Origami Dog |

Alright, I made some adjustments. I wasn't certain how much I should leave up to Interpretation, so I've gone into more detail. I'm new to Golarion (only played/ran in homebrew campaigns), so feel free to change locations to be appropriate.
Male Kobold Gunslinger 1
CG Small reptilian humanoid (human)
Init +5; Senses Perception +5, Darkvision 60ft Weakness Light sensitvity
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+2 armor, +3 Dex, +1 size, +1 natural armor)
HP 10 (1d10+0)
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee longsword +0 (1d6-1 [19-20])
Ranged battered musket +4 (1d10+3 [x4])
Str 8, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 11
Base Atk +1; CMB -1; CMD 12
Feats Kobold Sniper (ARG), Gunsmithing (UC)
Traits Time Lost, Slithering Stride (kobolds of golarion), Friends in Low Places (bastards of golarion)
Skills Stealth + 11, Perception +8, Sleight of Hand+7, Survival +6, Handle Animal +4, Disable Device
Background Skills Knowledge (local) +5, Craft (alchemy)+5
Favored +1 Skill Point
Languages Draconic, Common
Other Gear Black Powder (20 doses), Firearm Bullets (20), Rope (50ft), Backpack, Flint and Steel, Torches (10), Rations (8days), Waterskin (full) Bedroll, Grappling Hook, Thieves’ Tools, Oil (3 Flasks), Chalk (10 pieces), Signal Whistle (UE), Whetstone (UE), Explorer’s Outfit, Tobacco (1lb)(UE), Fine Wine (1 bottle), 2gp 7sp 8cp
Special Abilities
Armor +1 Natural Armor
Crafty +2 to Craft(traps),Perception and Profession(miner). Craft(traps) and Stealth are always class skills.
Grit 2 per day
Deadeye Can spend grit to resolve a firearm attack against touch AC, costs 1 point for each range increment beyond the first.
Gunslinger’s Dodge May spend 1 grit to move 5 feet when attacked by at range, doing so adds +2 AC against the attack, +4 if choosing to drop prone instead.
Quick Clear As a standard action, can remove the broken condition from a firearm if it was caused by misfire. Must have one grit point to use ability and may spend a point to Quick Clear as a move action.
Time Lost Once an Adventure, may force the GM to reroll.
Slithering Stride May move unimpeded through undergrowth for 3 rounds a day
Friends in Low Places Gathering information is takes 1d2 hours in lower quarters
Born J’rah Skritaj, Arrack was from the Longjaw clan but due to a birthmark on right side of his tail, he is considered a Sparktail, a magical caste. His father is Hunter Longjaw and is the third of nine eggs in the clutch, though the number of siblings has most likely increased after J'rah left the tribe. Due to clan disagreements with the Dragoncrown clan, J'rah has little loyalty to the tribe’s leader, Elder Dragoncrown, though he was taken in and trained by the court sorcerer Em’res Whiptail. Em'res was an alchemist and frequently sent Arrack into the surrounding jungle to hunt for supplies. Upon his return with the Eye though, the tribe had changed. None of the people he knew lived amongst the new tribe, and they were quick to force J'rah out. Taking the name Arrack, J’rah set off to find his destiny or wherever the Emerald Eye leads him.
Unfortunately, Arrack’s travels were ill-fated, for little more than a week later, he was captured by a band of slavers. Stripped of all his possessions, he was sold into the service of a small lord who forced his slaves to build some kind of stone monument. The lord, Elias Cornham, was a devout worshipper of Asmodeus and was erecting a stone monument in his honor. After years of toil, the monument was nearing completion, and with that the end of Arrack's usefulness. Taking advantage of his small size and night vision, Arrack slipped off quietly into the night and fled to the nearest town. There, under the cover of night, he broke into a local smith and freed his hands with the heat of the forge.
For the next couple years, Arrack lived the life of a pickpocket and thief, stealing what he needed to survive. Being forced to live the life of a petty thief was humiliating and within him burned the desire to see his kind walk the streets of men, as equals. Arrack broke into an alchemist’s workshop and discovered a prototype firearm, one of the first of its kind. Quickly realizing the potential behind the weapon, Arrack stole the prototype and all the research papers he could find, and set the place alight, hoping to bury its secrets in fire. He set out then, looking to free his race from exploitation.
With the beginnings of a grand plan forming in his mind, Arrack picked his way across the Inner Sea. It was always easy for him to track down the local kobold population, even in cities, and he would often rest amongst his people. After traveling for almost three months, Arrack found the town of Roderic's Cove, a town that as far as he knew, had no dealings with his kind. Thinking that the indifference of the local populace was his best bet, Arrack plans to make a name for himself.
Arrack wears a navy blue double-breasted longcoat, with his longsword belted to his hip. Slung over his shoulder is a battered musket, wrapped in heavy cloth.
Arrack is 19, which would be 38 in kobold years.

Rabscuttle |

This is Hermael Kaseldri, Elven horseman and pugilist.
(He will go straight brawler)
Hermael Kaseldri
NG Male Elven Brawler 1
STR: 14 = Base: 14
DEX: 18 = Base: 16; Racial: (+2) Elf
CON: 8 = Base: 10; Racial: (-2) Elf
INT: 12 = Base: 10; Racial: (+2) Elf
WIS: 13 = Base: 13
CHA: 12 = Base: 12
Fort: +1 = Base: +2; CON: -1
Ref: +6 = Base: +2; DEX: +4
Will: +1 = Base: +0; WIS: +1
(+2 on all saves vs supernatural attacks, spells, or spell-like abilities from undead creatures.)
AC: 16 = Base: (+10); Dexterity: (+4); Armor: (+2) Leather
Touch: 14
FF: 12
BAB: 1
CMB: 3 = BAB: (+1); Strength: (+2)
CMD: 17 = Base: (+10); BAB: (+1); Strength: (+2); Dexterity: (+4)
Init: +4 = Dexterity: +4
Speed: 30ft
HP: 10 = 1d10, -1 CON, +1 FCO
Languages: Elven, Common, Sylvan
Favored Class Bonus: +1HP
Unarmed Strike +5 (1d6+2, x2)
Whip +1 (1d3+2, x2)
Dagger +5 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2)
Longbow +5 (1d8, x3)
Acrobatics: 8 = +1 rank; +4 DEX; Misc: (+3) Class Skill
Appraise: 1 = +1 INT
Bluff: 1 = +1 CHA
Climb: 6 = +1 rank; +2 STR; Misc: (+3) Class Skill
Diplomacy: 1 = +1 CHA
Disguise: 1 = +1 CHA
Escape Artist: 4 = +4 DEX
Fly: 4 = +4 DEX
Handle Animal: 6 = +1 rank; +1 CHA; Misc: (+1) Beast Bond, (+3) Class Skill
Heal: 1 = +1 WIS
Intimidate: 1 = +1 CHA
Knowledge (nature): 7 = +1 rank; +1 INT; Trait: (+1) Child of Nature; Misc: (+3) Class Skill; Racial: (+1) Woodcraft
Perception: 7 = +1 rank; +1 WIS; Misc: (+3) Class Skill; Racial: (+2) Keen Senses
Profession (Driver): 5 = +1 rank; +1 WIS; Misc: (+3) Class Skill
Ride: 9 = +1 rank; +4 DEX; Misc: (+1) Beast Bond, (+3) Class Skill
Sense Motive: 1 = +1 WIS
Stealth: 4 = +4 DEX
Survival: 2 = +1 WIS; Racial: (+1) Woodcraft
(+2 to find food and water)
Swim: 2 = +2 STR
Race Features
Type (CRB 22): You are a humanoid with the elf subtype.
Low-Light Vision (CRB 22): You can see twice as far in conditions of dim light.
Elven Immunities (CRB 22): You are immune to magic sleep effects and get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.
Keen Senses (CRB 22): You receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception skill checks.*
Weapon Familiarity (CRB 22): You are proficient with longbows, longswords, rapiers, and shortbows, and treat any weapon with the word “elven” in its name as a martial weapon. *
Woodcraft (APG 13): You gain a +1 bonus on Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks.* In forest terrain, these bonuses improve to +2.
Class Features
Armor and Shield Proficiency: You are proficient in Light Armor. You are proficient with shields (excluding tower shields.) *
Weapon Proficiency: You are proficient with all Simple weapons. You are proficient with weapons from the close fighter weapon group. Additionally you are proficient with the following weapons: Handaxe; Longbow; Longsword; Rapier; Shortbow; Sword, short
Brawler's Cunning (Ex) (ACG 23): Your Intelligence counts as at least 13 for the purpose of qualifying for combat feats.*
Martial Flexibility (Ex) (ACG 23) (3 /day): You can gain the benefit of a combat feat you don't have for one minute. You can select one feat as a move action. If you use this ability again before the duration expires, you can replace a previous feat with another choice. You must meet the prerequisites of each feat gained. Each individual feat selected counts towards the daily uses of this ability.
Martial Training (Ex) (ACG 23): Your brawler levels count as both monk and fighter levels for the purpose of qualifying for feats.* You count as both a Fighter and Monk for the effects of feats* and magic items.
Unarmed Strike (ACG 23): You gain Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat.* Your unarmed strike does 1d6 damage*. It can deal lethal or non-lethal damage and is treated as both manufactured and natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects.
Spirit Touched (APReR 11): You gain a +2 trait bonus on all saving throws against supernatural attacks, spells, or spell-like abilities from undead creatures.
Once per adventure, you may automatically succeed at a Constitution check to stablize or a saving throw to remove a negative level.
Child of Nature (APG 333): You gain a +2 trait bonus on Survival checks to find food and water, and a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (nature) checks*. Knowledge (nature) is always a class skill for you*.
Beast Bond (UCa 59): You gain a +1 bonus on Handle Animal checks* and Ride checks*. Handle Animal is a class skill for you*.
Weapon Finesse (Core 136): With a light weapon, elven curve blade, rapier, whip, or spiked chain made for a creature of your size category, you may use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls*. If you carry a shield, its armor check penalty applies to your attack rolls*.
Improved Unarmed Strike (Core 128): You are considered to be armed even when unarmed—you do not provoke attacks of opportunity when you attack foes while unarmed. Your unarmed strikes can deal lethal or nonlethal damage, at your choice.
Defense: Leather Armor
Offense: Longbow, Whip, Dagger, 20 x Arrows
General: Masterwork Backpack, Bedroll, Belt Pouch, Flint and Steel, 2 x Torch, 5 x Trail Rations, Waterskin, Clay Tankard, Training Whip, Flask of Acid, 50ft hemp rope, 3 x Sunrod
Cash: 23gp 3sp 6cp
Hermael doesn't remember his parents - while he was still a baby his village was overrun with wights. The band of adventurers who were tracking them down were unfortunately too late to save the rest of his village, but did hear Hermael's cries once the last wight was slain. Unable to raise a child themselves, they left him in a small logging town.
His childhood passed slowly, and though he was well cared for, he did find it difficult as the human children always seemed to outgrow and outage him. He found solace in caring for the village horses, somehow the lack of intelligence made it easier to cope with the knowledge that he would outlive them.
When he was finally old enough, he took a job driving a log cart out of town and hasn't looked back. He spent the following years traveling with horses across Varisia; driving coaches, guarding wagons, or acting as a fast messenger when one was needed. Occasionally he'd stop in a town or a city for a while, working in a stable or handling local deliveries. He look in on any amateur boxing or fighting group he could - having playmates outgrow him meant he quickly learned how to handle himself.
His most recent trip has ended in Roderick's Cove, and he has been there for a few weeks now, working in the local stables. He is content to work while he waits for a job out, until he can buy a horse himself.
Hermael is tall and lanky, with green eyes and long blond hair that he usually keeps tied back. He normally wears simple clothes as he does spend most of his day mucking around after horses - when traveling he wears rough leather armor under a green traveling cloak.
He is used to journeying alone, so tends to be aloof among strangers. He can be friendly once he warms up to someone, that can happen quicker if someone shares his passion for animals, or if he's been in a fight with them.
He is a follower of Gozreh, and tends to be happy when travelling, and feels a little claustrophobic when in crowded cities.
My character from RotR that didn't die (the game petered out after book 2) was Astarra, Human Monk with a dash of Cleric (Abadar, Travel & Protection domains). I don't think I still have the character details, but I can recreate her if necessary.

