.

    Equipment Specialist The blacksmith gains one talent from the Equipment sphere as a bonus talent at 1st level.

    Recipes (Ex)May spend 30 minutes combining one Entree and Flavor to create a meal granting bonuses for 1 hour.
    - Entrees

    Fish: +1 dodge AC while swimming, and +1 bonus to Swim checks.
    Fowl: +1 Reflex saves.
    Mycoprotein: +1 Will saves.
    Red Meat: +1 Fortitude saves.
    - Flavors

    salty: +1 saves vs death effects, ability drain, and ability damage.
    savory: +1 CMD vs being moved forcibly.
    sour: creatures who bite or swallow creatures that consumed this meal must make Fort save DC 13 to be sickened for 1 round.
    spicy: cold and fire resistance 1.
    sweet: reduce the duration of debilitating effects by 1 round.

    Thunderous Blows +1d6 (Ex)Starting at 1st level, the blacksmith becomes particularly adept at striking crafted creations in exactly the right place and manner to damage them most effectively. When the blacksmith makes an attack action or attack of opportunity, he deals an additional 1d6 damage if making a successful sunder attempt or if attacking a construct or object (including animated objects). This damage increases by 1d6 at 3rd level and every two levels thereafter. The blacksmith never provokes attacks of opportunity for attempting the sunder combat maneuver, and whenever the blacksmith chooses to destroy an item held or worn by a creature with a sunder attempt any excess damage is applied to the item’s wielder. The blacksmith counts as having the Improved Sunder feat for determining prerequisites.

    At 3rd level, the blacksmith has learned how to swing his weapons in a way that shatters scales and claws as easily as manufactured armor and weapons. The blacksmith may make a special sunder attempt as an attack action, targeting a creature’s natural armor or natural weapons. If the blacksmith chooses to sunder the creature’s natural armor, on a successful check he deals damage to the creature equal to his normal weapon damage (bonus damage from thunderous blows is not applied when using sunder in this manner) and it takes a penalty to its natural armor bonus equal to the number of bonus damage dice granted by his thunderous blows class feature; a creature’s natural armor bonus cannot be reduced below 0 in this manner. Any amount of magical healing removes this penalty, as does a DC 15 Heal check, which can be made as a standard action.

    If the blacksmith chooses to sunder the creature’s natural weapon, on a successful check he deals damage to the creature equal to his normal weapon damage and it takes a penalty to attack rolls with that natural weapon equal to the number of bonus damage dice granted by his thunderous blows class feature for 1 round.

    Level Progression (2)

    Skilled craftsman
    Starting at 2nd level, the blacksmith may use Profession (blacksmith) in place of all Craft and Spellcraft skill checks made to create, modify, repair, and enchant weapons, armor, and shields, and he gains a competence bonus equal to 1/2 his class level (minimum 1) on all Profession (blacksmith) checks. In addition, the smith learns to quickly repair damaged objects, restoring 2 hit points per class level he possesses to an object as a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity. If the object has the broken condition, this condition is removed if the object is restored to at least half its original hit points. All of the pieces of an object must be present for this ability to function. Magic items can be repaired by this ability, but the blacksmith’s class level must be equal to or higher than the caster level of the object. This ability does not affect creatures (including constructs). This ability has no effect on objects that have been warped or otherwise transmuted, but it can still repair damage done to such items. This ability can be used to repair nonmagical weapons, armor, and shields that have been destroyed, as long as all the pieces are together in an accessible location. At 5th level, the blacksmith no longer provokes an attack of opportunity for using this ability.

    Chef’s Insights (smithing insight)
    Fruits: The iron chef learns how to make spectacular side dishes incorporating the following types of fruit which can be used to increase the effectiveness of his recipes. The iron chef can only apply one side dish to a given recipe.

    Apples—Crisp and sweet, apples promote strength and vigor, granting any creature who eats a meal including them a +2 enhancement bonus to their Strength score for the duration of the effect. This bonus increases by an additional +2 when the iron chef reaches 10th level. If apples are served alongside red meat, this bonus is increased by a further +2.
    Avocados—Creamy and delicious, avocados promote higher brain functions and creative thought, granting any creature who eats a meal including them a +2 enhancement bonus to their Intelligence score for the duration of the effect. This bonus increases by an additional +2 when the iron chef reaches 10th level. If avocados are served alongside mycoproteins, this bonus is increased by a further +2.
    Melons—The cool, full-bodied flavor of delicious melons can lend a peaceful and tranquil aspect to any meal that resonates with anyone who eats them. Any creature served a meal including melons gains a +1 competence bonus on saving throws against emotion effects, +1 per 3 class levels the iron chef possesses, and adds this bonus to the DC to demoralize them with the Intimidate skill.

    Combat Talent: Miracle Drink (drunk)
    You gain a +2 alchemical bonus to your Strength, Dexterity, or Charisma (your choice) for a number of rounds equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum 1), +1 round per 4 points of base attack bonus you possess. At 10 base attack bonus, this alchemical bonus increases to +4.

    Level Progression (3)

    Artisan savant (Craft Wondrous Item)
    Starting at 3rd level, the blacksmith becomes proficient in creating powerful magic equipment, treating his class level as his caster level for crafting feats and abilities and using the appropriate Craft skill (weapons, armor, bows, etc.) for the check to complete the item. In addition, the blacksmith gains Craft Wondrous Item as a bonus feat at 3rd level, and Craft Magic Arms and Armor at 5th level.

    From 3rd level on, the blacksmith’s experience with crafting excellent equipment allows him to manipulate and rework magical equipment without damaging or sacrificing its magical potency. The blacksmith can spend 1 hour per total effective bonus (minimum 1 hour) of an enchanted armor, weapon, or shield (enhancement bonus plus permanent special ability bonus equivalents) at an operational forge to reforge the equipment into another equivalent item at no additional cost; weapons into weapons of another type, armor into a separate type of armor, and shields into weapons, armor, or other types of shields; a heavy shield can be converted into a light shield or vice versa, and a tower shield can be converted into any other type of shield, but bucklers, light shields and heavy shields cannot be converted into tower shields. When reforging, the blacksmith cannot exchange one piece of equipment for another that is not predominantly made out of the same dominant material; a greatclub can be reforged into a quarterstaff or spear, but not into a bastard sword, and a suit of platemail could be reforged into a breastplate or chain shirt, but not into a suit of leather armor. The new weapon or armor must be the same size or smaller as the original.

    In addition, the blacksmith can restore a magic weapon, armor, or shield that has been destroyed by a sunder attack or similar ability; if the blacksmith can acquire all the broken pieces of the equipment, he may restore it to its original complete condition, including all enchantments, with 8 hours of work at an operational forge.

    thunderous blows +2d6

    Combat Talent: High on Fumes
    You may expend your martial focus as a swift action to gain the drunk status as though you had imbibed an alcoholic beverage.

    Level Progression (4)

    Smithing insight Gunsmith
    The blacksmith gains proficiency with all firearms, gains the Gunsmithing feat as a bonus feat, and may make sunder attempts at range when using a firearm, using his Dexterity in place of his Strength modifier when determining his combat maneuver bonus.

    Dαedαlus wrote:

    Dot. How long will you be keeping recruitment up?

    Good question. Im giving it roughly a week.

    I debated long and hard with myself and somehow I got the idea of a sylph aeromancer, a wind mage for airships and sea ships. Are there any airships by the way?

    Or would you prefer a clockwork wizard?

    How would I build a ranger/scout-type frontliner with Barrage, Weapon Finesse, Athletics & Equipment...

    I don't mind a little tech, at least in the weapons (retractable whips, staff - reticulating?)

    So... high init, mobility, dodge, stealth... Dex to melee damage.

    I would think a Dex/Con build.

    Just acclimating to the ruleset and read a few of the gameplay posts. This concept seems to fit with the group.


    Male Sylph Arcanist (aeromancer) 4
    CG medium humanoid (human, outsider)
    Init +6; Senses Perception +0
    AC 13, touch 14, flat-footed 11 (+1 armor, +2 Dex)
    hp 31 (4d8+8)
    Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +3;
    Speed 30 ft.
    Crossbow +4 (1d8)
    Arcanist Spells Known (CL 4st; concentration +9)
    2st (3/day-1prepared)—Summon monster 2
    1st (6/day-3prepared)—Summon Monster 1, Snowball, Alter winds
    0 (at will)—mending, Prestidigation detect magic, jolt (DC 14),
    Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 14
    Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 14
    School Focus Conjuration
    Augment Summoning
    Skills Fly +9 Knowledge Engineering +12 Know Nature +12 Know Arcane +12 Know Planes +12
    Spellcraft +12, Use Magic Device +10
    Traits fast talker*, freedom fighter
    Languages Common, Auran, Aquan,
    +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, –2 Constitution: Sylphs are quick and insightful, but slight and delicate.
    Native Outsider: Sylphs are outsiders with the native subtype.
    Medium: Sylphs are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
    Normal Speed: Sylphs have a base speed of 30 feet.
    Darkvision: Sylphs can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
    Spell-Like Ability: Sylphs can use feather fall 1/day as a spell-like ability (with a caster level equal to the sylph’s character level).
    Energy Resistance: Sylphs have electricity resistance 5.
    Air Insight
    Sylph spellcasters sometimes find that their elemental heritage makes creatures of air more willing to serve them. Summon monster and summon nature’s ally spells that the sylph casts last 2 rounds longer than normal when used to summon creatures with the air subtype.
    Mostly Human
    A few ifrits, oreads, sulis, sylphs, and undines have appearances much closer to those of their human ancestors; in fact, they may not even realize their true race. Such geniekin appear to be human, save perhaps minor features like unusual eye color, and they count as humanoid (human) as well as outsider (native) for all purposes (such as humanoid-affecting spells such as charm person or enlarge person). These geniekin do not automatically gain their associated elemental language (but may select it as a bonus language if their Intelligence is high enough).Dancing Lights:

    Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Arcanists are proficient with all simple weapons. They are not proficient with any type of armor or shield. Armor interferes with an arcanist’s gestures, which can cause her spells with somatic components to fail (see Arcane Spells and Armor).

    Spells: An arcanist casts arcane spells drawn from the sorcerer/wizard spell list, presented in Chapter 10 of the Core Rulebook. An arcanist must prepare her spells ahead of time, but unlike a wizard, her spells are not expended when they’re cast. Instead, she can cast any spell that she has prepared consuming a spell slot of the appropriate level, assuming she hasn’t yet used up her spell slots per day for that level.

    To learn, prepare, or cast a spell, the arcanist must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell’s level. The saving throw DC against an arcanist’s spell is 10 + the spell’s level + the arcanist’s Intelligence modifier.

    An arcanist can only cast a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. Her base daily spell allotment is given on Table 1–1. In addition, she receives bonus spells per day if she has a high Intelligence score (see Table 1–3).

    An arcanist may know any number of spells, but the number she can prepare each day is limited. At 1st level, she can prepare four 0-level spells and two 1st-level spells each day. At each new arcanist level, the number of spells she can prepare each day increases, adding new spell levels as indicated on Table 1–2. Unlike the number of spells she can cast per day, the number of spells an arcanist can prepare each day is not affected by her Intelligence score. Feats and other effects that modify the number of spells known by a spellcaster instead affect the number of spells an arcanist can prepare.

    An arcanist must choose and prepare her spells ahead of time by getting 8 hours of sleep and spending 1 hour studying her spellbook. While studying, the arcanist decides what spells to prepare and refreshes her available spell slots for the day.

    Like a sorcerer, an arcanist can choose to apply any metamagic feats she knows to a prepared spell as she casts it, with the same increase in casting time (see Spontaneous Casting and Metamagic Feats on page 113 of the Core Rulebook). However, she may also prepare a spell with any metamagic feats she knows and cast it without increasing casting time like a wizard. She cannot combine these options—a spell prepared with metamagic feats cannot be further modified with another metamagic feat at the time of casting (unless she has the metamixing arcanist exploit, detailed below).

    Spellbooks: An arcanist must study her spellbook each day to prepare her spells. She can’t prepare any spell not recorded in her spellbook, except for read magic (which all arcanists can prepare from memory).

    An arcanist begins play with a spellbook containing all 0-level wizard/sorcerer spells plus three 1st-level spells of her choice. The arcanist also selects a number of additional 1st-level spells equal to her Intelligence modifier to add to the spellbook. At each new arcanist level, she gains two new spells of any spell level or levels that she can cast (based on her new arcanist level) for her spellbook. At any time, an arcanist can also add spells found in wizards' or other arcanists' spellbooks to her own (see Arcane Magic Writings).

    Arcane Reservoir (Su): An arcanist has an innate pool of magical energy that she can draw upon to fuel her arcanist exploits and enhance her spells. The arcanist’s arcane reservoir can hold a maximum amount of magical energy equal to 3 + the arcanist’s level. Each day, when preparing spells, the arcanist’s arcane reservoir fills with raw magical energy, gaining a number of points equal to 3 + 1/2 her arcanist level. Any points she had from the previous day are lost. She can also regain these points through the consume spells class feature and some arcanist exploits. The arcane reservoir can never hold more points than the maximum amount noted above; points gained in excess of this total are lost.

    Points from the arcanist reservoir are used to fuel many of the arcanist’s powers. In addition, the arcanist can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir as a free action whenever she casts an arcanist spell. If she does, she can choose to increase the caster level by 1 or increase the spell’s DC by 1. She can expend no more than 1 point from her reservoir on a given spell in this way.

    Arcanist Exploits: By bending and sometimes even breaking the rules of magic, the arcanist learns to exploit gaps and exceptions in the laws of magic. Some of these exploits allow her to break down various forms of magic, adding their essence to her arcane reservoir. At 1st level and every 2 levels thereafter, the arcanist learns a new arcane exploit selected from the following list. An arcanist exploit cannot be selected more than once. Once an arcanist exploit has been selected, it cannot be changed. Most arcanist exploits require the arcanist to expend points from her arcane reservoir to function. Unless otherwise noted, the saving throw DC for an arcanist exploit is equal to 10 + 1/2 the arcanist’s level + the arcanist’s Charisma modifier.

    Familiar (Ex)
    An arcanist with this exploit can acquire a familiar as the arcane bond wizard class feature, using her arcanist level as her wizard level to determine any of the statistics and abilities of the familiar. If the arcanist receives a familiar from another class, her levels of arcanist stack with the levels from that class when determining the familiar’s statistics and abilities (this ability does not stack with a familiar gained through the bloodline development exploit; she must choose one or the other).

    Cantrips: Arcanists can prepare a number of cantrips, or 0-level spells, each day as noted on Table 1–2. These spells are cast like any other spell, but they do not consume spell slots. As with her other spells, these spells are not expended when cast.

    Consume Spells (Su): At 1st level, an arcanist can expend an available arcanist spell slot as a move action, making it unavailable for the rest of the day, just as if she had used it to cast a spell. She can use this ability a number of times per day equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). Doing this adds a number of points to her arcane reservoir equal to the level of the spell slot consumed. She cannot consume cantrips (0 level spells) in this way. Points gained in excess of the reservoir’s maximum are lost.
    Air Mastery (Su):
    Aeromancers specialize in magic that manipulates the wind and sky. Whenever an aeromancer expends a point from her arcane reservoir to increase the caster level of a spell with the air, cold, electricity, or sonic descriptor, she increases that bonus by an additional 1. At 5th level, and every 5 levels thereafter, the amount by which she increases the caster level of such spells further increases by an additional 1 (to a maximum additional caster level increase from this ability of 5 at 20th level).

    Alternatively, if the aeromancer expends a point from her arcane reservoir to increase the saving throw DC of a spell with the air, cold, electricity, or sonic descriptor, she increases it by an additional 1. At 10th level, she increases it by an additional 2 instead.

    Dotting. Thinking Dwarf Geokineticist working as an engineer.

    GM Smashomancer wrote:
    Level 4. Average Gold. Full HP first level. Roll others.

    Does this mean average gold for your class as of level 1st, or standard wealth by level for 4th?

    Also, rollin' HP.

    3d8 ⇒ (8, 1, 4) = 13

    Liberty's Edge

    Oh dear, Spheres and Steampunk. I may go for a Storm Herald Skald, or a Nightblazer Investigator, or even a Prodigy... It would be great to play with the new Tech Sphere, but I'll have to check that I wouldn't be stepping on Jean's toes.

    For now, dot.

    Gabriel XIII wrote:

    I don't mind a little tech, at least in the weapons (retractable whips, staff - reticulating?)

    A little high-tech reflavoring of certain weapons or even items in general sounds pretty cool. Don't worry too much about weapon materials.

    Helikon wrote:
    ** spoiler omitted **...

    Looks good so far. To be frank Airships don't yet exist in-world, but they are on the near horizon (There are motorcycles after all). Mr. Stormreaper is still a valid concept though, he would simply be an early pioneer of the craft.

    Also the Arcanist is a d6 class, not d8. You can reroll if you like, or subtract four from his current HP.

    YoricksRequiem wrote:
    GM Smashomancer wrote:
    Level 4. Average Gold. Full HP first level. Roll others.

    Does this mean average gold for your class as of level 1st, or standard wealth by level for 4th?

    Also, rollin' HP.


    When I say average gold, I'm referring to level average. Though keep in mind that with ABP thats halved to 3000 gp total.

    Grand Lodge

    dotting for interest....

    I think I will just reduce 4HP. I am not absolutely sold on gender though, I will look for just the right picture.

    I think it's coming together...

  • Armiger as the main practitioner class.

  • Athletics, Scout, Barrage as defining spheres.

  • Exotic weapons: Elven Curve Blade and Orc Hornbow (actually imagining a thicker forearm bracer, where each side flips out to form the ends of the bow.) I just think it's cool!

  • From a sphere magic perspective, is there a Gravity Bow equivalent? 1st level spell.

  • Finesse Fighting x2

  • Other ideas I'd like to explore... Whip Fiend (possibly electrified, 1d6 electricity)

  • A 12 inch rod that functions as a club, but activates to extend to a staff.

    The idea is dinner parties and "dancing."

    Unsure if I need caster or tech dip to build up to that concept.

  • Gabriel XIII wrote:

  • From a sphere magic perspective, is there a Gravity Bow equivalent? 1st level spell.
  • I might not have been specific enough, but sphere casting and spheres of might abilities arent the only things available. Theyre just allowed, not replacing vancian and friends. Gravity bow is an option.

    Sapiens wrote:

    Oh dear, Spheres and Steampunk. I may go for a Storm Herald Skald, or a Nightblazer Investigator, or even a Prodigy... It would be great to play with the new Tech Sphere, but I'll have to check that I wouldn't be stepping on Jean's toes.

    For now, dot.

    As someone who loves playing Technicians and tech based characters, my initial impressions of the Tech Sphere are that it is a hot mess. I probably need to dig further into it

    Alrighty then. Due to some delays on my part I'll be extending the deadline another two weeks. So for anyone who thought they might not have the time to finish a submission, now's your chance!

    Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

    Dotting for interest

    Working on a tripping brawler. Should have something up tomorrow.

    For your consideration:

    Human Brawler 4
    Using Automatic Bonus Progression

    Brand became interested in fighting at a young age. Not the way knights joust or the foppish duelists bounce around but the up close and personal kind. Luckily, his body seemed born to it. He started with street fighting. Learning from those who were good at their game. Being from the home of a tradesman this did not go over well, so he eventually moved to training with private masters. His parents, not able to dissuade him and not wanting the embarrassment of him fighting in the streets, paid for the training.

    Brand has a strong sense of justice. He takes poorly to cheating and will go out of his way to take a bully down a notch or two. This has landed him in a couple of duels with overly arrogant individuals as well. He is not cocky but very confident in his capabilities. He never killed anyone in a duel, just beat them senseless. He never really saw them as a threat, young lordlings trying to impress their ladies but with little training.

    After the second such duel he was approached by a much wiser lordling who wanted to hire him as a bodyguard. He has been working as such for the last two years moving from client to client leading into this year’s Festival of Damnation.


    Initiative +5 
    AC 19, touch 15, Flat Footed 14 (+4 Dex, +3 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 AC bonus) 
    HP 22 (4d10+8con+4fcb) 
    Fort +7 Ref +9 Will +3 


    Speed 30ft 
    Unarmed Strike +7 (1d8+3/20x2) 
    Unarmed Strike TWF +5/+5 (1d8+3/20x2)
Waveblade +8 (1d6+3/18-20x2) 
    Trip +13 (BAB+4, STR +3, DEX +4, Feat +2)

    Wushu Darts +8 (1d3+3/x2, range 10') 


    Str 16 Dex 19 Con 14 Int 13 Wis 12 Cha 10 
    BAB +4 CMB +7 (+13 to trip), CMD 21


    1. Combat Expertise: You can choose to take a –1 penalty on melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain a +1 dodge bonus to your Armor Class. When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and every +4 thereafter, the penalty increases by –1 and the dodge bonus increases by +1. You can only choose to use this feat when you declare that you are making an attack or a full-attack action with a melee weapon. The effects of this feat last until your next turn.

    2. Improved Trip: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a trip combat maneuver. In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks made to trip a foe. You also receive a +2 bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense whenever an opponent tries to trip you.

    3. Fury's Fall: When making a trip attack, add your Dexterity bonus to your CMB.

    5. Weapon Focus Waveblade

    5. Dazzling Display While wielding the weapon in which you have Weapon Focus, you can perform a bewildering show of prowess as a full-round action. Make an Intimidate check to demoralize all foes within 30 feet who can see your display.

    7. Trip, Greater: You receive a +2 bonus on checks made to trip a foe. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by Improved Trip. Whenever you successfully trip an opponent, that opponent provokes attacks of opportunity.

    8. Improved Critical: waveblade

    9. Combat reflexes:

    11. Tripping Strike:

    11. Critical Focus:


    Conspiracy Hunter: Choose one of the following skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Knowledge (local), Perception, Sense Motive, or Stealth. You gain a +1 trait bonus on this skill (Stealth) and it is always considered a class skill for you.

    Bloody Minded: You are always ready for bloodshed. You gain a +1 trait bonus on initiative and Intimidate checks.


    Skill Points = 20 (16 class + 4 INT)

    Acrobatics 7 (1 rank, 3 class, 3 Dex)
    Climb 7 (1 rank, 3 class, 3 Str)
    Intimidate 8 (4 rank, 3 class, 0 CHA, 1 trait)
    Knowledge (Local) 5 (1 rank, 3 class, 1 Int)
    Perception 8 (4 rank, 3 class, 1 Wis)
    Sense Motive 8 (4 rank, 3 class, Wis 1)
    Stealth 12 (4 rank, 3 class, 4 Dex, 1 trait)
    Swim 7 (1 rank, 3 STR, 3 class)

    Background 8 pts

    Handle Animal 8 (4 rank, 3 class, 1 Wis)
    Profession Bodyguard 8 (4 rank, 3 class, 1 Wis)




    Class Abilities:

    Brawlers cunning: If the brawler’s Intelligence score is less than 13, it counts as 13 for the purpose of meeting the prerequisites of combat feats.

    Brawler's Flurry: Two Wpn Fighting

    Martial Flexibility: A brawler can take a move action to gain the benefit of a combat feat she doesn’t possess. This effect lasts for 1 minute. The brawler must meet all the feat’s prerequisites. She may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + 1/2 her brawler level (minimum 1).
 The brawler can use this ability again before the duration expires in order to replace the previous combat featwith another choice.
 If a combat feat has a daily use limitation (such as Stunning Fist), any uses of that combat feat while using this ability count toward that feat’s daily limit.

    Martial Training: At 1st level, a brawler counts her total brawler levels as both fighter levels and monk levels for the purpose of qualifying for feats. She also counts as both a fighter and a monk for feats and magic items that have different effects based on whether the character has levels in those classes (such as Stunning Fist and a monk’s robe). This ability does not automatically grant feats normally granted to fighters and monks based on class level, namely Stunning Fist.

    Unarmed Strike: At 1st level, a brawler gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. A brawler may attack with fists, elbows, knees, and feet. This means that a brawler may make unarmed strikes with her hands full. A brawler applies her full Strength modifier (not half ) on damage rolls for all her unarmed strikes.
 Usually, a brawler’s unarmed strikes deal lethal damage, but she can choose to deal nonlethal damage instead with no penalty on her attack roll. She has the same choice to deal lethal or nonlethal damage while grappling.
 A brawler’s unarmed strike is treated as both a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that modify either manufactured weapons or natural weapons.

    Maneuver Training: At 3rd level, a brawler can select one combat maneuver to receive additional training. She gains a +1 bonus on combat maneuver checks when performing that combat maneuver and a +1 bonus to her CMD when defending against that maneuver.
    At 7th level and every 4 levels thereafter, the brawler becomes further trained in another combat maneuver, gaining the above +1 bonus combat maneuver checks and to CMD. In addition, the bonuses granted by all previous maneuver training increase by 1 each. (For example, if a brawler chooses grapple at 3rd level and sunder at 7th level, her bonuses to grapple are +2 and bonuses to sunder are +1. If she then chooses bull rush upon reaching 11th level, her bonuses to grapple are +3, to sunder are +2, and to bull rush are +1.)

    3rd: Trip 7th: Trip +2/Grapple +1 11th: Trip +3/Grapple +2/Overrun +1
    15th: Trip +4/Grapple +3/Overrun +2/Disarm +1 19th: add Bull Rush +1

    AC Bonus: At 4th level, when a brawler wears light or no armor, she gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC and CMD. This bonus increases by 1 at 9th, 13th, and 18th levels. These bonuses to AC apply against touch attacks. She loses these bonuses while immobilized or helpless, wearing medium or heavy armor, or carrying a medium or heavy load.

    Knockout: At 4th level, once per day a brawler can unleash a devastating attack that can instantly knock a target unconscious. She must announce this intent before making her attack roll. If the brawler hits and the target takes damage from the blow, the target must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw (DC = 10 + 1/2 the brawler’s level + the higher of the brawler’s Strength or Dexterity modifier) or fall unconscious for 1d6 rounds. Each round on its turn, the unconscious target may attempt a new saving throw to end the effect as a full-round action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Creatures immune to critical hits or nonlethal damage are immune to this ability. At 10th level, the brawler may use this ability twice per day; at 16th level, she may use it three times per day.

    Human Racial Traits:

    Human characters gain a +2 racial bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature. 
    Medium: Humans are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size. 
    Normal Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet. 
    Alternate Racial Trait
    Dual Talent: Some humans are uniquely skilled at maximizing their natural gifts. These humans pick two ability scores and gain a +2 racial bonus in each of those scores. This racial trait replaces the +2 bonus to any one ability score, the bonus feat, and the skilled traits.


    Resistance +1
    Armor +1
    Weapon +1


    Belt Pouch (Caltrops, chalk x10, small steel mirror, whetstone, flint and steel) 3.25#
    Handy Haversack (candles x5, rations x3, silk rope 50', pitons x3, 5 fish hooks, string 50', sewing kit) 5#
    Ioun torch
    Water skin 2#
    Waveblade x2 4#
    MW Leather Studded armor 20#
    Wushu Darts x10 1#
    MW Buckler 5#

    Light Load 76, Medium Load 153, Heavy Load 230 
    Total Gear Weight: 38.25 pounds, Light Load (plus the fraction that coin weighs is still well under a light load) 

    PP 50 GP 56 SP 4

    Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

    Would a gunslinger step on the technician's toes too much? Or, what direction would a gunslinger need to lean to *not* step on the technician's toes? I'm considering Gunslinger, Picador or Musketeer Swashbuckler, or possibly another archetype that gives a gun to an existing class.

    Liberty's Edge

    So, as fascinating as this game sounds, I find myself having more games than anticipated on my plate, and I feel I'd be overreaching, so I'll step down. Good luck to all!

    caps wrote:
    Would a gunslinger step on the technician's toes too much? Or, what direction would a gunslinger need to lean to *not* step on the technician's toes? I'm considering Gunslinger, Picador or Musketeer Swashbuckler, or possibly another archetype that gives a gun to an existing class.

    I would always say a party should have more than one decent source of ranged damage, at least eventually. Looking at the character in question though, he appears to be focused on scouting and the removal/placing of traps in addition to rootin and/or tootin.

    Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

    That's good to know. I was considering Steel Hound Investigator; sounds like that would be too close to his alley. I'll focus on something more combat oriented.

    Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

    I read the Dossier and the encyclopedia and I skimmed the document on the gods. You have something really cool here; I'll try to figure out a character tonight. Do you need a complete stat block and everything, or is a summary (I.e. race, class, archetypes, any significant feats or skill specializations) enough for consideration?

    A summary is fine as long as it has everything important, I.E what you listed. A brief backstory too of course.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

    Ok, this is what I've got.

    Talkonir, the Hobgoblin Pistolero Gunslinger.
    He dual-wields revolvers (when the situation calls for more than one, that is) and brings some backup skill support with the more unpleasant face skills, some local knowledge, perception, and survival. Key feats are Two Weapon Fighting and Rapid Shot.

    I'm thinking of a backstory along the following lines, and am happy to flesh it out as desired.
    Talkonir was always so scrawny for a hobgoblin; the runt of the pack. Appearing weak is a curse amongst hobgoblins, and the teasing, bullying, and abuse he endured were unbearable. When he had learned how to survive in the wilderness on his own, he left home. Though he was overjoyed to be free, he soon discovered that nature bored him. He sought companionship and something to *do*. When he found a town that wouldn't run him off, he became fascinated with their unusual weapons. He became determined to master them, and found a gunsmith that would take him on as an apprentice. When he had learned all he could and made a pair of pistols, he set off. From there he picked up whatever odd jobs he could find. He killed some people, he let others live. He stole some things, he returned some things that were stolen. He protected some people and most of them even survived.
    Regardless, he managed to make enough of a name for himself to make his way into the employ of a noble house in the Festival of the Damned.

    HP: 3d10 ⇒ (10, 5, 2) = 17

    Annnnd here's my submission for a Slanaad Eliciter.

    This seems like a lot of fun! I have brainstormed up an Inquisitor named Tom who follows that dragon who runs a city because that sounded awesome to me.

    Here is a very much so still in progress character sheet:

    here you go

    I had another idea for a Kitsune Cavalier Daring Champion who is the hero extraordinaire and rescuer of damsels, Alistair Fox (human guise), by day; and is the righter of wrongs and doer of mischief, the Verdant Fox (Kitsune guise), by night.

    Feats (generally speaking)
    1. Weapon Focus Rapier
    3. Fencing Grace
    5. Dazzling Display
    Critical Focus, Improved Critical, etc

    Can't believe I missed this until now... dotting and considering my options.

    Getting a handle on the Spheres system, making a tortured "meaning seeking" Armiger/Symbiat.

