Savith, the Heroine of Azlant and slayer of Ydersius

Homebrew and House Rules

Dark Archive

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A lot of folks were requesting this one after my Runelord stats, so I decided to cook her up. I decided to challenge myself by seeing how powerful an un-archetyped fighter could be, and I think that I created something pretty impressive. Savith here could definitely 1v1 a god and pull it off.

Azlanti Pureblood Fighter 20/Champion 6
LN Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +35M Senses Perception +23
Aura Perseverance 30 feet
AC 41 touch 21, flat-footed 35 (+15 armor, +6 dex, +5 natural, +5 deflection)
hp 415 (20d10+210)
Fort +25, Ref +25, Will +19;
Defensive Abilities: Armed Bravery, Armor Training +1, Armor Specialization, Aura of Perseverance, Bravery +5, Fighter’s Reflexes, Force of Will, Hard to Kill, Recuperation DR 5/-
Space 5 feet Reach 5 ft
Speed 30 feet
Melee Serpentdeath +47/+42/+37/+32 (3d6+34/17-20/x3), Vital Strike +47 (3d6+40/17-20/x3)
Ranged +2 Longbow +15 (1d8+15/x3)
Special Attacks Abundant Tactics, Advance, Fleet Charge, Mythic Power (15/day, Surge +1d8), Punishing Blow, Trained Initiative, Warrior Spirit (+7), Weapon Training (Heavy Blades) +6, Weapon Mastery (Greatsword)
Str 40, Dex 26, Con 26, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 16
Base Atk +20; CMB +35; CMD 53
Feats: Advanced Weapon Training (Armed Bravery), Advanced Weapon Training (Fighter’s Reflexes), Barroom Brawler, Blinding Critical, Combat Reflexes, Combat Stamina, Cornugon Smash, Craft Magical Arms and Armor, Critical Mastery, Critical Versatility (Currently Tiring Critical), Cut from the Air, Devastating Strike, Dual PathM (Marshal), Furious Focus, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Critical (Greatsword), Improved InitiativeM, Improved Vital Strike, Master Craftsman, Power AttackM, Smash from the Air, Sprightly Armor, Stunning Critical, Staggering Critical, Vital StrikeM
Skills Acrobatics +31, Craft (Armor) +26, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +26, Intimidate +26, Knowledge (Nature) +13, Perception +23, Spellcraft +13, Survival +26
Languages Aklo, Azlanti, Draconic, Giant
SQ Adaptable Training, Extra Mythic Feat, Legendary Item x3 (Serpentdeath, Foebiting, Perfect Surge, Rejuvenating, Unstoppable Strike, Intelligent (fly, darkvision, telepathy, spellcasting, skill)), Master Armorer
Combat Gear Serpentdeath, +2 Longbow, +5 Heavy Fortification Mithral Breastplate, Amulet of Natural Armor +5, Gloves of Dueling, Headband of Mental Superiority +4, Belt of Physical Perfection +6, Cloak of Resistance +5, Ring of Protection +5, Ring of Freedom of Movement, 50 Adamantine Arrows, 50 cold iron arrows, 50 silver arrows

Aura strong divination and evocation; CL 18th; Slot none; Weight 4 lbs.
Alignment LN; ego 20
Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12 Int 20, Wis 20, Cha 20
Communication telepathy
Languages Aklo, Azlanti, Common, Draconic, Giant
Powers fly 30 ft., 10 ranks in Perception
Lesser Powers: Righteous Might 1/day
Special Purpose defeat/slay serpentfolk; Dedicated Power true seeing at will
Savith’s +6 Axiomatic Impact Monstrous Mithral Greatsword has become legendary for its use in Ydersius’ destruction, and the weapon is capable of slaying far more than just gods. Whenever Serpentdeath strikes a chaotic evil creature, it gains the Bane property against creatures of that type for 1 hour.
Serpentdeath can be destroyed by a serpentfolk cleric who travels to a location where an Azlanti god perished and targets Serpentdeath with a Destruction spell, causing it to crumble to dust.

