GM 7thGate's Tapestry's Trial

Game Master 7thGate

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The Dalsine Affair Slides

Hi everyone, and welcome to the game!

I've taken a short look through everyone's characters, and I'll do a more detailed one soon to make sure I have a good idea how everyone's abilities function and make sure I understand where the numbers are coming from. We have an APL of 9, so with 5 people we will be playing High Tier with the 4 player adjustment.

Since I've got all the important bits for reporting from the recruitment thread, I would just like everyone to post a couple bits about your character here to start; who is your character and what are they like? What sorts of special things can they do, in or out of combat? And is there anything your character does that is especially complicated rules-wise or might need a GM ruling about how they function?

Grand Lodge

Male Tiefling (+2Dex, +2Int, -2Cha) (79)/(73) HP, AC: (21) T: (14) FF: (20), CMD: 21, F: +12, R: +6, W: +6 Bloodrage: 19/20, Spells (1st): 1/1 Init +5, Pereption +6, CG Male Tiefling Bloodrager(Rageshaper)5/ Dragon Disciple 2, Bite +12, (1d6+8, x2) (Raging)Claws +14, (1d8+8, x2)

Vrothum is a very loyal companion, and he rushes to cries for help. He understands that his looks bring about fear and caution and sometimes anger, so he tries his best to put on a good front. Vrothum likes to charge in to position and set up full attacks with his natural attacks. I have the Rageshaper archetype so natural attacks granted from my bloodline have their damage dice increased 1 step. That's the only complicated bit about my character for now. Can't wait to play with you all!

Sovereign Court

Male Half-Elf HP83/83|AC 19(+3/+1)/T12/FF17|F+11/R+12/W+10|BAB+8|Init +4|Diplo+33 Battle Herald 4/Vig(Avenger) 2/Bard(Arcane Duelist)1/Cav 1/Rgr (Guild breaker) 1

Lorian is a diplomat, others would call him a spy. He is use to gathering information from others and trying to peacefully resolve issues. If not, he has lead troops into battle to deal with the problem the old fashioned way. Sometimes matters of state call and he has to send in Minata Ryuunosuke, a troubleshooter that works for the caravan that he operates.

(More information sent PM)

Liberty's Edge

Female CG Gnome Kineticist 9 | HP 111/111 120/120 | NL dmg: 0 | AC 22*, T 16*, FF 17 | CMB +5, CMD 18 | Fort +14 +15, Ref +13, Will +6* | Init +6 | Perception +15, Sense Motive +2 | Speed 20ft | Burn: 0/9 | | IB: 1/1 | Active conditions: Enveloping Winds (20% miss chance), -1 CON, -1 CHA

Pai will try just about anything, and chatter your ears off while she does so. When things don't turn out her way, she sometimes throws a tantrum. She has a deep-seated phobia of ghasts and ghouls, and is trying to keep busy so she doesn't have to think about it. She's not a huge fan of killing people, so she usually tries (ineffectively) to solve problems with talking first.

Regarding her abilities: Pai can use electricity and water (bludgeoning damage). Most of the time, she is flying. When she has taken enough Burn, she gets bonuses to attacks, damage, and certain stats. I'll change her tagline (or whatever it's called) and use "ooc" to help track that. She uses her Elemental Defense abilities to get a bonus to AC and a variable miss chance vs. projectile weapons, which will also be marked in the tagline when they are in use.

Sovereign Court

Male LG Half-elf Fighter 11 | HP 92/92| AC 36 T 20 FF 32 | CMB +20, CMD 34 | F: +14, R: +11, W: +12 | Init: +11 | Perc: +22, Low Light Vision | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none

Sukit is a wall. High AC and a defensive focus in his feats. His specialization in the use of a tower shield makes him virtually untouchable in narrow confines. He's fairly blunt, but a naked blade is very convincing.

Mechanically, the Mobile Bulwark feats let him take a single attack before taking total cover from one direction behind his shield. He has Light Fortification to help with incoming crits.

His bluff and diplomacy are based on his BAB instead of skill points so he's competent in those skills.