    All about motion and flow. Switch hitter, with some Athletics, Mind & Telekinesis sphere.

    So after some thought, think I will be working up a Gun Chemist Alchemist of some race and persuasion.

    I did have a question though. One of the archetype's features revolves around making alchemical cartridges better:

    Cartridge Savant (Ex):
    At 2nd level, a gun chemist can make optimal and highly efficient use of alchemical cartridges, such as flare cartridges. If the gun chemist fires such an alchemical cartridge and it allows a saving throw to negate or reduce the cartridge’s effect, the saving throw’s DC increases by 1 (to a maximum DC of 22). The DC increases by an additional 1 at 5th level and every 3 levels thereafter (to a maximum of 7 higher at 20th level). When a gun chemist fires an alchemical cartridge that deals a type of damage in place of a firearm’s normal damage (such as a dragon’s breath cartridge), he can increase the damage dealt by an amount equal to his Intelligence modifier.

    This replaces poison resistance.

    I am not sure that these play friendly with more modern firearms, though I am aware of any reason why the mixes couldn't be in metal casings instead of paper ones. I did want your ruling before I went too far down the rabbit hole. (Its not a game breaker, mind you, but it does hurt to have something useful traded away for something useless.)

    As I’m rounding out my character he still needs hit points so let’s hope paizo is kind.

    hp after level 1 for Tom Basco: 3d8 + 6 ⇒ (2, 8, 5) + 6 = 21

    Cool so with the starting 10 from a d8 plus con that gives a total of 31 as long as I can do math

    The Emerald Duke wrote:

    So after some thought, think I will be working up a Gun Chemist Alchemist of some race and persuasion.

    I did have a question though. One of the archetype's features revolves around making alchemical cartridges better:

    ** spoiler omitted **

    I am not sure that these play friendly with more modern firearms, though I am aware of any reason why the mixes couldn't be in metal casings instead of paper ones. I did want your ruling before I went too far down the rabbit hole. (Its not a game breaker, mind you, but it does hurt to have something useful traded away for something useless.)

    Well it does appear to be one of the things that rubs up against optional rules weirdly. Since the standard firearm of the setting uses the metal cartridges by default, which is a separate kind of alchemical cartridge from the others. But I also don't see any wording that prevents you from just building, say, a dragon's breath cartridge and using it in an advanced firearm. I'd say Cartridge Savant works fine as written.

    Ironperenti wrote:

    I had another idea for a Kitsune Cavalier Daring Champion who is the hero extraordinaire and rescuer of damsels, Alistair Fox (human guise), by day; and is the righter of wrongs and doer of mischief, the Verdant Fox (Kitsune guise), by night.

    Feats (generally speaking)
    1. Weapon Focus Rapier
    3. Fencing Grace
    5. Dazzling Display
    Critical Focus, Improved Critical, etc

    The hobgoblin sounds good (although there are a lot of flavor changes in this setting from default pathfinderfor hobgoblins, its nothing incompatible with your PC. I just didnt expect anyone to want to play a hobgoblin or I'd have mentioned it) This guys also a fun concept. I've thought about a kitsune vigilante, but the class. Just to double up on double identities for the amusement. One thing to note though (again, thought I wouldnt get submissions for the race, and posting all the changes would clutter my post more, so I thought) the Kitsune isn't native to the island country of Calweld, so this fella would be the son/grandson of an immigrant from the land of Abashiri (think Japan but with russian folklore and their winters too). A rare thing indeed to be a native of a foreign race.

    GM Smashomancer wrote:
    Well it does appear to be one of the things that rubs up against optional rules weirdly. Since the standard firearm of the setting uses the metal cartridges by default, which is a separate kind of alchemical cartridge from the others. But I also don't see any wording that prevents you from just building, say, a dragon's breath cartridge and using it in an advanced firearm. I'd say Cartridge Savant works fine as written.

    OK then, will get to work. Should have a submission soon. Would a samsaran be out of the question? (Feel free to say yes, I have a backup plan that is more normal... just kinda like the idea of semi-immortal alchemist that has been perfecting his/her gun since the days of black powder muskets.)

    Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
    caps wrote:

    Ok, this is what I've got.

    Talkonir, the Hobgoblin Pistolero Gunslinger.
    He dual-wields revolvers (when the situation calls for more than one, that is) and brings some backup skill support with the more unpleasant face skills, some local knowledge, perception, and survival. Key feats are Two Weapon Fighting and Rapid Shot.

    I'm thinking of a backstory along the following lines, and am happy to flesh it out as desired.
    Talkonir was always so scrawny for a hobgoblin; the runt of the pack. Appearing weak is a curse amongst hobgoblins, and the teasing, bullying, and abuse he endured were unbearable. When he had learned how to survive in the wilderness on his own, he left home. Though he was overjoyed to be free, he soon discovered that nature bored him. He sought companionship and something to *do*. When he found a town that wouldn't run him off, he became fascinated with their unusual weapons. He became determined to master them, and found a gunsmith that would take him on as an apprentice. When he had learned all he could and made a pair of pistols, he set off. From there he picked up whatever odd jobs he could find. He killed some people, he let others live. He stole some things, he returned some things that were stolen. He protected some people and most of them even survived.
    Regardless, he managed to make enough of a name for himself to make his way into the employ of a noble house in the Festival of the Damned.


    Did you need anything else from me for this submission? I have some crunch if you would like something harder than what I already posted.

    Huge backstory dump incoming let me know what I need to change if it doesn’t work for you:

    Its not easy being the chosen. Everybody seems to think that being the chosen vassal to a deity is this amazing boon but let me be the first to tell you... It complicates everything. Its never the people who prepare their whole lives for the honor of being chosen who are in fact chosen, its always some random idiot like myself who happens to do one thing right at just the right time when a deity is feeling giving. That was me, I did one thing right. I didnt wake the slumbering dragon, and now I am riding the fastest horse I could find out of my home town as a banished traitor. This is a story that needs some context so lets start from the beginning.