Nairb the Grey |

Been so busy with work and home, consistently having trouble finding time to finish his background. Let's get it done tonight!
I am submitting Kragg, the Orcish Two-Handed Fighter
CN Male Orcish Fighter (Two-Handed Fighter) 1
*disclaimer - this is all typed manually from the MW charactersheet. That is the primary source and should be trusted if there is any discrepancies.
STR: 18 = Base: 14; Racial: (+4) Orc
DEX: 14 = Base: 14
CON: 16 = Base: 16
INT: 8 = Base: 10; Racial: (-2) Orc
WIS: 6 = Base: 8; Racial: (-2) Orc
CHA: 10 = Base: 12; Racial: (-2) Orc
Fort: +5 = Base: +2; CON: +3
Ref: +2 = Base: +0; DEX: +2
Will: -2 = Base: +0; WIS: -2
(+2 on all saves vs supernatural attacks, spells, or spell-like abilities from undead creatures. - Spirit Touched Trait)
AC: 18 = Base: (+10); Dexterity: (+2); Armor: (+6) 4 Mirror
Touch: 12
FF: 16
BAB: 1
CMB: 5 = BAB: (+1); Strength: (+4)
CMD: 17 = Base: (+10); BAB: (+1); Strength: (+4); Dexterity: (+2)
Init: +2 = Dexterity: +2
Speed: 20ft
HP: 13 = 1d10, +3 CON,
Languages: Orcish, Common
Favored Class Bonus: +1 Skill Point
Great Axe +5 (1d12+6, x3)
Dagger +5 (1d4+4, 19-20/x2)
Dagger +1 (1d4+4, 19-20/x2) - Range 10'
Javelin +1 (1d6+4, x2) - Range 30'
Acrobatics: -3 = +2 DEX; -5 ACP
Appraise: -1 = -1 INT
Bluff: 0 = +0 CHA
Craft (Weapons): 0 = +1 Rank; -1 INT (Background Skill)
Climb: 3 = +1 rank; +4 STR; Misc: (+3) Class Skill; -5 ACP
Diplomacy: 0 = +0 CHA
Disable Device: -3 = +2 DEX; -5 ACP
Disguise: 0 = +0 CHA
Escape Artist: -3 = +2 DEX; -5 ACP
Fly: -3 = +2 DEX; -5 ACP
Handle Animal: 0 = +0 CHA
Heal: -2 = -2 WIS
Intimidate: 10 = +1 Rank; +0 CHA; +4 STR (Intimidating Prowess); Misc: +3 Class Skill; +2 Trait (Thunder & Fang)
Knowledge (History): 0 = +1 Rank; -1 INT (Background Skill)
Perception: -2 = -2 WIS
Race Features
Type: You are a humanoid with the orc subtype.
Darkvision: Orcs can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.
Ferocity: Orcs possess the ferocity ability which allows them to remain conscious and continue fighting even if their hit point totals fall below 0. Orcs are still staggered at 0 hit points or lower and lose 1 hit point each round as normal.
Dayrunner: Orcs refuse to yield to any foe, including the sun. Some spend hour upon hour glaring at the sun until their ruined eyes acclimatize to bright light. Orcs with this racial trait take a –2 penalty on all ranged attack rolls. This racial trait replaces light sensitivity.
Weapon Familiarity: Orcs are always proficient with greataxes and falchions, and treat any weapon with the word “orc” in its name as a martial weapon.
Class Features
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A fighter is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all armor (heavy, light, and medium) and shields (including tower shields).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, and at every even level thereafter, a fighter gains a bonus feat in addition to those gained from normal advancement (meaning that the fighter gains a feat at every level). These bonus feats must be selected from those listed as Combat Feats, sometimes also called “fighter bonus feats.”
Upon reaching 4th level, and every four levels thereafter (8th, 12th, and so on), a fighter can choose to learn a new bonus feat in place of a bonus feat he has already learned. In effect, the fighter loses the bonus feat in exchange for the new one. The old feat cannot be one that was used as a prerequisite for another feat, prestige class, or other ability. A fighter can only change one feat at any given level and must choose whether or not to swap the feat at the time he gains a new bonus feat for the level.
Spirit Touched (APReR 11): You gain a +2 trait bonus on all saving throws against supernatural attacks, spells, or spell-like abilities from undead creatures.
Once per adventure, you may automatically succeed at a Constitution check to stablize or a saving throw to remove a negative level.
Thunder and Fang Performer: You gain a +2 trait bonus on Intimidate checks while wielding a two-handed melee weapon.
Mock Gladiator: You take no penalty on attack rolls when dealing nonlethal damage with that weapon, and once per day if you score a critical hit with the weapon, you can immediately attempt an Intimidate check to demoralize your target.
Power Attack: You can choose to take a –1 penalty on all melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain a +2 bonus on all melee damage rolls. This bonus to damage is increased by half (+50%) if you are making an attack with a two-handed weapon, a one handed weapon using two hands, or a primary natural weapon that adds 1-1/2 times your Strength modifier on damage rolls. This bonus to damage is halved (–50%) if you are making an attack with an off-hand weapon or secondary natural weapon.
When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and every 4 points thereafter, the penalty increases by –1 and the bonus to damage increases by +2.
You must choose to use this feat before making an attack roll, and its effects last until your next turn. The bonus damage does not apply to touch attacks or effects that do not deal hit point damage.
Intimidating Prowess: Add your Strength modifier to Intimidate skill checks in addition to your Charisma modifier.
Defense: Four Mirror Armor
Offense: Greataxe, 2 Daggers, 5 Javelin
General: Fighter's Kit, 2 Potions CLW
Cash: 12gp
Kragg was a powerful and strong orc cub, just like any other. And like many of his pride, he thought himself powerful enough to challenge the Alpha. This was his folly. At the young age of 15 he stood against a grizzled veteran twice his size, and was shown to death's door. It was only by the grace and beauty of his mother was he allowed to live when so many impudent welps before him had died for the same insolence. But the experience still shaped him. To this day he remembers the dark gates that yawned before him, drawing him in. The memory frightens him, and he is determined not to see those gates again for a long time. Spirit Touched
After being nursed back to health he was exiled from his pride, thought to be untrustworthy. This was infact a right passage. Now his only way back home was to win honor and fame in the world at large and prove himself worth of the pride's honor. Travelling into the softer human lands, Kragg found work as a bouncer, a mercenary, and a gladitorial performer. He never managed to stay at a job for long. Despite any training or admonishment provided, Kragg always proved to be too rough for the job. In the gladiator pit, when he was supposed to be mocking the fight to impress the crowd, his own blood-rush would often lead him to killing his opponent. While this drew larger crowds, the cost of replacing skilled combatants quickly outstripped the benefit.
Now Kragg travels as caravan guard and oft-time mercenary and sell-sword. If the coin is right he is the right muscle for the job.
Like many orcs of his heritage, Kragg has dark green skin that is well suited to the deep temperate forests that his pride calls home. His black eyes are accentuated with white cat eye slits, and his head shows a dark stubble, suggesting he shaves his head rather than the baldness being natural.
Kragg is quick to anger and often ready to settle things "the old fashioned way". While hard to win as a friend, those that have recognize that he is valuable to have in a fight. His loyalty can be bought, and once paid for stays firm until the job is done. Once the job is done though someone else can buy that loyalty to end his previous employer and he will do so with no qualms.
He sounds like fun and someone that would maybe get along with Kragg if the need arose.
I live in Texas...so -6 GMT. However my work allows me to surf while I work, so I can generally post between 9a - 6p as well as once or twice from 9p to 11p on weekdays (all CST).