Liberty's Edge

Female CG Gnome Kineticist 9 | HP 111/111 120/120 | NL dmg: 0 | AC 22*, T 16*, FF 17 | CMB +5, CMD 18 | Fort +14 +15, Ref +13, Will +6* | Init +6 | Perception +15, Sense Motive +2 | Speed 20ft | Burn: 0/9 | | IB: 1/1 | Active conditions: Enveloping Winds (20% miss chance), -1 CON, -1 CHA

RL is busy busy busy this holiday season, so feel free to bot me as needed.

Dark Archive

Male N Deepkin (ARG 52) Half-orc Bloodrager 5/ Cavalier [beast lord] 6 hp 114/114 | AC 24/t15/ff24 CMD 28 | Fort 16, Ref 8, Will 7 +2 ally spells | Init +2 | Perception +9, darkvision 90 ft | spd 40 ft | bloodrage, Staggering strike (Su) DC 15, challenge 2/day, Abnormal Reach +5 ft. (Su), Uncanny dodge

Missed this at first. Out of combat Mörök spends time dreaming of his destiny and drinking beer while haphazardly planning how to succeed at the test in the Starstone Cathedral. He is a melee combatant primarily and occasionally uses Intimidate, Power attack and Blade lash against enemies. His Cavalier order is Flame, which grants Glorious challenge (trades larger AC penalty for more damage). Aberrant bloodline extends reach while raging and Dreadful carnage gives free demoralize attempt when he kills enemy.

Liberty's Edge

Female CG Gnome Kineticist 9 | HP 111/111 120/120 | NL dmg: 0 | AC 22*, T 16*, FF 17 | CMB +5, CMD 18 | Fort +14 +15, Ref +13, Will +6* | Init +6 | Perception +15, Sense Motive +2 | Speed 20ft | Burn: 0/9 | | IB: 1/1 | Active conditions: Enveloping Winds (20% miss chance), -1 CON, -1 CHA

@GM 7thGate: Is the scrying sensor still hanging around?

If it is, Pai will fly about 30 feet away from the group so whoever is spying on her won't hear what's being said anymore. And she'll give them an entertaining show of some sort. (Pity she can't juggle.)

The group will have to fill her in on what is said, because she won't be able to hear, either.

Sovereign Court

Male Half-Elf HP83/83|AC 19(+3/+1)/T12/FF17|F+11/R+12/W+10|BAB+8|Init +4|Diplo+33 Battle Herald 4/Vig(Avenger) 2/Bard(Arcane Duelist)1/Cav 1/Rgr (Guild breaker) 1

On the way to see Hao Jin, ask about the Cosmic law and how it was violated.

Liberty's Edge

Female CG Gnome Kineticist 9 | HP 111/111 120/120 | NL dmg: 0 | AC 22*, T 16*, FF 17 | CMB +5, CMD 18 | Fort +14 +15, Ref +13, Will +6* | Init +6 | Perception +15, Sense Motive +2 | Speed 20ft | Burn: 0/9 | | IB: 1/1 | Active conditions: Enveloping Winds (20% miss chance), -1 CON, -1 CHA

The devil looks like he's lactating.

Sovereign Court

Male Half-Elf HP83/83|AC 19(+3/+1)/T12/FF17|F+11/R+12/W+10|BAB+8|Init +4|Diplo+33 Battle Herald 4/Vig(Avenger) 2/Bard(Arcane Duelist)1/Cav 1/Rgr (Guild breaker) 1

In case it did not take, can someone place me on the "PC's start here" spot please? I placed the token but is now trying to reconnect (The joys of living out in the county)

Liberty's Edge

Female CG Gnome Kineticist 9 | HP 111/111 120/120 | NL dmg: 0 | AC 22*, T 16*, FF 17 | CMB +5, CMD 18 | Fort +14 +15, Ref +13, Will +6* | Init +6 | Perception +15, Sense Motive +2 | Speed 20ft | Burn: 0/9 | | IB: 1/1 | Active conditions: Enveloping Winds (20% miss chance), -1 CON, -1 CHA

Done, for you and Mörök.

