Return of the Runelords Sanctioning

Pathfinder Society

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

Any idea when we might the the Return of the Runelords sanctioning information, and what the levels for each section might be?

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Finland—Turku

John Compton, Exactly three weeks ago wrote:
That and Return of the Runelords are part of our sanctioning queue, don't worry. We've been knocking out a good number of these projects in the past couple months, so I trust it's coming up soon.

Honestly, I have no idea. War for the Crown's last book came out in... July, I believe, and it was sanctined this month. At the same time they sanctioned Seers of the Drowned City, but that came out back in something like november 2016.

On the other hand, there was a huge backlog of sanctioning content - for example, Blood of the Ancients and Planar Adventures came out in May and June, and sanctioned half a year later in decemeber - but the last sanctioning brought us Faiths of Golarion, just about 2 months after release, so it seems like the team is working hard to catch up on the backlog.

So... I wouldn't be surprised if they are sanctioned in march or April. Probably before the fall, anyway. Or if the team keeps up catching up with the releases, we might get them SOONer. I hope it's sooner.

I really, really hope Compton could give us an ETA, though - My players' characters are just dying to get to play some of the new stuff ^_^

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 **

Has there been any update on when Return of the Runelords will be sanctioned? Or where in the queue it is?

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Finland—Turku

In april/march update it was mentioned that a few members of the team might be able to handle sanctioning stuff, mentioning We Be Heroes and a module. With luck, AP sanctioning might be part of it, but it's probably a bigger task than a module or free rpg day module. The team is certainly catching up on additional resources and sanctioning ^_^ But since there was no mention of the AP sanctioning in the post or the additional resources posts:

John Compton wrote:

We expect the April update to be ready toward the end of the month and include Pathfinder #141 and Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Concordance of Rivals.

They might have been pushed to May.

Paizo Employee Organized Play Developer

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I've been spearheading a lot of the AP sanctioning for org play credit and Chronicle sheets (which is a bit different than sanctioning the new player content for use in org play) but I haven't started on Return of the Runelords because I'm currently playing through it and we're only on book 2. I was hoping that John or Linda might be able to spearhead this one, but if it ends up not looking like they have room on their plates it may be something I jump on once I have a little more bandwidth so that we can get it ready ASAP (it's also possible one of them already started this; I'll follow up on that during our meeting tomorrow).
Unfortunately, sanctioning an AP for org play credit is one of the more time-consuming pieces of the various sanctioning tasks and we're about neck-deep with the expanded schedule of scenarios and specials that are coming out for convention season. We definitely don't want this getting lost in the shuffle or delayed too long past the window where people are actually playing it though.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Is Council of Thieves still planned too?


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Michael Sayre wrote:

I've been spearheading a lot of the AP sanctioning for org play credit and Chronicle sheets (which is a bit different than sanctioning the new player content for use in org play) but I haven't started on Return of the Runelords because I'm currently playing through it and we're only on book 2. I was hoping that John or Linda might be able to spearhead this one, but if it ends up not looking like they have room on their plates it may be something I jump on once I have a little more bandwidth so that we can get it ready ASAP (it's also possible one of them already started this; I'll follow up on that during our meeting tomorrow).

Unfortunately, sanctioning an AP for org play credit is one of the more time-consuming pieces of the various sanctioning tasks and we're about neck-deep with the expanded schedule of scenarios and specials that are coming out for convention season. We definitely don't want this getting lost in the shuffle or delayed too long past the window where people are actually playing it though.

Michael Sayre, was there an update on this at your meeting?

Mostly for myself I am wondering what levels the last book (or two) will be sanctioned for. There is a lot of speculation of at least XX-19 if not XX-20. I personally am looking at the last few scenarios of PFS1 and trying to figure out how to hit most/all of the seeker level scenarios with my one high level PC (preferably with a path to lvl 20 if one is available/I can hit Race for the Runecarved Key). The tiers for that book (and possible the second to last one) have a reasonable impact on that path forward. do you have any information on that even if it is just something like "that is a possibility, but we don't know yet" or "the last book will definitely be no higher than XX-18"?

Thank you,


Paizo Employee Organized Play Developer

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I spoke to the team following that last post and it looks like Linda has jumped on the sanctioning for this. I don't have any further information at this point in time beyond it being likely that we'll probably have a relatively big sanctioning drop that'll happen all at once and include the last round of additional resources, Cradle of Night, and Return of the Runelords. I don't currently have an ETA on when that will be.


Thank you Michael Sayre for the update.

Paizo Employee Organized Play Developer

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Mike McKeown wrote:
Is Council of Thieves still planned too?