GM Phntm888 |

Bold choice to make a front-liner with an 8 Con. Still, could pay off with your Dex being what it is.
Does Hermael have any attachments? Any former childhood friends from the lumber town that are now elderly, or one of the adventurers who maybe checked in on him while he was growing up?
Everything looks good.
I can see that the MythWeavers copy didn't go too well in some places - the Craft skills class bonus didn't copy over, and the chosen weapon for Mock Gladiator did the same. Thank you for posting the sheet link, it helped with figuring things out.
Everything is finished, but I have one question: Would Kragg accept a job even if there was no guarantee of pay?

Nairb the Grey |

@GM - Probably so if there was an opportunity or promise of loot in lieu of pay. He isn't altruistic, definitely more of a self-interested motivation kind of character.
If it is just "Stand here and possibly die for us" with no hint of any kind of compensation either after the fact or through the action, no...he isn't built that way. If that will cause issues with him sticking in the plot let me know and I will see if I can make adjustments.

GM Phntm888 |

The first part of this adventure assumes the PCs have some motivation to help the town of Roderic’s Cove. Make sure your character has motivation to want to help Roderic’s Cove.
The very first quest you're given offers neither a reward for completion nor does it spell out there will be an opportunity for loot. I don't see Kragg being too keen on picking that up. Most of the quests don't offer strict rewards, although for some it's obvious that there's a chance to loot things. As it stands, I think Kragg might be a little too mercenary for the plot of the AP. Do you think his personality would change over the course of the campaign, or would his main motivation remain whether or not he gets money?

Nairb the Grey |

His primary motivation through it all is to return to his pride a proven warrior and regain a place in his society. The way he views it is monetary advancement and loot is a means to that end.
Hmm...Maybe another character hired him to travel with them and provide aid/protection? Part of his starting wealth could be the money from that contract? It doesn't exactly fit the fluff of close ally, but if it would help I could trade in spirit touched for close ally to make that happen. He is loyal when his services are bought, so if he is contracted by another PC that has a motivation the help Roderic's Cove he will be willing to come along until the money runs out (which is an arbitrary in game thing that we can play around with).

Jereru |

Yeah, I'm sure Gabriel or any other will be willing to offer part of a potential payment/loot for Kragg. Once we go through the very beginning, of course, since money is usually scarce at that stage (or Kragg should be willing to accept small coin as payment at the beginning).
Sorry if I've put my nose where it doesn't belong.

Nairb the Grey |

Not at all! If the GM accepts this solution it would require participation from the other players, so I appreciate the input.
What I am proposing just to be clear is that you have already paid for his services up to a point (somehow, storyline wise). I am not suggesting that your starting gold be reduced in anyway though. Not a payment with respect to the mechanics of game play, just for fluff/story/character motivation.

GM Phntm888 |

Hmmm...It might be a workable solution that doesn't involve changing the character too much. If Kragg gets in, we'll talk about it then and see if anyone is interested in stepping into that role.
I can tell you that even if the people who have dotted don't submit a character, it's going to be stiff competition, so I'm not making any promises. There are some good options here.

Henric Drake |

I can tell you that even if the people who have dotted don't submit a character, it's going to be stiff competition, so I'm not making any promises. There are some good options here.
Right? I'm practically sweating buckets with the pressure of competition. I stoked to play Henric, and this seems like a great opportunity for it.

baggageboy |

GM, is there a particular layout you like your players to use for their profiles?
I'm pretty much done with my character and am at the point where I'm putting it all down into a profile, and I'd like to do so in a way you like. (I'm still trying to settle on the best way myself)
Here's a very basic outline of my character's background.
- Gnome, Puppetmaster Magus
- Taking Faerie dragon magic and fey thoughts alternate traits
- Taking Scion of a Legend (my RiseOTRL character Caeldren Here's a link to the campaign (Active) if you care. RiseOTRL
- Skills are mixed but will keep the face skills up (minus intimidate)
- Raised by gnome parents in a halfling caravan that travels Varisia
- Worships Chaldira (love of tricks and luck led him to worship her)
- Loves practical jokes tricks and people, very friendly
- Uses gift for illusions for fun, jokes, story props, protecting caravan etc.
- Fascinated by Thassalon
- Left the caravan of his parents to join the caravan of Cael (short for Caeldren)
- Became an apprentice of sorts to Cael and had traveled with him and his caravan for a few years now
- Was with Cael's caravan that cam to Rodrick's cove though Cael had left earlier to adventure something
- Waiting in Rodrick's Cove for word from Cael, the caravan left and is headed to Magnimar? now.

baggageboy |

@baggageboy - Not especially. As long as I can find everything easily enough when I review it, you can lay it out how you like. If you want, you can take a look at some of my aliases and how they're laid out.
I just did that and realized we're in the serpents skull campaign together :)
Ok, I'm working on the profile now, I should have it up in a few hours. I liked the way Rabscuttle did his, so I'm trying it that way this time.

