Is the Dandy archetype Arcane, Divine?

Rules Questions

it doesn't exactly say.. it cast spells like bard but has the spells known and spells per day as a medium. Is it arcane or divine? I ask because I want to take arcane strike if its arcane.

I’d say arcane since it also alters the ranger spellcasting stat to charisma.

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It never says it changes the spellcasting type from divine. There's no reason to think it does - there are charisma based divine spellcasters (e.g. oracle) and even a bard archetype which is a divine spellcaster but still uses the bard spell list (filidh). There is no reference to arcane spell failure in the archetype either, and rangers generally want to wear some armor.

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The ranger is a divine caster, and nothing about the archetype mentions changing it.

The rules for archetypes are that anything not called out as being changed/replaced is the same as the original class. Since Dandy does not mention it changes the type of caster it does not.

Paladins are also CHA based casters so the fact it uses CHA is meaningless.

Says they cast from the bard list. That's the only real mention. So divine.

Which list someone uses to cast from doesn't change their type of casting.

See the psychic bloodline for sorcerer which does explicitly say it changes the spells to psychic but doesn't change which spell list sorcerers use (although the bloodline does grant spells from the psychic list).

I see.. thank you.

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