    When I was very small I received a job in my home town of paradise. It is not uncommon for children to work in paradise, never back breaking hard labor but often religious work. Cleaning the temples, tending to the temple gardens, cooking in the palace, and a very "lucky" select few become Acolytes of Red. I was one of this select few who was chosen to work directly with Dracul, the Red Conqueror, the Lord of Lands and Sky, Penultimate Defender of this Physical Realm and Beyond, and Courier of Prosperity. Yes I know, thats quite a title but I would argue it best to remember it. Along with me there was Terrance Cindercrest (Red Kobald), and Gerald Moors. Our literal very first day involved meeting Dracul herself, mind you we were 8 and they are a Collossal Red Dragon-God that rules over the town that we grew up in (a town that nobody in their right mind would attack because they areso powerful that whole armies would be immolated before the first horn sounded). They asked us to recite the title, and we did flawlessly as it is the first thing parents in Paradise teach their children when they start speaking. After our orientation, which was presented by Dracul, our lives became more simple and we fell into roles over the next few years. Terrance was a skilled tactician and a genius on the battlefield, it was decided that he would train to become the head of the Torch guard, Dracul's personal guard. Gerald had a mind for politics so to speak and by the time he was eleven he had become a part of the Conqueror's Advisory Council, he was the youngest in history. I took the longest to receive my placement, I was the smartest of the three children and also the quietest on my feet. But these were not skills that those in charge knew how to place, some said I should be a spy in foreign lands but that would never have worked because I am not the most adept speaker. Some said I should run the royal library, and I actually did do that one for some time. But one day some fool went to take Dracul their food and slipped into the lava pools.

    Here is the thing about feeding a dragon-god whose mood is a mystery to all but them, nobody wants to do it. If you make even the slightest peep on a day when they are sleeping come lunch time you were as good as ash. So heres the problem, idiot falls in lava, so does the god-chow. Dracul still needed to be fed but nobody wanted to be the one to bring them food. So I did something almost as dumb as falling in lava, I volunteered to bring them food. To my surprise Dracul was asleep when I entered their chambers, so I dropped off the food and left back to my library. Then I did it again for dinner, and again Dracul was asleep. The next day I received a summons from Dracul, clearly I had messed something up and was to be ash within the hour. When I approached the chambers Terrance let me in and he gave me this look like... "Im so sorry man." We had always been good friends Terrance and I, but now I am a dead man so that doesnt matter anymore I guess. I walked the narrow path flanked by lava that lead to the massive muscle and scale form that is Dracul, my heart thumping the whole time. They watched me with one great golden eye the whole time I approached without ever even lifting her head from where it rest upon their house sized clawed feet. When I passed beyond the path I gave a deep bow as was customary and said "I answer your summons Dracul, the Red Conqueror, the Lord of Lands and Sky, Penultimate Defender of this Physical Realm and Beyond, and Courier of Prosperity." There was a long silence before she finally spoke,

    "Rise." They said. It was only then that I realized I was still bowing. Dracul told me that they had called me in because they were pleased with me. I had volunteered when others would not, and whats more I then completed the task without waking them, TWICE. "It has been long since I have taken a chosen as my siblings so often do, but you I like you." It was then that they opened their mouth and a gout of white hot flame washed over my body. I felt the flesh melt from my bones, I felt my bones snap under the immense heat of this Dragon-gods breath. The pain was unending, I could see my flesh bubble before dripping off, and I would have screamed but the flames took the very oxygen from my lungs. I felt the very life leave me, and then I opened my eyes. I was flat on my back in dracul's chamber, and they was laying in the lava with her head out and resting on the platform she was laying on earlier. Before I could even catch my breath they looked to me and said "you are awake already? usually it takes a bit longer." I looked down at the hands I had seen melt, they were so pristine that the scar I got before I even moved in to the palace on my palm was gone, as was the paper cut I had gotten shelving some tomes earlier.
    "Um... What happened?" I asked.
    "A trial by fire." Dracul responded before chuckling to theirself.
    "Did I die?"
    "Not quite, if you had died you would not be here now. You survived and now you are chosen." They responded calmly. Dracul would go on to tell me how their and each of the other dragons could anoint a chosen and that individual would act as an extension of their great power. I was bathed in fire and reborn an Inquisitor of Dracul. It was just like that, that my life changed forever. No longer was I just the librarian, I was gifted divine magics by the Red Conquerer. Now I was the head of the Advisory Council, and the direct ambassador to the Red Conqueror. Overnight a 16 year old boy went from nothing to the second most powerful individual in Paradise second only to Dracul herself. But remember how this story started, a fast horse in full gallop and branded a traitor, well we are getting there.

    People all throughout the city fight their whole lives just to be recognized by Dracul, I had become Dracul’s chosen almost by accident. Apparently this was the whole point for them, they did want somebody who was TRYING to get the position they wanted someone who was less power hungry. This did not sit well with many of the other members of the advisory council, but it was especially bad for Gerald who had been on the council for the last six years and now had to take orders from the kid who came here at the same time he did but was sent to the library because he didnt fit anywhere else. Gerald was livid and he told me so after the first meeting, said I didnt deserve my position and that I was a failure waiting to happen. Gerald and I were never really friends but it still hurt because he was part of the three with me and terrance. While we are on the subject Terrance was thrilled for me and we even celebrated over a drink at the local pub that night. Anyway I took up my new mantle and tried to preform to the best of my abilities. I spent my days with Dracul who taught me a great many things from the divine to the arcane, to languages and histories. She told me that she wanted me to be able to think for myself, that a "yes man" was of no use to her. I needed to be an autonomous extension of her power and will on this plane. And so I was, I attended meetings of great powers and represented Dracul meeting a number of powerful lords and ladies throughout the land. I worked to better Paradise and I think I did a damn good job. One place I was never able to make much headway was the Advisory council, even after 4 years in the position they still refused to take any of my suggestions and often did whatever Gerald said. This was annoying but I honestly had bigger fish to fry and I could just advise Dracul separately anyway so it did not matter too much if the council ignored me.