Chapel36 |
Valeriana Lopuscia
NG Human Female Brawler ( Strong-Side Boxer )1
Init +2; Senses Perception +5
AC 19, Touch 12, Flat-Footed 17( +4 Armor, +2 Shield, +2 Dex, +1 Dodge)
HP 12
Fort +4; Ref +4, Will +1, +2 trait bonus on Will saves against charm and compulsion effects; +2 trait bonus on all saving throws made against supernatural attacks, spells, or spell-like abilities from undead creatures.
Defensive Abilities
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Unarmed Strike +5 (1d6+4/x2), cold iron dagger + 5 (1d4+4/19-20 x2)
Ranged javelin +3 (1d6+4/x2)
Special Attacks
Str 18, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 17
Feats Improved Unarmed Strike; Shield Focus
Skills Acrobatics +6; Climb +8; Perception +5;
Background Skills Handle Animal: +4; Profession (Boxer) +5;
Languages Common, Polyglot, Varisian
Traits Combat: Dirty Fighter ; Race: Child of Two Peoples ; Campaign: Spirit Touched
SQ Human bonus feat swapped for Dual Talent (+2 STR +2 CON); Brawler’s Cunning (Ex); Martial Flexibility (Ex); Shield-Hand (Ex) ; Strong-Side Fist (Ex)
Favored Class +1 Hit Point
Combat Gear acid flask (2)
Other Gear lamellar (leather), buckler, cold iron dagger, javelin (5), caltrops (2 bags), brawler's kit, crowbar, smelling salts 48 gp
“Told ya I could do it!” Valeriana exclaimed as she slugged one of the boys in the arm. She prayed that none of them would notice the purple bags under her eyes.
“Rance didn't think you would make it all night but, I knew ya would!” The smallest of the boys said.
“You did not, you lying git! Zaren cried all night about how 'Val was gonna get taken by the Red Widow,’” Dazim said.
Val stood with her hands on her hips, a grin spread from ear to ear.
“It was nothing, kids. Every time some creepy crawly tried to come near me…” Val leaned in towards the boys, “...I gave it a good wallop upside the head!” Val slammed her right fist into the open palm of her left hand.
The other children jumped then started laughing. All except for the smallest boy, Zaren, who started crying.
Dazim sneared at Val, “The only reason you even agreed to the dare is because you’re new and you’re too stupid to know that house is haunted!” The other boys laughed harder and the group started off toward the center of town, leaving Val and Zaren standing in front of the house.
“Oh, geez, Zaren, if you don't start to toughen up, people're gonna start thinking you're half Yaenit!” Val said.
Zaren stopped crying and rubbed his eyes, “What's a Yaenit?”
“It’s this little, tiny, purple guy. Goes around sitting on people's shoes and whenever they try to take 'em back he starts crying.”
Zaren stood up tall, “I'm not a Yaenit!”
Val grinned and pushed Zaren in the opposite direction of the other boys, “Yeah, I know. But maybe we can get my grandpa to help toughen you up.”
As the two left for Val's house, she spared a glance back at the dilapidated house that stood near the edge of Roderic's Cove. Through one of the windows Val saw the figure of the woman that had plagued her all night and refused her sleep. A woman with in a red, silk dress, half of her face peeled away like the rind of sickly fruit. In one hand specter held the handle of the knife she had used to disfigure herself before taking her own life. In the other, she clutched a framed picture of the husband that had been murdered in the backroom of the shop he owned. The Red Widow locked eyes with Val….and smiled.
“Get your head in the game, Val!”
Zaren shoved Val to the side as half-orc brought his foot down in a powerful axe kick.
“Kurgess’ biceps! This guy's calf is as thick as my waist!” Val ducked to the side and landed a glancing blow on the half-orc's ribs.
Zaren rolled to the large man's other side, narrowly avoiding a backhand strike from the half-orc's right side. The half-orc grunted and let the momentum from his backhand pull him around, driving his left knee into Zaren's gut. Zaren folded around the half-orc's leg bit managed to stay on his feet. Val launched herself into the air. Just as the half-orc turned to face her, Val brought her wrapped fist crashing down into her opponents face. The half-orc wobbled, stumbled backwards, and toppled over Zaren.
The crowd broke into mixture of cheers and curses. Zaren coughed and started to leave the dirt-packed arena.
“C'mon, Val,” Zaren said.
“Hang on a minute,” Val replied.
Val cracked some smelling salts under the half-orc’s nose. A large grin formed on Val’s face then she helped the big man to his feet.
The half-orc pinched his nose, stifling the blood flow.
“That,” the fighter grumbled, “was a helluva fight!” He returned Val’s grin and stumbled out of the ring.
“C'mon, Val,” Zaren repeated.
Val closed her eyes and breathed in the smell of the dirt, the blood, and the sweat.
“I need to soak in as much of this as I can.”
Afterwards, Valeriana and Zaren collected their share of the winnings and hired a carriage to take Val back home to Roderic's Cove.
“Sure I can't convince you to come home?” Val asked her friend.
“Positive,” Zaren said. “I kinda like Magnimar. Besides, if I leave now, Holbik will think that I’m just trying to avoid his parents coming to stay with us.”
The two friends share a final, somber laugh and Val climbed into the carriage.
“Alright,” Val told herself, “Let’s get home and make sure Grandpa gets put next to Grandma.”
At 5’10” Val is just above average height for a human. With dark eyes, dark hair, and a dark skin, Val’s grandparents always said she got her height from her mother - a Varisian dancer - and everything else from her father - a Mwangi soldier. Much to her grandparents chagrin, Val ran off and found someone to give her a “traditional Mwangi tattoo.” It wasn’t until later she found out what the symbol actually meant, “mupute.” Val laughed about it for the entire week that her grandparents kept her on lock-down as punishment.
Val faces every challenge head-on, often times overcoming challenges through sheer blunt force. It is rare for Val to be genuinely angry over a loss, she may be upset at her own failing, but, as long as the terms set before her are fair Val considers any loss as a chance to grow.
I have a Paladin of Iomedae that made it through part 1 of book 1 of RotR before my IRL group disbanded.
Isaac Krijai is a Human Paladin (Sword of Valor & Tempered Champion) that would have entered into the Sentinel prestige class.
Shattered Star
I’ve only ever read through it so I’d have to go with either Amiri the barbarian or Damiel the alchemist.

GM Phntm888 |

Interesting archetype. I haven't seen that one, before.
You seem to have exceeded the 20 point buy.
Str: 18 = 16 (10 points) + 2 Human
Dex: 14 = 14 (5 points)
Con: 18 = 16 (10 points) + 2 Human
Int: 8 = 8 (-2 points)
Wis: 12 = 12 (2 points)
Cha: 10 = 10 (0 points)
25 points total. I'd suggest scaling Str and Con down to 17 each, which lowers your total by 6, and then toss a 3rd point into Wis to round out the 20. Alternatively, you can drop Con to 16, which will shed the points by 5.
For backstory, are you referring to any particular haunted house in Roderic's Cove, or just one in general?
For the Sihedron Hero, you only need one - those are just the two APs it's recommended you use for choosing it. Just pick which of those two you want to use.

Chapel36 |
I was just referencing any haunted house. I try to leave some things vague for the GM to fill in as needed.
As far as a hero goes, I'd have to go with my own then. Isaac the Paladin.

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This looks like a full house, but I thought I'd throw my hat in the ring, anyway.
Necress Nyx, Human Oracle 1, at your service.
Stat block, background, appearance, and personality are included on my character sheet.

Rabscuttle |

Hermael is a bit of a rolling stone. But I like the idea of the original party checking on him. It makes sense that the party would have left him with one of their brother/sisters to raise. And a dwarf has the lifespan to still be alive after Hermael grows up. (An elf would probably have tried to leave him with other elves instead of humans)
Here are some possible attachments (will come up with names later)
Old Dwarven Paladin, retired? adventurer : One of the party that found him as a baby. Checked in on him every couple of years while he was still in the lumber village. Current Location: could be anywhere.
Human Commoner, logger : Great nephew/niece of one of party members that found Hermael as a baby. Officially they were Hermael's last "carer" before he left home, but Hermael also saw them grow up too, because different lifespans are weird. Current Location: logging village
Various stablehands, boxers : Since he has left home, he has met and worked with numerous people. If he does spend some time in a single place, he will become friendly with different people - if his fate sends him their way again, he will look them up to say hello. Location: anywhere with horses and/or fight clubs

Gillroy Lightbender |

Alright! May I present, Gillroy Lightbender :D
Everything should be in his profile. I plan on writing a narrative background during the next week, but the basis of the character and who he is is there.
Please let me know if his motivations for being in Rodrick's Cove work. Also if there are any other concerns or improvements that I can make (I love suggestions)
Edit: This is Baggageboy BTW

GM Phntm888 |

So, I'm guessing that you're using the Juju Oracle off of d20pfsrd.org? I think the original printing of the Juju Oracle from City of Seven Spears may have been replaced by the re-print in Faiths and Philosophies. For comparison:
Archives of Nethys
Let me think about which version to use.
You appear to not have put ranks in your Background Skills.
Just pick one of the two for your Sihedron Hero. Whichever you prefer.
Thank you. I just wanted to see if he was all loner or did develop some attachements in life.
Looking forward to the narrative backstory. Otherwise, everything is complete.

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If that is the case, I would probably just go with a standard Bones mystery Oracle. My goal was to have some interaction with undead that was more like Sixth Sense than evil necromancer. It looks like the remake of the Juju mystery doesn't get any control over undead, so I'd probably rather not do that and do Bones if you'd rather not have the old Juju mystery.
Let me know what you decide and I'd be happy to make any changes.
I actually did have the two background skills (I had put them in linguistics for read lips, and knowledge: history).
I'll go ahead and select as Sihendron Hero the tiefling cousin of Necress, Calypso Nyx, who is a Witch.

GM Phntm888 |

Okay. I missed Knowledge (history) and (religion) being included in the same parentheses.
I'm going to ask you to remove every skill you don't have a rank in from your list of skills - it's very confusing to try and see which skills have ranks in them and which don't. I only count the following skills as having a rank in them: Diplomacy, Knowledge (history), Knowledge (religion), Linguistics, Perception, Spellcraft. By my count, that's 4 class plus 2 background, which means you are missing your one rank from the human's Skilled racial ability.
How big a deal is control over undead to you for the character concept? There are a couple of other Mysteries that might work for the "Sixth Sense" vibe you wanted. Something like Ancestor or Occult, perhaps.
I'd like to be clear I don't have a problem with the Bones Mystery, and if that's the direction you want to go, it won't be an impediment to your submission, but I do want to make sure you consider your options to get the character that fits the best.
@Ouachitonian - It is, in fact, frustrating. I'll mark Shamgar off the list. Thank you for letting me know.

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As far as controlling undead, it was part of the concept, though I could see the Occult working, too.
That said, if you don't envision a Bones Oracle being a good fit in the group, I actually have an Arcanist I could submit if you'd prefer (which doesn't have any iffy abilities.

GM Phntm888 |

@Nairb - That would be a lot more work than I'm interested in doing. I have 2 concurrent tables for a Way of the Wicked campaign, and that's challenging enough.
If it's part of the concept, keep it. I'm going to use the Archives version of the Juju Oracle, so a Bones Oracle will be fine. I haven't decided on the group yet, so I don't know whether or not it will be a good fit if you get in. I would prefer to avoid creating lots of undead, mostly for ease of combat.

Nairb the Grey |

@Nairb - That would be a lot more work than I'm interested in doing. I have 2 concurrent tables for a Way of the Wicked campaign, and that's challenging enough.
** spoiler omitted **
I was 100% kidding. I just think it is funny that you have enough interest to do it if you were crazy enough to try.

GM Phntm888 |

I had over 30 submissions for the aforementioned Way of the Wicked campaign. Choosing for that was quite the challenge.
Some APs just attract a lot of interest. The Thassilonian APs (Rise, Shattered Star, and Return) tend to attract a lot of interest, Return especially because there haven't been many Recruitments for it so far and it's fairly new.

baggageboy |

I had over 30 submissions for the aforementioned Way of the Wicked campaign. Choosing for that was quite the challenge.
Some APs just attract a lot of interest. The Thassilonian APs (Rise, Shattered Star, and Return) tend to attract a lot of interest, Return especially because there haven't been many Recruitments for it so far and it's fairly new.
At this rate you should beat that record by the end of next week! I don't envy you the task of picking.

MrStr4ng3 |

Here is a rogue I would like to submit.
Trobro Dongenj
Human (Varisian) rogue (knife master) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 72)
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +6; Senses Perception +4
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 (+3 Dex)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +0
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee dagger +2 (1d4/19-20) or
. . dagger +2 (1d4/19-20) or
. . dagger +4 (1d4/19-20) or
. . dagger +4 (1d4/19-20) or
. . dagger +4 (1d4/19-20)
Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 12
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 14
Feats Two-weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse
Traits hidden hand, Magical Talent (Mage Hand), time lost
Skills Acrobatics +5 (+1 to jump), Bluff +5, Disable Device +3, Escape Artist +5, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +5, Perception +4, Perform (Juggler) +5, Profession (gambler) +4, Sense Motive +4, Sleight of Hand +5 (+5 to conceal a light blade, +6 to conceal light weapons), Stealth +5, Use Magic Device +5
Languages Common, Halfling, Varisian
SQ hidden blade
Other Gear mwk studded leather, dagger, dagger, dagger, dagger, dagger, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, fortune-teller's deck[APG], marked cards[APG], marked cards[APG], pot, soap, sunrod (4), sunrod, thieves' tools, trail rations (5), waterskin, 4 gp, 1 sp
Special Abilities
Hidden Blade +0 bonus on Sleight of Hand checks to conceal a light blade.
Sneak Attack +1d8/+1d4 +1d8 damage with a dagger-like weapon if you flank your target or your target is flat-footed.
The old woman use to tell him that there was no such thing as ‘down on your luck’ that ‘luck was a spoke on the wheel of a wagon, it had to go down to go up, Desna dealt the hand that got him kicked off that boat in this little town Roderic’s Cove the folks here where not great card players, but their purses were not deep enough to build a nest egg.
Trobo grew up in an extended family in a Sczarni “Carnival” caravan they where he learned the trades. His uncle was a knife thrower his grandmother an oracle. They would move into an area and set-up the show they would gather enough to survive but not enough to make enemies and move on. That all changed and Trobro still doesn’t know why, He remembers the caravan getting ready to quickly move on, The miller’s wife found Hirli with the miller, and the next moment Trobro was sitting across the table from his Aunt in an Magnimar cafe. She snaps her fingers in his face. ”Are daydreaming again boy? Have you heard anything I said all morning?”
Trobro played it off that morning, and for the next few months, how he got to Magnimar and why his Aunt was teaching him the values of Desna are still a mystery, but that did not stop the youth from learning from the outside Aunt Mairhu seemed more like a degenerate gambler than a priest of Desna but all the same she taught of The Song of the Spheres, that luck was his, but the cost for that luck was faith and service. She also taught him how to gamble, then she sent him on his way down the road to do the good work of Mother Moon.
[Spoiler=Appearance & Personality]
Trobro very much looks the part of a Sczarni, oiled goatee and mustache hair pulled back into a tight ponytail. He dresses in well worn but expensive traveling leathers. He is never without half a dozen daggers, or a set of cards.
Trobro acts like a con-man and gambler. But only on the surface, he loves to play cards and always cares a marked deck, but he is scrupulous about the truth and cheating, they both pervert the luck of Mother Moon.
Seoni is an old friend of TroBro’s Aunt Mairhu
Pacific, for some reason my state wants to stick with Daylight time.

Dragas |

Hello! I'm new to playing an AP via PbP, but here is my submission.
Male Human Shoanti Barbarian 1
CN Medium Humanoid
Init +1; Perception +4
AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 14 (1d12+2)
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +0
Speed 40 ft.
Melee greatsword +5 (2d6+4/19-20/x3), morningstar +5 (1d8+4/x2), or dagger +5 (1d8+4/19-20/x2)
Ranged javelin +2 (1d6+4/x2) or dagger +2 (1d4+4/19-20/x2)
Special Attacks rage (12 rounds/day)
Rage Statistics
AC 12
hp 16
Fort +8, Will +5
Melee greatsword +7 (2d6+6/19–20/x3), morningstar +7 (1d8+6/x2), or dagger +7 (1d4+6/19-20/x2)
Ranged javelin +2 (1d6+6/x2) or dagger +2 (1d4+6/19-20/x2)
CMB +7
Skills Climb +9, Swim +9
Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +6; CMD 16
Feats Extra Rage, Power Attack
Skills Acrobatics +1, Intimidate +6, Perception +4, Ride +1, Survival +4, Swim +7
Languages Common, Shoanti
Other Gear studded leather armor, greatsword, morningstar, daggar, javelins (4), backpack, bedroll, flint & steel, sunrod, trail rations (4 days), waterskin, whetstone
Racial Traits
+2 to One Ability Score: Human characters get a +2 bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
Medium: Humans are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet.
Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
Skilled: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.
Languages: Humans begin play speaking Common. Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic).
Class Features
Favored Class Bonus +1 skill rank per level
Weapon and Armor Proficiency-A barbarian is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields).
Fast Movement (Ex)-A barbarian’s land speed is faster than the norm for his race by +10 feet. This benefit applies only when he is wearing no armor, light armor, or medium armor, and not carrying a heavy load. Apply this bonus before modifying the barbarian’s speed because of any load carried or armor worn. This bonus stacks with any other bonuses to the barbarian’s land speed.
Rage (Ex)-A barbarian can call upon inner reserves of strength and ferocity, granting him additional combat prowess. Starting at 1st level, a barbarian can rage for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + her Constitution modifier. At each level after 1st, he can rage for 2 additional rounds. Temporary increases to Constitution, such as those gained from rage and spells like bear’s endurance, do not increase the total number of rounds that a barbarian can rage per day. A barbarian can enter rage as a free action. The total number of rounds of rage per day is renewed after resting for 8 hours, although these hours do not need to be consecutive. While in rage, a barbarian gains a +4 morale bonus to her Strength and Constitution, as well as a +2 morale bonus on Will saves. In addition, she takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class. The increase to Constitution grants the barbarian 2 hit points per Hit Dice, but these disappear when the rage ends and are not lost first like temporary hit points. While in rage, a barbarian cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration. A barbarian can end her rage as a free action and is fatigued after rage for a number of rounds equal to 2 times the number of rounds spent in the rage. A barbarian cannot enter a new rage while fatigued or exhausted but can otherwise enter rage multiple times during a single encounter or combat. If a barbarian falls unconscious, her rage immediately ends, placing her in peril of death.
Spirit Touched [Campaign]-As a child, you were influenced by overwhelming emotional trauma associated with death or undeath, and that influence marked you for the rest of your life. You may have been possessed by a ghost, had strange dreams in a haunted house, or suffered from an affliction from an undead source. You might even have had a near-death experience, or actually died and been returned to life. You gain a +2 trait bonus on all saving throws made against supernatural attacks, spells, or spell-like abilities from undead creatures. Once per adventure, you may automatically succeed at a Constitution check to stabilize or a saving throw to remove a negative level.
Bred For War [Race] Requirement(s): Shoanti-You tower above most other humans and possess a physique of hard, corded muscle. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Intimidate checks and a +1 trait bonus on your CMB because of your great size. You must be at least 6 feet tall.
Courageous [Basic (Combat)]-Your childhood was brutal, but you persevered through force of will and faith. No matter how hard things got, you knew you’d make it through as long as you kept a level head. You gain a +2 trait bonus on saving throws against fear effects.
Sadly, Dragas would cease to know peace within himself, much less his people. As the Spire Clan migrated south for the winter season toward the borders of Cheliax, the tribe made camp near an underground Thassalonian crypt. Ignoring a tribal edict by the elders forbidding members of the Shundar-Quah to enter the structure, Dragas and three of his childhood friends snuck away from camp and descended into the mausoleum. A search party led by the tribe’s shaman later discovered the youths lying motionless on the stone floor around a sarcophagus whose lid depicted a painting of a beautiful, yet ageless woman with light brown hair and pale skin. Despite no obvious signs of physical injury, each boy's sun-tanned body had turned a sickly white and grayish shade of pale. Stunned by this awful sight, it took a moment for the shaman to hear a retching cough coming from a fallen child.
For four days, he wandered the gray frontier between life and death in feverish dreams until his fever broke and he awoke. He told of discovering the sarcophagus, surrounded by a pale greenish glow and of a woman transparent as glass and made of air rising up through the lid when they ventured close to it. Dragas told of the woman embracing him with a touch as cold as the coldest of mountain lakes and then found himself on the floor. Before darkness had overtaken him, he’d sensed another presence in the chamber and a mostly inaudible voice, understanding only the words ‘this one’ and ‘not the time’.
Despite recovering, Dragas's problems had only just begun. For his disobedience and because he’d been marked by a disturbed spirit, he was banished from the Shundar-Quah clan. Soll and Khiflo choose to follow their son into exile and the family relocated to Kaer Maga. Pining for her clan, Khiflo wasted away and died in less than a year and Soll began drowning his grief of her loss in alcohol. Dragas’s escape from his grief was fighting, something that became common when spirit-touched appearance and heritage was brought up as a negative and as he grew older, he added drinking to that escape.
While returning home in a drunken haze, the female apparition of near-death past materialized in front of Dragas as he stumbled through a darkened alleyway. Horrified, he turned tail and ran through the city until he passed out in a garbage pile. The next day, half-sober he returned home to find two city watchmen waiting for him with terrible news: Soll had been found viciously murdered just before dawn, his body lying in a nearby street. After laying his father to rest, Drages pack up the few family possessions left to him and hastily departed Kaer Maga, cast out to wander once more.
Twice, the wayward young man attempted to find somewhere to call home as he traveled westward toward the Lost Coast, but no sooner would he find a place to settle down than his ‘cursed star’ would appear and death would follow for anyone who’d gotten close to him socially. After a drinking buddy in Turtleback Ferry was found floating face down in nearby Claybottom Lake, Dragas realized he couldn’t put down any roots as long as he was supernaturally marked. Life came to consist of crappy odd labor jobs, working only long enough to make enough coin to move on to the next settlement where the process would repeat itself as the Shoanti exile moved westward and then northward upon reaching the Lost Coast.
Dragas’s temporary residence is the town of Roderic’s Cove, where he currently works as a street dung sweeper. He met Audrahni, the town cemetery’s caretaker through his job recently took him by the graveyard. Although a bond of friendship has yet to develop between the pair, Dragas finds the time to stop and talk to Audrahni when their respective jobs cross each other’s paths. In truth, the troubled young man prefers the lack of friendship. Deep down, he knows that his time in Roderic's Cove is only temporary and that he'll have to move on whenever he sees death in the form of a pale ghostly lady. All he can do is hope to earn enough money to travel onward toward Riddleport.before his translucent ‘lady in white’ appears and tries to claim that which she was denied: his soul.
Stoic by nature, Dragas is a man of few words and does his best not to allow anyone to get close to him in terms of friendship due to past events in his life. Mostly unflappable, Dragas displays a violent, destructive temper when his condition or heritage is brought up in a negative manner, but given the right circumstance, the rage that burns within him has the potential to be used in a positive focus, if he can discover it. After his brush with death, Dragas has discovered that there is little in the way of adversity that he fears, save the ghostly lady in white that he runs from.