Thank you for this lovely statblock.

Will look at it more when I have my computer in front of me.

Dark Archive

Error that I can't edit for some reason: The vital strike damage should be 12d6+160, not 3d6+40.

Just looked over it and Savith has critical feats but is missing the prerequisite of Critical Focus for all four of them.

Also, just to check, but a number of things seem to be left unsaid: like whether she has inherent bonuses or not (which are kinda needed to reach a strength score of 40 and usually included in statblocks) as well as age bonuses and whether she's affected by them.

I also realized you may not have known about it, but:

That is Savith's canonical shield that she lost in battle against Ydersius.

Other than those critiques, it's a good-looking statblock for Savith and I'd love to use it (if I ever get a chance with players doing what I hope they'll do and I ever get that game running again...)

Dark Archive

Dryad Knotwood wrote:

Just looked over it and Savith has critical feats but is missing the prerequisite of Critical Focus for all four of them.

Also, just to check, but a number of things seem to be left unsaid: like whether she has inherent bonuses or not (which are kinda needed to reach a strength score of 40 and usually included in statblocks) as well as age bonuses and whether she's affected by them.

I also realized you may not have known about it, but:

That is Savith's canonical shield that she lost in battle against Ydersius.

Other than those critiques, it's a good-looking statblock for Savith and I'd love to use it (if I ever get a chance with players doing what I hope they'll do and I ever get that game running again...)

You can probably trade Blinding Critical for Critial Focus. That was a gaffe on my part.

She has a +5 inherent bonus to strength and +4 bonuses to dexterity and constitution. I factored those in by deducting WBL as if she had spent them on the respective tomes.

As for Savith's Iron, it should be pretty easy to trade out her headband of mental superiority for the shield.

Did you use Snakebite as the base for Serpentdeath? I'm trying to figure out what "Monstrous" is. I was originally curious if it was how you achieved 17-20/x3 crit on a Greatsword before remembering the Fighter Capstone.

IMO high level Fighters should basically always take Advanced Armor Training "Armored Juggernaut" and use Adamantine armor because they explicitly "stack" providing a substantial defensive boost few other builds can achieve. Also, every non-archetyped Fighter needs a Sash of the War Champion.

If the fighter is 19th level and has the armor mastery class feature, these DR values increase by 5. The DR from this ability stacks with that provided by adamantine armor,

Maybe re-imagine the shield as Savith's Adamantine? Probably too far, but just a thought.

From a narrative point of view, Ydersius is only CR 19. You kind of overshot it in power. I also think I recall that she was grappled by the Serpent in their battle, so Ring of Freedom of Movement might be a little out of character (or maybe she was "grappled"... she was still swinging her Greatsword after all).

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I've always thought her weapon Vorpal. Because...let's be honest here...

Shadow Lodge

I thought she used a longsword and shield.

Scarab Sages

Ifusaso wrote:

From a narrative point of view, Ydersius is only CR 19. You kind of overshot it in power.

As a god Ydersius was CR: Infinite, only beatable by narrative power.

Once their head was chopped off, their regenerating Avatar had a CR of 19.

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Bartram wrote:
Ifusaso wrote:

From a narrative point of view, Ydersius is only CR 19. You kind of overshot it in power.

As a god Ydersius was CR: Infinite, only beatable by narrative power.

Once their head was chopped off, their regenerating Avatar had a CR of 19.

Gods in Pathfinder, while not given a CR rating, are notoriously weak when it comes to mythic or high-powered beings. Canon gods have been killed by space shrapnel, demon lords, mortal heroes, and violent, fast expenditure of their own power. It's not too far-fetched to put them in the CR 31-40 range. Maybe some of the more powerful ones are higher.

Shadow Lodge

There was a number of so called gods in the wrath of the righteous AP and they were awfully wimpy compared to PCs with mythic ranks.

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Nice work.

PFRPGrognard wrote:
Nice work.

I’ll take it!

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