Sorry for not answering this sooner Mike. As of right now, Council of Thieves is still on our to-do list and the team would like it to be sanctioned ASAP, but we do not have an ETA on it. I currently expect sanctioning docs and Chronicle sheets to be released some time after Return of the Runelords, likely in the latter part of the year.

Zephyre14 wrote:
Thank you Michael Sayre for the update.

Of course!

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Michael Sayre wrote:
Mike McKeown wrote:
Is Council of Thieves still planned too?

Sorry for not answering this sooner Mike. As of right now, Council of Thieves is still on our to-do list and the team would like it to be sanctioned ASAP, but we do not have an ETA on it. I currently expect sanctioning docs and Chronicle sheets to be released some time after Return of the Runelords, likely in the latter part of the year.


Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 **

Michael Sayre wrote:
I spoke to the team following that last post and it looks like Linda has jumped on the sanctioning for this. I don't have any further information at this point in time beyond it being likely that we'll probably have a relatively big sanctioning drop that'll happen all at once and include the last round of additional resources, Cradle of Night, and Return of the Runelords. I don't currently have an ETA on when that will be.

Any chance you have an ETA on this yet?

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 **

Bumping this thread since my players are nagging me about sheets for our Return campaign.

Do we have a vague sense of when this last round of additional resources will come out yet?

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 ****

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Mike McKeown wrote:
Is Council of Thieves still planned too?

Now available.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Is there an ETA on the new PF2e materials? It would have been nice to have the 1st level stand alone module sanctioned already?


With the recent blogs about sanctioning (which I didn't see talk about Return of the Runelords, if I missed it apologies) I thought I might bring this back up for an ETA.

Thanks to anyone who has info.

5/5 **** Venture-Agent, Netherlands—Utrecht

Don't want to sound greedy, but is there anything for Tyrant's Grasp in the pipeline as well?

GM Zephyre wrote:

With the recent blogs about sanctioning (which I didn't see talk about Return of the Runelords, if I missed it apologies) I thought I might bring this back up for an ETA.

Thanks to anyone who has info.

I, too, was concerned that first edition material wasn't even mentioned

Paizo Employee Organized Play Developer

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Paisley5002 wrote:
GM Zephyre wrote:

With the recent blogs about sanctioning (which I didn't see talk about Return of the Runelords, if I missed it apologies) I thought I might bring this back up for an ETA.

Thanks to anyone who has info.

I, too, was concerned that first edition material wasn't even mentioned
Fall of Plaguestone and Sanctioning blog wrote:

It’s part of why you’re getting Fall of Plaguestone before the final two PF1 adventure paths (which we’re absolutely still working on sanctioning for those of you still enjoying the PF1 organized play campaign).

Any update on Return of the Runelords sanctioning timing?

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

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Since AcP takes priority, and there's a little pandemic grinding everything (including revenue) to a halt, I doubt they have an ETA right now.

4/5 ****

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Latest blog said no news on sanctioning due to work flow changes related to pandemic.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Newer update only discussed Starfinder and PF2. Anything for PF1?

2/5 5/5 *****

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

The most recent update did mention PF1:

November Sanctiong Update post

The Blog listed above wrote:

Next in the queue for sanctioning is the Pathfinder (second edition) Beginner Box, which we do hope to have sanctioned before the end of the month. After that, we’ll take a look at Devastation Ark, The Slithering, and the remaining PF1 Adventure Paths to determine what’s next on our priority list.

Grand Lodge 4/5

So nothing specific. Just "look at" what's not for priority. Hopefully Tyrant and Return. I know the others are pretty much off the table, as that was discussed last year. Maybe they'll change their minds though. If the last two APs get sanctioned, that'll be good enough though.


For some reason I thought return and TG had been sanctioned - I must have been mistaken.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Majuba wrote:
For some reason I thought return and TG had been sanctioned - I must have been mistaken.

Supposed to be, but apparently not yet. Or it was forgotten about. Not sure which.


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It's been done, but not by section, only for campaign mode.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Majuba wrote:

It's been done, but not by section, only for campaign mode.


This is amazing news!

Grand Lodge 4/5

All that's left now is Tyrant's Grasp.

I know Wrath of the Righteous and Hell's Vengeance are also ones people want, but pretty sure it's been said a few times that those two aren't getting anything for chronicles. Which, if it's done this way, with Variable Rewards, should be fine.

2/5 5/5 *****

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Sanctioning for Tyrant's Grasp is already announced and up on the product pages.

I don't think its been in the blog, but it was on twitter

2/5 5/5 *****

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

WotR was also already sanctioned, check the product pages.

Grand Lodge 4/5

NielsenE wrote:
WotR was also already sanctioned, check the product pages.

That's fantastic. I guess it's just Hell's Vengeance that we're not getting then, which is fine.

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