Red Heat |
I don't think I've ever had this much trouble trying to assemble a character. What's worse is that I've been staring at him so long I've lost all ability to determine whether he's any good or not, a bit like repeating a word so often it loses all meaning. Which is a shame seeing as you are clearly in no short supply of good applications.
Still, if only to make him stop occupying much needed head-space (it's in short supply), here's the doomsday prophet Haelador "Hal" Faervel, CN elf cleric of Groetus for your consideration. And I think the best introduction to him would be a vignette. I feel these are best read in the order presented.
Habe's Sanatorium, 2nd of Abadius, 4709
Present are Dr Bahram, junior psychiatrist; Mr Jansen the orderly; Healador Fearvel, the patient, male elf of undetermined age; myself, Alerdene Udara, transcriber
Dr Bahram: "Orderly, what is this? Why have you drugged the patient? You knew he was due an interview. It was on the schedule."
Mr Jansen: "Oh, we didn’t give him nothin’, doc. He ain’t drugged. This is what he always looks like."
Transcript note: Patient appears distant and bemused, almost dazed. He does not look at the doctor opposite him, instead staring at a corner of the room. He is smiling.
Dr Bahram: "... Right. Mr Faervel, do you think you could give me your full attention? We've spoken before, do you remember? I wanted to talk about your progress here at the sanatorium."
Haelador: "Færvel."
Dr Bahram: "Hmm?"
Haelador: "My name is Hælador Færvel. We should all take care to honor names. They are the last part of us to die."
Dr Bahram: "Yes. Right. Apologies, my Elven is, eh... rusty. Actually, this is good as I wanted to discuss this matter too - this recent preoccupation of yours with death and whatnot... Mr Haelador, could you look me in the eyes when we're speaking?"
Haelador: "I'm sorry. I'm watching the dust, over there, by the window. It's dancing in the sunlight. It’s very beautiful."
Dr Bahram: "Really now, Mr Faervel. I don't think prioritizing your doctor over some fleeting dirt is asking too much of you."
Haelador: "But isn't that all you are? Fleeting dirt?"
Transcript note: Patient looking the doctor in the eyes now. He is still smiling.
Dr Bahram: "I beg your pardon?"
Haelador: "Fleeting dirt. That's all you are. How old are you, doctor? Thirty? Thirty-five? So short ago, not even long enough for a tree to mature, there was no you and now you have at most another fifty-sixty years left on this world. A blink of an eye in my own lifespan. Then you're gone. Puff. Born in grime and buried in dirt on an uncaring earth oblivious to your existence. Dust to dust. Why do you deserve my attention over some filth? The only difference between yourself and that constellation of dust particles dancing in the sunlight is time. Well, that and the fact that they manage to amuse me."
Dr Bahram: "..."
Haelador: "I mean, they at least seem to know how to have fun. When was the last time you went dancing, doctor? Do you enjoy dancing? I enjoy dancing."
Dr Bahram: "This is exactly what I wanted to talk to you about. The staff informed me of this recent preoccupation of yours, this... this fatalistic humbug you insist to go on about. You’re upsetting the other patients and..."
Haelador: "Good. They should be upset. Their days are numbered."
Dr Bahram: "Stop that! What’s gotten into you, Mr Faervel? We’d made such progress since you were first admitted and now this? Where is all this coming from? I cannot believe that you would go from your quiet self to... to... preaching death and futility without some outside influence."
Transcript note: Patient goes into laughing fit.
Haelador: "Preaching! That’s exactly it, isn’t it? I suppose that’s what I am now: a preacher. Proselytizing for a god whose name I don’t even know. How wonderfully silly."
Dr Bahram: " Mr Faervel... Are you saying you’ve found some faith?"
Haelador: "Is that concern I hear? Worried about what god one finds in an insane asylum? That’s a reasonable fear. I’ve you to thank, really. I suspect that all you really hoped to achieve by doping me was to stop my incessant screaming, but it really wasn’t the soundest decision medically. All that time in that drug induced haze... I was dead to the world, you see. Just lying there, drooling onto the floor of my cell. I was just me and my thoughts. Which, you know, were the whole reason I was screaming. Not the best idea to leave me alone with them."
Dr Bahram: "Mr Faervel... You suffered a severe emotional trauma before coming here. What you went through..."
Haelador: "Doesn’t matter. None of it matters. That was exactly my realization, my epiphany in my drug addled stupor. Locked in a room both metaphorical and very literal with my own diseased thoughts crawling through my being like so many flesh-eating worms, I... Well, when I could not bear it anymore, I stopped looking inward and began looking outwards. Mental and physical confines being one, I tried expanding my mind to better escape myself. Over the months, I’m telling you, that cell became a near-infinite void. An entire universe with myself just one tiny insignificant speck of nothing. It made it so much easier to dismiss the pain. Except I wasn’t alone in the void. No, I found something there. Someone. The Harbinger of the Last Days. The sight of him, the implications... He helped me overcome my pain. Because I don’t matter. I’m insignificant. I’m like you, you see – just a speck of dust in waiting. And if I don’t matter, then my grief doesn’t matter. Heh. It’s all perfectly logical. I feel much better upon realizing this. "
Dr Bahram: "This... Mr Faervel, this is not a healthy line of thought. And certainly not something I want you to upset the other patients with."
Haelador: "I'm sorry. I don't want to upset people, truly. I want them to make the most of their time. The end is nigh, you see. It always has been."
Dr Bahram: "Hold on, stop."
Haelador: "The inevitable death of ourselves and even the world, the meaninglessness of our existence... Don't you see? This is nothing to despair over. Quite the opposite! We should be celebrating! All this means is that our time is precious and that we should strive to be happy. That's what I've realized. That's how I want to help people. You think I’m crazy because I don’t care. But I do care. I’m crazy because I know I shouldn’t. In fact..."
Transcript note: Patient rises from his seat.
Haelador: "Doctor Bahram, I am hereby discharging myself. I have overcome my trauma and intend to become a missionary, helping people achieve happiness."
Dr Bahram: "Mr Faervel, please, sit down! I must strongly advise you against this. Your..."
Haelador: "She likes you, you know."
Dr Bahram: "What?"
Haelador: "The young lady sitting there, writing all of this down. I've seen you together before. She keeps looking at you when you're not watching. She's doing it now too; had trouble concentrating on the pen this entire time. I think she respects your professional relationship too much to express her feelings. Trust me, I can tell these things."
Dr Bahram: "What?!"
Haelador: "Everybody is going to die, nothing matters, and the end is nigh. So please, invite her out. Go dancing. Fall in love. Have sex. Procreate. Grow old together Or don't. Whatever makes you happy. That's all that matters. It's all that matters. Please, be happy. I think she likes your bottom."
Transcript note: Patient is giving me a thumbs-up. He is smiling.
Hal is a nihilist. No, not that kind of nihilist. This kind of nihilist. He believes that existence is without meaning, nothing has inherent value, and that the multiverse is destined to end without the least sign of anyone who ever lived there. And that's fantastic. If everything is without meaning, then mortalkind is completely, totally and wonderfully free. Free to do anything and be everything. Free to make their own happiness.
So what makes Hal happy? Helping others mostly. Whether it be through offering spiritual advice or healing cuts and bruises, he delights in alleviating the suffering of others. Sure, this is of course just as meaningless as everything else, but this is the entire crux of the elf's faith: that a person's pursuit of happiness is just that - personal. Hal is a doomsday prophet. He reminds whoever will listen that everyone's life is finite. He does not preach a certain way of life or morality because he recognizes that what gives him fulfillment will not necessarily work for anyone else.
Especially seeing as he is tiny bit mad, which he fully acknowledges.
