How does a Paladin get a drake as it's mount?

Pathfinder Society


I ran into that situation last Thursday. The drake didn't seem to be very powerfull when it was grown to huge proportions and carried the paladin around like a flying mount.

Is/was this legal? If so, how?

Silver Crusade 4/5

Sir Belmont the Valiant wrote:

I ran into that situation last Thursday. The drake didn't seem to be very powerfull when it was grown to huge proportions and carried the paladin around like a flying mount.

Is/was this legal? If so, how?

The archetype "Drakerider" from Legacy of Dragons. I'm certain the archetype is legal (as I have a Cavalier of that archetype). Now for the Drake to be Large or Huge, the Cavalier should be Seeker-tier. If not, I'd take another look at his character.

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/55/55/5 *** Venture-Captain, Australia—NSW—Greater West

Actually, it is probably Silver Champion from the same is a Pally archtype


I have not expressed myself clearly, the drake was not powerfull at medium size. When it was grown two size levels to Huge, was another matter.

The paladin was either 10th or 11th level.

2/5 5/5 **

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

A Medium drake is appropriate for a 10th or 11th Paladin.

Did the player say what spell, magic item, or ability they were using to increase the size steps? There are things out there.


Blake's Tiger wrote:

A Medium drake is appropriate for a 10th or 11th Paladin.

Did the player say what spell, magic item, or ability they were using to increase the size steps? There are things out there.

No, and the FLGS venture agent was playing at the table & didn't blink an eye. As I was judging I just moved on. It was a season 1 Scenario with a surprisingly weak end fight anyway.

Could you list a few of those magic items? I wouldn't think it would be a spell from the paladin's altered spell list; nothing in the archtype domain(s) listing seemed to lend itself to enlarging the drake.

The Exchange 4/5

Sir Belmont the Valiant wrote:
Blake's Tiger wrote:

A Medium drake is appropriate for a 10th or 11th Paladin.

Did the player say what spell, magic item, or ability they were using to increase the size steps? There are things out there.

No, and the FLGS venture agent was playing at the table & didn't blink an eye. As I was judging I just moved on. It was a season 1 Scenario with a surprisingly weak end fight anyway.

Could you list a few of those magic items? I wouldn't think it would be a spell from the paladin's altered spell list; nothing in the archtype domain(s) listing seemed to lend itself to enlarging the drake.

just ask them how did they do that. works for me a lot. as for the VA being at same table, never rely on others to question a rule you think may be in erorr. many GMs will not involve themselves in rules while playing cause it will drive you crazy. or maybe the VA knows the answer and could ask them. And thanks for lookin into and not just thinking player is in the right cause 10th level. have found many errors over the years.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Texas—Austin

A Dire Collar or Greater Dire Collar would work for 1 minute per day, though I am not even sure what the rules on drake magic item slots are.

2/5 5/5 **

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

There's a not-PFS-legal armor that could be made into barding that could do it.

Again: not PFS legal.

4/5 **

Blake's Tiger wrote:

There's a not-PFS-legal armor that could be made into barding that could do it.

Again: not PFS legal.

Something to keep in mind when GMing drakes at your table. From the Legacy of Dragons book:


A drake can be a powerful ally to one who understands how to deal with its surly and obstinate attitude. Such a character is called the drake’s “charge,” as drakes refuse to refer to another being as their master. While drake companions enjoy accumulating hoards of shiny treasure, they adamantly refuse to wear barding, armor, or clothing items of any kind (belts, boots, and so on); they can wear magical jewelry such as amulets or rings but will agree to wear only one such item.

Drake companions are not animal companions and don’t count as animal companions for any purpose, including Handle Animal checks and tricks. Additionally, they are fairly lazy, and successful Diplomacy or Intimidate checks are needed to convince them to fatigue themselves or take major risks to their lives. Without the mount drake power, a drake companion actively refuses to suffer a rider and fights a rider it has not agreed to every step of the way, even if that rider is its charge.

Drakes are stubborn. They'll only wear one magical item that counts as jewelry (and I don't think a drake would consider a collar "jewelry"). Drakes are also of the dragon subtype, so spells like Enlarge Person and Animal Growth won't work (which means the Dire Collars also won't work).

At the risk of stepping on another V-A's toes, I'm not certain how legal that situation was. But, as someone who has a Kobold Cavalier (drake rider), I'd love to know legally how the player enlarged the drake.


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I'm going to have to retrench a little here. When I asked the player about the drake, he explained about the paladin archtype. At this point, I can't say with certainty that he didn't also say 'it grew with X'.

As to the VA... he runs 45%+ of all the games at the FLGS, so I figured he had already asked how the growth worked.

As I said before, the party was already mopping up the end fight, so it didn't seem like a great factor & I let it ride.

I'll probably ask the player 'hey, I know I asked last week, but can you remind me how that drake stuff worked; I might want to try it." A polite and complementary way to check.

Thanks to everyone who responded!

Shadow Lodge

Joe Bouchard wrote:
I'd love to know legally how the player enlarged the drake.

Well, if the paladin somehow had the ability to cast something like enlarge person or animal growth themselves, Share Spells should allow them to ignore the creature type requirements. Of course, neither of those spells are on the paladin spell list, so they'd either need an archetype (or deity) that adds it to their list, or get it from multiclassing.

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/55/55/5 *** Venture-Captain, Australia—NSW—Greater West

The Silver Champion doesn't get the Paladin spell list. They get a spell list created from all the domain spells of their god, so dependent on domains, the above is possible.

2/5 5/5 **

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

And it needs a way to grow *2* sizes at 11th level.

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