Sovereign Court

Male LG Half-elf Fighter 11 | HP 92/92| AC 36 T 20 FF 32 | CMB +20, CMD 34 | F: +14, R: +11, W: +12 | Init: +11 | Perc: +22, Low Light Vision | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none

If it comes up, Sukit has fortification and a 50% chance of negating sneak attacks & crits

Sovereign Court

Male Half-Elf HP83/83|AC 19(+3/+1)/T12/FF17|F+11/R+12/W+10|BAB+8|Init +4|Diplo+33 Battle Herald 4/Vig(Avenger) 2/Bard(Arcane Duelist)1/Cav 1/Rgr (Guild breaker) 1

Ouch, over 100 points of damage there Sukit. I have a feeling that this is going to be a short battle. Going to wait to see if its still standing after Mörök and Vrothum tear into it.

The Dalsine Affair Slides

When I was reading through the adventure, I was mildly concerned about the possibility for this fight to go bad. I missed that a number of people had Uncanny Dodge or Fortification, however, which makes a lot of difference. Also he probably needed to beat Sukit in initiative to actually be dangerous, which wasn't too likely.

He had a 6d6 sneak attack with 6 points of bleed with his ranged touch attacks, and was going to Deeper Darkness and fly if he had a second combat round. Even if Vrothum had not pushed him below his flee threshold though, it wouldn't have helped him since Morok's got Darkvision and Pai's curtain removal meant that he wouldn't be able to Supernaturally darkness the area.

I haven't dug through everyone's inventory, but I'm guessing someone would have been able to counteract the darkness as well, but an enemy capable to shooting out 100 damage a round with touch attacks while flying in darkness is one of those things that can be lethal if the right abilities aren't present.

Sovereign Court

Male LG Half-elf Fighter 11 | HP 92/92| AC 36 T 20 FF 32 | CMB +20, CMD 34 | F: +14, R: +11, W: +12 | Init: +11 | Perc: +22, Low Light Vision | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none

Indeed. Sukit has a gem from another adventure that acts as a source for a level 3 light spell.

Sovereign Court

Male Half-Elf HP83/83|AC 19(+3/+1)/T12/FF17|F+11/R+12/W+10|BAB+8|Init +4|Diplo+33 Battle Herald 4/Vig(Avenger) 2/Bard(Arcane Duelist)1/Cav 1/Rgr (Guild breaker) 1

And if things go bad, I have a first aid glove with 5 gems to cast Breath of life.

The Dalsine Affair Slides

I am going to be out of town for the next two days, but should be back some time Sunday evening.

Liberty's Edge

Female CG Gnome Kineticist 9 | HP 111/111 120/120 | NL dmg: 0 | AC 22*, T 16*, FF 17 | CMB +5, CMD 18 | Fort +14 +15, Ref +13, Will +6* | Init +6 | Perception +15, Sense Motive +2 | Speed 20ft | Burn: 0/9 | | IB: 1/1 | Active conditions: Enveloping Winds (20% miss chance), -1 CON, -1 CHA

Safe travels!

Sovereign Court

Male Half-Elf HP83/83|AC 19(+3/+1)/T12/FF17|F+11/R+12/W+10|BAB+8|Init +4|Diplo+33 Battle Herald 4/Vig(Avenger) 2/Bard(Arcane Duelist)1/Cav 1/Rgr (Guild breaker) 1

More along the line that Yakomo was not at home when we came by to see him. (As if we had not heard him locked in the home)

Sovereign Court

Male LG Half-elf Fighter 11 | HP 92/92| AC 36 T 20 FF 32 | CMB +20, CMD 34 | F: +14, R: +11, W: +12 | Init: +11 | Perc: +22, Low Light Vision | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none

Didn't look like it, but I'll double check after work tonight.