Instead, he encourages people to break routines, consider their lives, and prioritize whatever gives them joy, both in the moment and long-term. Of course, this isn't easy when Hal's words largely focus on death, the end of all things and fear-mongering, and even less so considering his somewhat unnerving appearance. While elves are known to be tall and thin, Hal's frame borders on parody. Standing almost 6'8'' with long spidery limbs, he has adopted a great arching stoop to his back now that he travels through human lands, slouching down to speak to the shorter races. His long pale stringy hair will therefore often hang down free from his shoulders, making him appear unkempt, especially in conjunction with his ill fitting clothes, clearly made by human tailors not accustomed to clothing someone of the cleric's dimensions. His mouth, perpetually set in a bemused little smile, is the final proverbial nail in the coffin that is Hal's social image, as it seems, at best, incongruous with his ominous sermons, and at worst condescending to the shorter-lived races.
This is a great shame as the elf is personable and enjoys conversation. In fact, he seems to derive some deranged enjoyment out of just about anything. He has been observed watching insects climb trees, taking great enjoyment in the perseverance of nature, and challenge him to watch paint dry and he just might. Life is endlessly amusing to the elf. In fact, the only thing that really gets him riled up is one person infringing on the freedom and happiness of another. He views this as a violation of the ultimate meaninglessness of the universe that everyone should be free to navigate themselves for good or ill. In the same vein, Hal views it as his clerical duty to oppose anyone who threatens to unleash some great cataclysm or apocalypse. The God of the End Times himself, Groetus, is the only one with the authority to command such mass destruction, and as such other instigators are to be considered false prophets. The world will end whenever Groetus jolly well wants it to, and not one second earlier.
However, this also represents the one dark facet to the elf's otherwise benign nature. At the end of the day, he is a servitor to the Harbinger of Last Days. And should his god command him (however unlikely seeing as Groetus is completely uncaring, perhaps even oblivious of his worshipers) to bring about the apocalypse, Hal would obey. We are all living on borrowed time, after all. Every second we live is not just a joy, but a privilege and when that time is up... well, that's that. Hope you had fun.
I am about to disappoint the GM as Haelador Faervel has no backstory. What he has is a catalyst, namely the death of his entire family including spouse and children. The how and why ultimately don't matter; what matters is that this was entirely too much to bear for Hal the lone survivor who was institutionalized after attempting to take his own life. Medieval practices regarding the mentally maladjusted being what they are, Hal did not find much help at Habe' Sanatorium. He did, however, find religion. Due to some curious combination of his own mental state and the asylum's drugs, the elf's mind proved receptive to Groetus's influence, and more amazingly still, the realizations that come with the God of the End Times did not drive him into further despair, as they are wont to do, but instead helped him recover.
Hal already felt such unspeakable grief that the implications of Groetus's existence did not, could not add to his misery, but instead sent him to a sort of despair event horizon. He crossed it and came out the other side cured. Hal was so overcome by his grief, and yet the world didn’t seem to care. The grass kept growing, the clouds drifted along merrily and the world kept turning. The one thing that could console him was exactly the only thing Groetus had to offer: apathy. If nothing had meaning, then neither did his grief. It was just him, after all. Just one insignificant speck of dust among a billion billion other insignificant specks of dust, soon to be extinguished. Groetus literally wasn't even aware of his existence - or of the entire elven race. He didn't matter. His birth, life and death did not matter. And thus, his grief doesn’t matter.
Hal found comfort in meaninglessness.
Upon his discharge from the sanatorium, the new cleric set about travelling Varisia to spread his gospel of joyous oblivion, wonderful futility, and the ecstatic insignificance of our every action. You won't be surprised to hear that he was not well received. Partly out of the obtuse and paradoxical nature of his faith, the dark implications of a god of the apocalypse, and the elf's odd manners and poor social skills, Hal has so far largely failed as a missionary, despite his ideas for others really only revolving around personal happiness. He now finds himself in Roderic's Cove where the locals are about as open to his thoughts as everyone else he has met on his travels, which is to say not at all.
He has however found a friend in fellow elf Audrahni, the morose grave-keeper of the town. Being naturally attracted by quiet, empty places as a cleric of Groetus, the two met very soon upon Hal's arrival to Roderic's Cove just a few weeks ago. In her he sees a kindred spirit, someone who also carries some personal tragedy, and the cleric desperately wants to help her. He understands that she has her own faith, but conversion has never been Hal's goal: only personal fulfillment. And so he spends his days in town praying in the morning, proselytizing for the people (rather unsuccessfully) in the afternoon, and conversing with Audrahni in the evening, this routine only being broken by the occasional plea for minor magical healing from townsfolk desperate enough to ask the odd elf for aid. Hal is of course very happy to help.
There is only one last thing to say about Haelador Faervel, and it relates to the clerics of Groetus as an organization. They are a varied bunch and rarely meet together, but they do have one common signifier: they are all stark-raving mad. The reader may have come to the conclusion that Hal, while certainly not without his quirks, is relatively more well-adjusted than his colleagues. He doesn't hear voices. He doesn't speak to people who aren't there. He isn't violent. Hal would certainly like to think he's better off than the average Groetan. But this isn't the case.
For you see, Hal never had a spouse. Nor any children. Or indeed any other tragically dead family members. Hal is in actuality just as deranged as every other follower of the Harbinger of the Last Days, and his dead family is just an invention of his diseased mind. There is a tragedy somewhere in the elf's long spanning past, but it has been willfully forgotten as it was too painful to bear. Hal's conscious mind is not aware of this and will frequently, and unknowingly, invent new reasons for his botched suicide attempt. The dead family is merely his latest delusion, and close friends will no doubt be disturbed as Hal on occasion simply changes his entire backstory to an all new misfortune at the whim of his broken mind.
Haelador Faervel
Male Elf Cleric 1 (Divine Paragon)
201 Years of Age
CN Medium Humanoid (elf)
Init +3; Senses: low-light vision; Perception +6
AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex)
HP 9/9 (1d8 + 1 FC)
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5 [+2 vs enchantment]
Speed 25 ft.
Weapon: dagger, +3 attack, 1d4 damage, 19-20/x2 crit, slashing or piercing
Weapon: sling, +3 attack, 1d4 damage, 20/x2 crit, bludgeoning
Str 11 (+0), Dex 16 (+3), Con 11 (+0), Int 12 (+1), Wis 17 (+3), Cha 8 (-1)
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 13
Feats: Weapon Finesse
Traits: Audrahni’s Ally [+1 Fort; Calm Emotions, Cure Moderate or Lesser Res]; Magical Knack [+2 CL, never exceeds HD]; Beacon of Faith [+2 CL to domain power 1/day]
Skills - (3 points; armor penalties not included):
Heal +7
Perception +6 [3 mod + 2 racial + 1 rank]
Sense Motive +7
Skills - background: Know (history) +5, Lore (Groetus) +5
Languages: Common (Taldane), Elven, Celestial
Adventuring Gear: dagger; scale mail
Coin: 35.9 gp
Other: backpack (m); sling bullets (10); holy symbol (wooden) x2
Weight: 40 lbs.
Special Abilities
Class: Aura (CN); Channel Positive Energy, 1d6, 2/day; domains (Madness, Void)
Racial: Elven Immunities; Keen Senses [+2 Perception]; Elven Magic; Long-Limbed [+5 move speed]
Vision of Madness (Sp): You can give a creature a vision of madness as a melee touch attack. Choose one of the following: attack rolls, saving throws, or skill checks. The target receives a bonus to the chosen rolls equal to ½ your cleric level (minimum +1) and a penalty to the other two types of rolls equal to ½ your cleric level (minimum –1). This effect fades after 3 rounds. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
0th: Create Water, Light, Read Magic
1st: Magic Weapon, Protection from Evil + Lesser Confusion
I really have no opinion on this part. The inclusion of previous heroes in the AP seems a bit mastubatory on players' (and Jacobs's) part, but who am I to deride some good old self-flagellation. Guess I'll toss a vote in for Amiri the Barbarian? She's kinda fun.
Thanks for reading. My time zone is GMT and on the topic of personal information I'll add that I enjoy writing lengthy posts (as should be abundantly clear by my history), I typically dedicate my time to only one play-by-post at a time, and something something long walks on the beach. Hoping to play with you.