    Anyway 5 years after being chosen is where we are now, with the horse and the traitor status. Last night something happened, I was in Dracul's chamber discussing an upcoming tournament in their honor when Gerald and a number of Knights walked in to the chamber. Gerald yelled about me being a traitor, I couldnt believe it. I would never betray Dracul 1. because it would be grade A stupid and 2. because I believe in them. Dracul did not speak out loud but directly into my head. "Is this true, my chosen?" They asked.
    "Absolutely not.”
    “Very well then, I’ve been looking for an excuse to send you into the field anyway.” Dracul’s normal method of handling traitors involves fire and ashes. But this time they labeled me a traitor and banished me. Gerald was noticeably angry and stormed out of the Molten Palace. I was given till morning to be out of town or the guard would be forced to execute me on sight.
    In my head I heard Dracul’s voice. “Go out into the world, grow, become strong, and then return to me with information worthy of overturning your status.”
    Some gods like to test their followers. Apparently the same is true for the Red Conquerer, though that involved literally not being allowed to return to my home in my case. I would have to leave my mother, father, sister, and romantic interests behind. As I was packing Terrance came to my chambers. He grabbed me by the arm and said
    “We have to go forget the bag, Gerald is making a move.” He lead me out of the castle and into the streets. We had to duck into an alley to avoid a mob lead by Gerald. Terrance explained they were waiting to ambush me before I could leave the city. I was brought to a horse on the outskirts of town and told me to ride through the night. “Go to Calweld, I have a cousin there. Black scaled. His name is Bruce. He will help you, be warned calweld doesn’t like outsiders but it’s better for you than being here.”

    And that’s where we are now. Me running from my home to get to a different nation all the way across the ocean.

    The bones are in the alias (choices made), still updating the calculations...

    Character is well rounded, full of RP potential and story hooks.

    Future character progression will depend on what capabilities prove more useful.

    It's a full Spheres character, multi-class Practitioner/Spherecaster.

    A product of a failed clandestine experiment, Gabriel escaped as all subjects were being destroyed. He tried warning the others, but they wouldn't listen.

    Tortured, he is constantly reconciling his now two halves. Some days are better than others.

    Keenly interested in the political and power systems in place... Gabriel wants to make a positive impact. And make the most of his second chance.


    They see me rollin'

    Gabriel HP Armiger 2, Symbiat 1, 2: 1d10 + 2d8 ⇒ (8) + (4, 4) = 16

    caps wrote:
    caps wrote:

    Ok, this is what I've got.

    Talkonir, the Hobgoblin Pistolero Gunslinger.
    He dual-wields revolvers (when the situation calls for more than one, that is) and brings some backup skill support with the more unpleasant face skills, some local knowledge, perception, and survival. Key feats are Two Weapon Fighting and Rapid Shot.

    I'm thinking of a backstory along the following lines, and am happy to flesh it out as desired.
    Talkonir was always so scrawny for a hobgoblin; the runt of the pack. Appearing weak is a curse amongst hobgoblins, and the teasing, bullying, and abuse he endured were unbearable. When he had learned how to survive in the wilderness on his own, he left home. Though he was overjoyed to be free, he soon discovered that nature bored him. He sought companionship and something to *do*. When he found a town that wouldn't run him off, he became fascinated with their unusual weapons. He became determined to master them, and found a gunsmith that would take him on as an apprentice. When he had learned all he could and made a pair of pistols, he set off. From there he picked up whatever odd jobs he could find. He killed some people, he let others live. He stole some things, he returned some things that were stolen. He protected some people and most of them even survived.
    Regardless, he managed to make enough of a name for himself to make his way into the employ of a noble house in the Festival of the Damned.


    Did you need anything else from me for this submission? I have some crunch if you would like something harder than what I already posted.

    The crunch would be appreciated

    Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

    Sure, here it is. Not as nicely formatted as I prefer, but it should be enough for you to make an evaluation.

    Str 7
    Dex 20 (level 4 upgrade)
    Con 16
    Int 14
    Wis 15
    Cha 9

    Hobgoblin Pistolero Gunslinger 4

    +7 Init; +9 perception, +2 SM; darkvisiom 60ft

    AC 21, T 16, FF 15 (10 base + 5 Dex +5 armor + 1 dodge)
    CMD 18
    Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +4; +1 trait vs. arcane spells, +2 trait vs. curse, fear, and emotion while wielding a firearm
    HP 40/40

    +10 attuned pistol 1d8+6
    +8/+8 attuned pistol, rapid shot 1d8+6/1d8+6
    +4/+4/+4 twf, rapid shot, two pistols 1d8+6/1d8+6/1d8+5

    Point blank shot
    Rapid shot
    Two weapon fighting

    +1 grit point

    3/3 grit

    SKILLS 24 ranks = level 4 * (4 class + 2 int)
    +12 Acrobatics (4 ranks + 3 class + 5 Dex)
    +4 Bluff (2 ranks + 3 class - 1 Cha)
    +6 Craft, alchemy (1 rank + 3 class + 2 Int)
    +6 Intimidate (4 ranks + 3 class - 1 Cha)
    +7 Knowledge, local (2 ranks + 3 class + 2 Int)
    +9 Perception (4 ranks + 3 class + 2 Wis)
    +9 Sleight of hand (1 rank + 3 class + 5 Dex)
    +13 Stealth (4 ranks + 5 Dex + 4 Race)
    +7 Survival (2 ranks + 3 class + 2 Wis)

    Black Powder Fortune: +2 trait vs. curse, fear, and emotion while wielding a firearm
    Superstitious: +1 trait bonus to all saves vs. Arcane spells


    Up Close and Deadly: spend 1 grit after hitting with a pistol to add 1d6 damage; or after missing for half of 1d3 damage
    Gunslinger's Dodge: spend 1 grit to try to dodge a ranged attack
    Quick Clear: fix the broken condition
    Gunslinger Initiative: +2 initiative while grit pool is not empty
    Pistol-Whip: spend 1 grit to make a melee attack with a pistol
    Utility Shot: spend 1 grit point to do some things

    Grit (3/3):
    Pistol Training 1: add Dex to damage with pistols
    Nimble: +1 dodge while wearing light or no armor
    Bonus Combat Feat

    Combat EQ
    +1 revolver (starting + ABP, 4lbs.)
    MWK revolver (700gp, 4lbs.)
    +1 Mithral Chain Shirt (1100gp + ABP, 10lbs.)
    60 bullets (6gp, 1lb)
    60 metal cartridges (90gp, --)
    60 powder wads (60gp, --)

    1044 gp remaining

    HP rolls


    3d10 ⇒ (9, 6, 8) = 23

    Cavalier Daring Champion

    3d10 ⇒ (6, 6, 6) = 18

    I do want to be clear though, Ill need you to pick which of the two characters to submit officially.

    Is there an actual cutoff date, Smashomancer? I might make some more tweaks to my slanaad.

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