Liberty's Edge

Female CG Gnome Kineticist 9 | HP 111/111 120/120 | NL dmg: 0 | AC 22*, T 16*, FF 17 | CMB +5, CMD 18 | Fort +14 +15, Ref +13, Will +6* | Init +6 | Perception +15, Sense Motive +2 | Speed 20ft | Burn: 0/9 | | IB: 1/1 | Active conditions: Enveloping Winds (20% miss chance), -1 CON, -1 CHA


Sovereign Court

Male Half-Elf HP83/83|AC 19(+3/+1)/T12/FF17|F+11/R+12/W+10|BAB+8|Init +4|Diplo+33 Battle Herald 4/Vig(Avenger) 2/Bard(Arcane Duelist)1/Cav 1/Rgr (Guild breaker) 1

No on 7-23.

Question, does Calm Emotions prevent intimidation from being used? Like trying to push her buttons?

Liberty's Edge

Female CG Gnome Kineticist 9 | HP 111/111 120/120 | NL dmg: 0 | AC 22*, T 16*, FF 17 | CMB +5, CMD 18 | Fort +14 +15, Ref +13, Will +6* | Init +6 | Perception +15, Sense Motive +2 | Speed 20ft | Burn: 0/9 | | IB: 1/1 | Active conditions: Enveloping Winds (20% miss chance), -1 CON, -1 CHA

The spell doesn't specifically call it out, but I'd guess it would depend on the way you choose to intimidate her. Kind of a "We'll tell on you" vs. "We'll beat you" type of situation. Even if the target can't feel scared, they'll be able to recognize the implications and know what that means for them. That's just my interpretation; GM agreement may vary.

The Dalsine Affair Slides

I am going to say you can attempt an intimidation if you want. She might also have passed her save, and may not be affected by the calm emotions effect.

Grand Lodge

Male Tiefling (+2Dex, +2Int, -2Cha) (79)/(73) HP, AC: (21) T: (14) FF: (20), CMD: 21, F: +12, R: +6, W: +6 Bloodrage: 19/20, Spells (1st): 1/1 Init +5, Pereption +6, CG Male Tiefling Bloodrager(Rageshaper)5/ Dragon Disciple 2, Bite +12, (1d6+8, x2) (Raging)Claws +14, (1d8+8, x2)

Sorry for my absence everyone, my internet went down Monday, and my household has been battling Strep since Thursday. We are doing better, I'm the last to catch of the 4 of us so mine is only just starting to improve. I'll catch on our events and post if necessary.

Liberty's Edge

Female CG Gnome Kineticist 9 | HP 111/111 120/120 | NL dmg: 0 | AC 22*, T 16*, FF 17 | CMB +5, CMD 18 | Fort +14 +15, Ref +13, Will +6* | Init +6 | Perception +15, Sense Motive +2 | Speed 20ft | Burn: 0/9 | | IB: 1/1 | Active conditions: Enveloping Winds (20% miss chance), -1 CON, -1 CHA

No worries. Take the time you need to care for yourself. Here's hoping you all recover quickly and completely.

Liberty's Edge

Female CG Gnome Kineticist 9 | HP 111/111 120/120 | NL dmg: 0 | AC 22*, T 16*, FF 17 | CMB +5, CMD 18 | Fort +14 +15, Ref +13, Will +6* | Init +6 | Perception +15, Sense Motive +2 | Speed 20ft | Burn: 0/9 | | IB: 1/1 | Active conditions: Enveloping Winds (20% miss chance), -1 CON, -1 CHA

I read the instructions as: "Each PC can only make one roll," followed by the list of options. Is that right?

The Dalsine Affair Slides


The Dalsine Affair Slides

Apologies, I wanted to get the trial started today, but had some family sickness come up that derailed things. Here are the rules for how the trial will run:


The trial takes place in one extended sequence, though mechanically it is broken into six scenes. Each scene plays out in roughly the following way:
• One of the judges examines an aspect of Hao Jin’s character or actions before positing a theory.
• The judge asks if there is any witness (i.e. a PC) who can provide additional information on the matter, be that evidence, context, or other arguments.
• The selected PC makes an argument. Ideally, roleplay this interaction, but at the least have that player describe the argument’s premise and style. Discoveries in the Hao Jin Tapestry are well known among the Pathfinders, so it’s encouraged for players to incorporate their experiences with the demiplane even if that particular PC did not play those adventures.
• The judges might try to discredit the PC (a way of conveying some of the judges’ modifiers listed on page 23) or ask clarifying questions.
• The PC chooses a judge and attempts a skill check that suits the argument’s content or style. In general, skills like Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and relevant Craft, Knowledge, and Profession skills are most appropriate, and irrelevant skills (e.g. using Acrobatics to argue magical theory) should have no chance of succeeding. Success indicates the PC helped influence that judge.