GM Phntm888 |

I just noticed you're using the normal Rogue instead of the Unchained Rogue. Might I suggest switching? If the Knife Master archetype doesn't work with Unchained Rogue, I'd be happy to work with you to find a way to make it work.
I think your Dexterity and Strength scores got switched, since a Greatsword isn't finessable. You should fix that.
Your greatsword's base damage should be 2d6+6, since a Greatsword must be wielded in two hands and you get Str x 1.5 on damage attacks when wielding a weapon in two hands. When raging, it should be 2d6+9.
Make sure you aren't including any encumbrance in the skill calculations. I don't track encumbrance unless you're trying to carry a lot or something awkward to carry (like giant-sized full plate or a rolled up tapestry or carpet). You also need to pick your two background skills.
I'm curious about your idea for the apparition. Could you tell me a bit more about the thought process behind it?
The Sihedron Heroes are largely background. Since this AP is a direct sequel to events of Rise of the Runelords and Shattered Star, they wanted to make sure there was a consistent vision of the heroes who completed those APs. I could just use the first four iconics published (Valrin, Kyra, Seoni, and Merisiel), but I figured I'd give people the chance to use their own previous characters, as well. Plus, if someone choose the Scion of Legend trait, it helps to know who it was that they are connected to.
It's a very interesting concept, I'll admit. Consider it complete - even if he doesn't have a true backstory. Do you have any idea what you would like the actual trauma in his past to be?
If people are interested, there are currently 22 submissions considered fully complete, along with another 5 that are mostly complete, pending some clean up and answering a couple questions. In addition, 10 people have expressed interest, but have not submitted a character as of yet. There are less than two weeks left in the Recruitment, so I encourage those who have not submitted yet to do so. I will begin narrowing down submissions on Friday and creating a short list from which to choose the final candidates. I will not publicize the short list, or give any indications of who is on it. The short list can change based on additional submissions that come in by the deadline, so not having a submission in by this Friday won't be considered a strike against you.

Helikon |

And number 200:
female human (Varisian) psychic1
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +4
AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 11 (+1 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 8 (1d6+2)
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger -1 (1d4-1 //19-20/*2)
Ranged dagger +2 (1d4-1//19-20/*2, 10ft) or
. . mental thrust (4d6 // 15will/half)
Psychic Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +4)
. . 1st (2/day)—Mental Thrust (DC 15), sleep, burst of insight
. . 0 (at will)—Daze, Detect Magic, Light, Prestidigation, Acid Splash (Mnemonic Esoterica)
Str 08, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 11
Skill Focus (Know local);
Fortune Teller
Benefit: Upon taking this feat, choose a focus item for your divination magic—a crystal ball, runes,a Harrow deck, or some such item. Whenever you cast a spell from the divination school, you may use this focus item instead of the spell’s material component, as long as the cost of the material component is no more than 1,000 gp. If you choose to perform the spell using your focus item and the spell’s normal material component (regardless of that component’s cost), you cast the spell at +1 caster level.
Harrow Chosen
You begin play with your family’s heirloom harrow deck. If you use this specific harrow deck as an additional focus component when you cast a divination spell, your caster level is treated as being 2 levels higher. Additionally, twice per week, you can spend 10 minutes consulting this harrow deck on a particular action to gain the effects of the spell augury as a spellcaster of your character level. No one other than you gains these benefits from this harrow deck. If your harrow deck is destroyed, it cannot be replaced. However, by returning to your family, paying 300 gp on materials, and spending 1 week immersed in the songs and stories of your people, you can create a new harrow deck that grants half the benefits of the lost heirloom.
Spirit Touched
You gain a +2 trait bonus on all saving throws made against supernatural attacks, spells, or spell-like abilities from undead creatures.
Once per adventure, you may automatically succeed at a Constitution check to stabilize or a saving throw to remove a negative level.
Growing up in a poor neighborhood or in the unforgiving wilds often forced you to subsist on food and water from doubtful sources. You’ve built up your constitution as a result, and gain a +1 trait bonus on Fortitude saves.
Skills Acrobatics +2, Bluff +8, Diplomacy +8, Knowledge (arcana) +5, , Knowledge (dungeoneering) +5, Knowledge (geography) +5, Knowledge (history) +9, Knowledge (local) +12, Knowledge (nature) +5, Knowledge (nobility) +5, Knowledge (planes) +5, Knowledge (religion) +5; Linguistics +7, Perception +4, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +7, Use Magic Device +6
Languages Common, Varisian, Sylvan, Celestial, Draconic, Elfish, Thassilonian
Hypnotism: Check: You can use hypnotism once per day. The DC of a Diplomacy check to hypnotize is 20 + the subject’s Will save modifier against mind-affecting enchantment (compulsion) effects. All uses of hypnotism are mind-affecting enchantment (compulsion) effects.
Implant Suggestion: You can implant a suggested course of reasonable action in the mind of a willing creature, along with a defined trigger. To implant a suggestion, you spend 1 minute inducing a trance-like state in the subject, after which you attempt a Diplomacy check. If the check is successful, you implant the course of action, as a suggestion spell with a duration of 10 minutes plus 10 additional minutes for every 1 by which your check result exceeds the DC. If the subject ceases to be willing, it can attempt a Will save once each round to shake off the effects. The save DC is equal to 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Charisma modifier. You can attempt to subtly implant a suggestion in the mind of an unwilling creature with an attitude of indifferent or better after 1 minute of continuous, calm interaction with that creature, but the DC is 10 higher.
Recall Memory: You can draw out forgotten memories from a willing subject. You spend 1 minute inducing a calming, trance-like state in the subject, after which you attempt a Diplomacy check. If you succeed at the check, the hypnotized creature can reroll any previously failed Intelligence or Knowledge check to recall the forgotten information with a +4 bonus. The information must be something the subject once knew or was exposed to.
Action: Hypnotism takes 1 minute of calm interaction.
Automatic Writing:
Check: Once per week, you can spend 1 hour posing questions while your hand unconsciously scribbles messages of varying legibility and accuracy. At the end of this hour, you attempt a Linguistics check to decipher the meanings of these messages. If successful, you gain information as though you had used augury. If you have 10 or more ranks in Linguistics, you can attempt a higher DC check to instead gain information as though you had used divination. The chance of successfully producing coherent or meaningful writing from any of these effects equals 60% plus 5% for every 1 by which your check result exceeds the DC (to a maximum of 90%). You must choose which DC you’ll try to meet before attempting the check. The GM rolls the check and d% roll secretly, so that you can’t tell whether the messages are accurate.
Haramaki of fine elven fabric, a gift from her mentor
Other Gear
Harrow deck (family heirloom)
Special Abilities
Past-Life Memories
You add a bonus equal to half your psychic level (minimum 1) to all Knowledge checks and can attempt all Knowledge skill checks untrained.
Mnemonic Esoterica (Ex):
By reaching into the recesses of your past lives, you gain knowledge beyond that of most psychics. Select a single additional spellcasting class. Once per day when you prepare your spells, you can add one spell from this class’s spell list to your spells known and class spell list for 24 hours. This spell must be 1 level lower than the highest-level spell you can cast, and you cast it as if it were psychic magic. You can decide to change the spellcasting class from which you draw this spell each time you gain a new level.
Will of the dead
Even undead creatures can be affected by the psychic’s mind-affecting spells. The psychic can spend 2 points from her phrenic pool to overcome an undead creature’s immunity to mind-affecting effects for the purposes of the linked spell. This ability functions even on mindless undead, but has no effect on creatures that aren’t undead. This amplification can be linked only to spells that have the mind-affecting descriptor.
Rhiannon always lived in Magnimar for all her life, born into on of the varisian Clans living in the city of Monuments shadow district. While many of her family are thieves and con man, Rhiannoin is a real occult person. At least most of the time. She is for sure not above cheating the one or the other gullible man, but nevertheless she has a myriad of ancestors she can draw upon and manifest in her in many special ways. Ten years ago, when her talent emerged fort he first time she met a young elven wizard in the streets. Seeing the elfen wizard glow with power, she nevertheless tried to con her. But the elven wizard was just to clever. Nevertheless the wizard did take a liking to the young girl and did even teach her a few tricks of the trade. Electra has been in Magnimar many times since her defeat of Runelord Kazoug and has become somewhat of a mentor to Rhiannon, lecturing her in history.
Rhiannon is a small woman, with graceful limbs and elegant flexible hands. She has a lightly tanned skin, the emerald green eyes inherited from her father and very long raven black hair usually flowing around her, reaching beyond her bottom. There is a tiny scar on her left hand, from a rat who bit her as a young girl. Her voice is usually a rich soprano, able to promise heaven on earth for men, or speak with an alt if delivering her soothsaying predictions.
She always dresses in colourful, freeflowing clothes, as if she were a varisian dancer and a headscarf embroided and adorned with many different ancient copper coins.
I do play Rise of the Runelords with Electra Stargazer, elven Diviner/Cyphermage
I also play Shattered Star with Xango human Slayer