Chronicler of Worlds


So the Chronicler of Worlds is all about planar stuff. However, it doesn't have any inherent way to cast plane shift. Is there a reasonable way of overcoming this deficit, or am I going to have to rely on a party members/scrolls/natural portals?

None that are compatible with the archetype, I'm afraid. It's something of a weird oversight that an archetype designed for adventuring across the planes lacks the ability to actually travel across the planes. Probably your best option is to pick up Charm Monster and "convince" an extraplanar creature with the ability to give you a ride.

Edit: actually, it occurs to me that a Samsaran could pull it off with mystic past life since Plane Shift is a 5th level spell on the Summoner class list and 6th level on the USummoner class list. While it's annoying that it's race-locked to a munchkiny option, it will work.

They do eventually get fey gate and entice fey as spells. The former can get you to the First World, the latter probably has options which would allow planar travel.

Fey Gate only allows travel to a specific plane. Unless your campaign revolves around the First World specifically, that's not worth a 6th level spell known on a 6-level spontaneous caster.

The material components cost of Entice Fey is more expensive than UMD'ing a divine scroll of plane shift, and that's before paying the creature itself for its service. Even if you could guarantee that the fey creature who answers the call has the ability to courier you across the planes (there is no such assurance) it's really no better than just stocking up on consumables.

There is a bard masterpiece that lets you "cast" Planar ally. You could try to use that...

Legato Piece on the Infernal Bargain

A Cauchemar has plane shift, I'm sure there are others that have it as well.

Edit: Also Couatl

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I got two.

1. Deific Obedience for Ng. With Diverse Obedience, that gives you plane shift once per day at 14th level. Plus it's a fitting deity!

2. Play a Fetchling with Umbral Escort. Allows you to take people along with you on your plane shifts as early as 13th level.

A level 13 Bard can cast Shadow Walk. People often regard it as a Teleport variant and thus forget that it also permits planar travel to other planes that border on the Plane of Shadow. A level 16 Bard gets Fey Gate.

If you are also a Studious Librarian Bard (which is compatible with Chronicler of Worlds), you can also use the Janni's Jaunt spell as a lesser Plane Shift which will bring you to the material, elemental, or astral plane from any plane. It also enables use of the Anywhere But Here spell, which transports you all to a random plane.

The feat Stellar Wanderer (requires character level 15) provides a 1/week Plane Shift SLA and the Amulet of the Planes (120k gp) lets you plane shift wherever at will, provided you can make a DC15 int check.

Cheesier options for planar travel include using the Bard's Music Beyond the Spheres masterpiece to Limited Wish for a Plane Shift (5th level spell on the Cleric list) and dipping a single level of the Loremaster prestige class and taking advantage of your undoubtedly high int score to immediately get the bonus feat for a Secret of Magical Discipline feat.

Here is the current discussion thread on what planes touch the shadow plane, if you want to use Shadow Walk for planar travel.

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