Exceeding the DC significantly can further influence the
other judges.

Repeat Witnesses: A PC can serve as a witness more than once, but the judges would much rather hear from all of the PCs before calling someone familiar to testify. For a group with 6 or more potential witnesses, a PC takes a cumulative –4 penalty on the skill checks to influence judges for each subsequent time that PC testifies. For a group of fewer witnesses, only apply this penalty if a PC would testify in consecutive scenes or would testify a third time. Basically, aim to share the witness opportunities rather than having one PC steal the spotlight.

Liberty's Edge

Female CG Gnome Kineticist 9 | HP 111/111 120/120 | NL dmg: 0 | AC 22*, T 16*, FF 17 | CMB +5, CMD 18 | Fort +14 +15, Ref +13, Will +6* | Init +6 | Perception +15, Sense Motive +2 | Speed 20ft | Burn: 0/9 | | IB: 1/1 | Active conditions: Enveloping Winds (20% miss chance), -1 CON, -1 CHA

@GM 7thGate: Sorry to hear about your family's sickness. I hope it clears up completely soon. Take the time you need in the meantime.

@Everyone else: Pai's modifiers for the above-mentioned skills are:

Bluff: +1
Diplomacy: +4
Intimidate: +6 (In her head this would be much higher, so watch out.)
Craft (any): +0
Knowledge (dungeoneering): +1
Knowledge (history): +2
Knowledge (local): +5
Knowledge (nature): +4
Knowledge (nobility): +1
Knowledge (planes): +1
Knowledge (religion): +1
Profession (artisan): +7

Knowing that it will take longer to work through this scene, do we want to check in on the Discussion tab first to decide who will post the response to each of the six theories? Or at least say "Not it!"

Since we each need to make at least one roll, we should be strategic about when we choose to let a PC with lower modifiers try. And by "strategic", I mean: choose an opportunity that has the best potential for great story telling even/especially if it fails. Thoughts?

Sovereign Court

Male Half-Elf HP83/83|AC 19(+3/+1)/T12/FF17|F+11/R+12/W+10|BAB+8|Init +4|Diplo+33 Battle Herald 4/Vig(Avenger) 2/Bard(Arcane Duelist)1/Cav 1/Rgr (Guild breaker) 1

What we know about the judges.

Part of Hao Jin’s first tribunal.
Fairly sympathetic to Hao Jin centuries ago and might still be.
Enthusiast of mortal history, avid archivist who understands the merits of preserving and understanding the past. (Use K:History)

Representative of the Boneyard
Specifically requested a position on the tribunal upon learning of it.
(Will need to be careful about Hao Jin siphoning off the souls to make the Tapestry. Not sure what he likes, other than maybe K:Religion?)

Unknown on the other judge.

The proceedings

This tribunal operates as more of a hearing in which the judges listen to any statements from the subject and those who can speak to the subject’s character, deeds, and motivations. The judges control the proceedings’ tempo, often conversing among themselves before calling on the subject or witnesses to provide additional information.

It’s customary for the tribunal’s subject to have legal representation, both to assist her and any witnesses, but nobody knows who is serving as Hao Jin’s counsel (if anyone). Her case might suffer if she chooses to represent herself.

(Might bring up that she has stayed in Axis for 300+ years and while she is representing herself, she is doing so to atone for her error)

I would suggest that we use Lorian's Diplomacy for whichever one is going to be the toughest to sway.

Now, I have a Faction reward that might help.

CONFIDANTE (2+ goals): Twice per adventure, you can call upon your contacts, either allowing you to attempt a Knowledge check as though you had a number of ranks in that skill equal to your number of ranks in Diplomacy or gain you a +2 bonus on the check. Calling in a favor takes 1 minute, and when not in an urban environment requires two uses of this ability.

Liberty's Edge

Female CG Gnome Kineticist 9 | HP 111/111 120/120 | NL dmg: 0 | AC 22*, T 16*, FF 17 | CMB +5, CMD 18 | Fort +14 +15, Ref +13, Will +6* | Init +6 | Perception +15, Sense Motive +2 | Speed 20ft | Burn: 0/9 | | IB: 1/1 | Active conditions: Enveloping Winds (20% miss chance), -1 CON, -1 CHA

Ooo! I have a boon that could help too:

Savior of the Tapestry:
(Hao Jin Cataclysm) You have averted the imminent collapse of the Hao Jin Tapestry, saving the lives of everyone who calls the demiplane home. One of these people has decided to join you on your adventures. Choose one of the following rewards corresponding to an objective that you successfully completed or that the House successfully completed, and cross the others off your Chronicle sheet.
These NPCs help you in three different ways. First, you may spend 2 Prestige Points to learn the listed language from that NPC. Second, you may check a box that precedes a reward as a standard action to consult that NPC for assistance with one of the listed skill checks. You may use that NPC’s bonus in place of your own when rolling the skill check. Finally, you may check a bonus that precedes a reward to receive the NPC’s special benefit. Unless otherwise stated, this is a standard action.
The NPCs become stronger throughout their adventures with you. Their bonus on skill checks depends upon your character level (Level 1–2: +6, Level 3–4: +8, Level 5–6: +11, Level 7–8: +14, Level 9–10: +18, Level 11+: +22)
(Editor’s note: only the applicable NPC is shown here.)
☐ ☐ Traveling Priest (Temple of Empyreal Enlightenment): A priest from the Temple of Empyreal Enlightenment believes that the next step on her path to enlightenment is to venture far from the temple, learning from sages across Golarion. Language: Celestial; Skills: Diplomacy, Knowledge (religion); Special: Damage a touched haunt, as if a paladin of your character level used lay on hands.

Sovereign Court

Male LG Half-elf Fighter 11 | HP 92/92| AC 36 T 20 FF 32 | CMB +20, CMD 34 | F: +14, R: +11, W: +12 | Init: +11 | Perc: +22, Low Light Vision | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none

Only a couple options for me

Bluff: +15
Diplomacy: +15
Intimidate: +5
Craft (any): +0
Knowledge (dungeoneering): +14
Knowledge (history): +0
Knowledge (local): +0
Knowledge (nature): +0
Knowledge (nobility): +0
Knowledge (planes): +0
Knowledge (religion): +0

Grand Lodge

Male Tiefling (+2Dex, +2Int, -2Cha) (79)/(73) HP, AC: (21) T: (14) FF: (20), CMD: 21, F: +12, R: +6, W: +6 Bloodrage: 19/20, Spells (1st): 1/1 Init +5, Pereption +6, CG Male Tiefling Bloodrager(Rageshaper)5/ Dragon Disciple 2, Bite +12, (1d6+8, x2) (Raging)Claws +14, (1d8+8, x2)

My best options in order are as follows:
Knowledge Arcana +7
Intimidate +6
Knowledge Nature +3
Bluff +3
I'll look through my Boons and see if I have anything else I can do to help.

The Dalsine Affair Slides

An additional option, revealed by the 20+ Knowledge Local Check:

If the PCs learned of Hao Jin’s intention to represent herself in the trial, they can speak with her briefly beforehand and convince her to accept one of them as her legal advocate. A PC serving as Hao Jin’s counsel cannot serve as a witness but can assist during each scene by assisting the witness PC or protecting that PC from the judge’s inquiries. Each of these requires a Profession (barrister) check, and an untrained PC can use any of the following in place of Profession (barrister): the highest of their Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifiers; or a modifier equal to their ranks in Diplomacy, Knowledge (local), or Sense Motive, whichever is highest.

