JiCi |

I don't think they're going to rewrite the book, sorry.
So, they're just gonna leave us with scattered info in the site? Yeah, no, at this point, it would be wiser to reprint the book, or dude, offer a PDF for it.
Can't they just offer a file with all the corrections? I know that WotC did this for their erratas.

SorrySleeping |

Xenocrat wrote:I don't think they're going to rewrite the book, sorry.So, they're just gonna leave us with scattered info in the site? Yeah, no, at this point, it would be wiser to reprint the book, or dude, offer a PDF for it.
Can't they just offer a file with all the corrections? I know that WotC did this for their erratas.
Paizo is probably done with PF1 and spending time on it. WotC is a bigger company, and likely has stuff to detail and correct older editions as the newer one comes out, unlike Paizo.

JiCi |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

JiCi wrote:Paizo is probably done with PF1 and spending time on it. WotC is a bigger company, and likely has stuff to detail and correct older editions as the newer one comes out, unlike Paizo.Xenocrat wrote:I don't think they're going to rewrite the book, sorry.So, they're just gonna leave us with scattered info in the site? Yeah, no, at this point, it would be wiser to reprint the book, or dude, offer a PDF for it.
Can't they just offer a file with all the corrections? I know that WotC did this for their erratas.
The problem here is that it's "unfinished business". They stated that they would be relooking at the Shifter to make it better... and never brought it up in a later post.

JiCi |

PFRPGrognard wrote:Bulhman made a post to errata the Shifter. To date, nothing else has been released.And this is likely the relook at shifter. After the bad reception and probably horrible sales of Ultimate Wilderness, paizo isn't like to waste money reprinting the book to the few who want it.
Hence releasing an errata would be a better option.
Or at least update whatever online platform they're on when it comes to the PRD.

Anguish |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

PFRPGrognard wrote:How many responses do you think we need on this thread before you all figure out there isn't any more errata for 1st edition on the way?So you would rather have an unfinished class... got it.
There is no rather. There is no choice. That's PFRPG's point. No matter if you move on or don't move on, Paizo already has.

Foeclan |

A bunch of what I'd expect to be in the errata is in the Ultimate Wilderness FAQ. Not sure if that includes everything from the blog post (anyone have a link to that?).

Xenocrat |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

PFRPGrognard wrote:How many responses do you think we need on this thread before you all figure out there isn't any more errata for 1st edition on the way?So you would rather have an unfinished class... got it.
Asking for more PF1 errata from Paizo is as useful as asking OJ Simpson for his findings on who the real killer was.

Volkard Abendroth |

PFRPGrognard wrote:How many responses do you think we need on this thread before you all figure out there isn't any more errata for 1st edition on the way?So you would rather have an unfinished class... got it.
Our preferences have nothing to do with it.
Support for PF 1 has been dead for a while now. There will be no more FAQs, no more errata, nothing.
What we have is all we will ever get.

JiCi |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

It's not an unfinished class. They updated it right away and have supported it with options ever since, up to and including their latest releases.
If it was the case, they would have released a statement to tell us: "here is the newly-revised class."
Not even their PRD got updated with this...

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Cavall wrote:It's not an unfinished class. They updated it right away and have supported it with options ever since, up to and including their latest releases.If it was the case, they would have released a statement to tell us: "here is the newly-revised class."
Not even their PRD got updated with this...
Didn't they do exactly that?
Also when was the last time the PRD got updated on anything?

JiCi |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

JiCi wrote:Cavall wrote:It's not an unfinished class. They updated it right away and have supported it with options ever since, up to and including their latest releases.If it was the case, they would have released a statement to tell us: "here is the newly-revised class."
Not even their PRD got updated with this...
Didn't they do exactly that?
Also when was the last time the PRD got updated on anything?
They did not... They addressed in a blog post that they should have playtested the class before publishing the book, and that they were reworking it. They added/tweaked stuff mostly in FAQ, but never in a proper document that lays down the changes, whether be before or after the PRD got carried over to the Archives of Nethys.
They released Wilderness Origins, and they still didn't address it...
Is it really this complicated and costly to release a 5-page PDF document with the new shifter class?

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Rysky wrote:JiCi wrote:Cavall wrote:It's not an unfinished class. They updated it right away and have supported it with options ever since, up to and including their latest releases.If it was the case, they would have released a statement to tell us: "here is the newly-revised class."
Not even their PRD got updated with this...
Didn't they do exactly that?
Also when was the last time the PRD got updated on anything?
They did not... They addressed in a blog post that they should have playtested the class before publishing the book, and that they were reworking it. They added/tweaked stuff mostly in FAQ, but never in a proper document that lays down the changes, whether be before or after the PRD got carried over to the Archives of Nethys.
They released Wilderness Origins, and they still didn't address it...
Is it really this complicated and costly to release a 5-page PDF document with the new shifter class?
... okay that's not at all what you said and I replied to.

JiCi |

JiCi wrote:... okay that's not at all what you said and I replied to.Rysky wrote:JiCi wrote:Cavall wrote:It's not an unfinished class. They updated it right away and have supported it with options ever since, up to and including their latest releases.If it was the case, they would have released a statement to tell us: "here is the newly-revised class."
Not even their PRD got updated with this...
Didn't they do exactly that?
Also when was the last time the PRD got updated on anything?
They did not... They addressed in a blog post that they should have playtested the class before publishing the book, and that they were reworking it. They added/tweaked stuff mostly in FAQ, but never in a proper document that lays down the changes, whether be before or after the PRD got carried over to the Archives of Nethys.
They released Wilderness Origins, and they still didn't address it...
Is it really this complicated and costly to release a 5-page PDF document with the new shifter class?
I don't get it either ?_?

Cavall |
When you stated "they added/tweaked stuff" that changed the class.
The official (and d20srd as well) websites took that and added it to the class so that you can find it.
If not on the FAQ and not on the official site and not on the unofficial sites where are you expecting this information to come from?
Are you asking them to type up a new block in a book for you? If so, the pocket guide comes out soon. If you're asking for one on this website, when has that EVER been done?
The information you need and where to get that information are clear and easy to find. I still don't understand the issue here.

SaltMiner |

SaltMiner wrote:I could not care less about the shifter case, but I want to know if sylvan trickster rogue uses their rogue level+INT for the effects of any hexes they get!Why wouldn't it?
Because it lacks something that say so...
like in the eldritch scoundrel archetype:
or in this magus archetype: