Sonic the Space Cow


So I've got a player who is -really- wanting to play a Naur Solarion+Blitz Solider, and apparently he's gotten this thing up to a 70 ft. movement speed per move action. It doesn't make me feel good to have a PC that can move that fast in a turn, but what do you guys think? I'm probably being the odd man out by having a problem with that.

It's part of the system. I think it's the nuar operative that can get it's speed up to ~110ft a move action?

High speed movement is entirely normal. I'd even say it's expected for melee characters.

Honestly, 70ft movement speed is pretty standard. Most combats's he wont use it because he's (probably) going to melee from one enemy to the next. Enemies aren't usually that far apart.

So 70 ft. in a move action pans out? I guess i'm still wrapping my mind around the Scifi of it, 70 ft. movement speed in pathfinder is pretty crazy.

Just so you know, 70ft per 3 seconds works out to only about 16 mph.

Usain bolt topped out at 27.8 mph. True that's a flat out sprint of the fastest man alive, but were comparing to a cowman from space.

Fair enough! Thanks for clearing that up for me, it sounds so much more intense on paper than it does when you work the math out.

I'd be more concerned with using... What is it, Stellar Rush? The solarian ability that lets you charge as a standard action, combined with the whole package not taking the penalties from charging.

I mean, 70 feet isn't even a full range increment on a lot weapons. Just stop doing the pathfinder combat opening where you say roll initiative while the players and the NPCs are basically standing on opposite sides of a street waving at each other.

Claxon wrote:

Just so you know, 70ft per 3 seconds works out to only about 16 mph.

Usain bolt topped out at 27.8 mph. True that's a flat out sprint of the fastest man alive, but were comparing to a cowman from space.

Mix in Jet Dash for x6 speed and he's sprinting at nearly 100 mph. Now we're talking Sonic speeds.

Running is a full round action, so it takes 6 seconds. Your calculation used 3.

Now, you're still running 48 mph which is way faster than any human. But it's not as fast a cheetah or many other creatures on earth.

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