Assisting a witness typically involves asking the witness a question that helps steer the testimony or clarifies a fact. Doing so requires a successful DC 17 check and grants the witness a +2 bonus on their skill check.

Protecting a witness typically consists of objecting to a judge’s characterization of the witness or other attempts to discredit a PC. This requires a successful DC 17 check and doing so negates one modifier that increases that PC’s skill check DC. Each time the advocate PC attempts to defend a witness, this check DC increases by 4, representing the judges’ growing exasperation.

Sovereign Court

Male Half-Elf HP83/83|AC 19(+3/+1)/T12/FF17|F+11/R+12/W+10|BAB+8|Init +4|Diplo+33 Battle Herald 4/Vig(Avenger) 2/Bard(Arcane Duelist)1/Cav 1/Rgr (Guild breaker) 1

My thoughts are to have Sukit act as her legal advocate. With maybe 11 ranks in Diplomacy, that will go a long way to the DC 17 check. The ones that have been in the Tapestry should be the first ones to answer the questions.

My 2cp.

Liberty's Edge

Female CG Gnome Kineticist 9 | HP 111/111 120/120 | NL dmg: 0 | AC 22*, T 16*, FF 17 | CMB +5, CMD 18 | Fort +14 +15, Ref +13, Will +6* | Init +6 | Perception +15, Sense Motive +2 | Speed 20ft | Burn: 0/9 | | IB: 1/1 | Active conditions: Enveloping Winds (20% miss chance), -1 CON, -1 CHA

Works for me.

Sovereign Court

Male LG Half-elf Fighter 11 | HP 92/92| AC 36 T 20 FF 32 | CMB +20, CMD 34 | F: +14, R: +11, W: +12 | Init: +11 | Perc: +22, Low Light Vision | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none

It's effectively 11 ranks. A fighter trick let's me use my BAB as my ranks for Bluff and Diplomacy. Specifically Versatile Training from Advanced Weapon Training. Probably the best spot for him since Lorian has a lot more bonuses for when he presents.

Sovereign Court

Male Half-Elf HP83/83|AC 19(+3/+1)/T12/FF17|F+11/R+12/W+10|BAB+8|Init +4|Diplo+33 Battle Herald 4/Vig(Avenger) 2/Bard(Arcane Duelist)1/Cav 1/Rgr (Guild breaker) 1
Sukit wrote:
It's effectively 11 ranks. A fighter trick let's me use my BAB as my ranks for Bluff and Diplomacy. Specifically Versatile Training from Advanced Weapon Training. Probably the best spot for him since Lorian has a lot more bonuses for when he presents.

It also helps since you are the only one of us that is Lawful. :)

Sovereign Court

Male LG Half-elf Fighter 11 | HP 92/92| AC 36 T 20 FF 32 | CMB +20, CMD 34 | F: +14, R: +11, W: +12 | Init: +11 | Perc: +22, Low Light Vision | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none

Spiting a hellknight paladin finally pays off

Liberty's Edge

Female CG Gnome Kineticist 9 | HP 111/111 120/120 | NL dmg: 0 | AC 22*, T 16*, FF 17 | CMB +5, CMD 18 | Fort +14 +15, Ref +13, Will +6* | Init +6 | Perception +15, Sense Motive +2 | Speed 20ft | Burn: 0/9 | | IB: 1/1 | Active conditions: Enveloping Winds (20% miss chance), -1 CON, -1 CHA

FYI: All this is way above Pai's head, so if she goes the gist of her argument will be: "Yeah, she screwed up, but the point of this hearing is to determine if she's learned her lesson since the the last trial." Anyone have a better idea?

Dark Archive

Male N Deepkin (ARG 52) Half-orc Bloodrager 5/ Cavalier [beast lord] 6 hp 114/114 | AC 24/t15/ff24 CMD 28 | Fort 16, Ref 8, Will 7 +2 ally spells | Init +2 | Perception +9, darkvision 90 ft | spd 40 ft | bloodrage, Staggering strike (Su) DC 15, challenge 2/day, Abnormal Reach +5 ft. (Su), Uncanny dodge
Pai Shecks wrote:

Ooo! I have a boon that could help too:

** spoiler omitted **

Same boon, but using Kn. history.

Curious Scholar: This syrinx scholar is a fountain of knowledge to anyone who can tolerate her incessant barrage of questions. Special: Reroll a Knowledge check

Sovereign Court

Male Half-Elf HP83/83|AC 19(+3/+1)/T12/FF17|F+11/R+12/W+10|BAB+8|Init +4|Diplo+33 Battle Herald 4/Vig(Avenger) 2/Bard(Arcane Duelist)1/Cav 1/Rgr (Guild breaker) 1
Pai Shecks wrote:
FYI: All this is way above Pai's head, so if she goes the gist of her argument will be: "Yeah, she screwed up, but the point of this hearing is to determine if she's learned her lesson since the the last trial." Anyone have a better idea?

Put the onus back on them. Point out that the tribunal has allowed the Tapestry to exist for over 3 centuries and then segue into what you have seen along with the threats that have been occurring since it was created.

Sovereign Court

Male LG Half-elf Fighter 11 | HP 92/92| AC 36 T 20 FF 32 | CMB +20, CMD 34 | F: +14, R: +11, W: +12 | Init: +11 | Perc: +22, Low Light Vision | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none

Point out that he's taking about sorcerers in general and ignoring that this is about Hao Jin

Sovereign Court

Male Half-Elf HP83/83|AC 19(+3/+1)/T12/FF17|F+11/R+12/W+10|BAB+8|Init +4|Diplo+33 Battle Herald 4/Vig(Avenger) 2/Bard(Arcane Duelist)1/Cav 1/Rgr (Guild breaker) 1

Too late to edit it but should reflect her returning to release the occupants, not get the memories back.

Liberty's Edge

Female CG Gnome Kineticist 9 | HP 111/111 120/120 | NL dmg: 0 | AC 22*, T 16*, FF 17 | CMB +5, CMD 18 | Fort +14 +15, Ref +13, Will +6* | Init +6 | Perception +15, Sense Motive +2 | Speed 20ft | Burn: 0/9 | | IB: 1/1 | Active conditions: Enveloping Winds (20% miss chance), -1 CON, -1 CHA

Lorian, I gotta say, it sure comes in handy to have +33 to diplomacy. How the heck did you get it that high? I'm thoroughly impressed.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Half-Elf HP83/83|AC 19(+3/+1)/T12/FF17|F+11/R+12/W+10|BAB+8|Init +4|Diplo+33 Battle Herald 4/Vig(Avenger) 2/Bard(Arcane Duelist)1/Cav 1/Rgr (Guild breaker) 1

A lot untyped bonuses. I have had to list them all at the bottom of the character sheet. When I level up to 10th, I will be +41 after I add one more rank to Diplomacy. For instance the bonus from Skill Focus Diplomacy goes from +3 to +6 with 10 ranks.

Sovereign Court

Male LG Half-elf Fighter 11 | HP 92/92| AC 36 T 20 FF 32 | CMB +20, CMD 34 | F: +14, R: +11, W: +12 | Init: +11 | Perc: +22, Low Light Vision | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none

Next round should go to someone who's been in the tapestry of we have one

Liberty's Edge

Female CG Gnome Kineticist 9 | HP 111/111 120/120 | NL dmg: 0 | AC 22*, T 16*, FF 17 | CMB +5, CMD 18 | Fort +14 +15, Ref +13, Will +6* | Init +6 | Perception +15, Sense Motive +2 | Speed 20ft | Burn: 0/9 | | IB: 1/1 | Active conditions: Enveloping Winds (20% miss chance), -1 CON, -1 CHA

Pai has been there twice, but her experience may not be helpful in this case. She's done #3-21: The Temple of Empyreal Enlightenment and #10-00: The Hao Jin Cataclysm. I'll have to re-read parts of the Gameplay threads of each to remind myself of what happened.

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