Gestalt Kensia and Monk Build


Liberty's Edge

I have never built a Gestalt character before and was wanting to try it out. i don't care for magic to much, but i really like the kensia archetype.

Is there a similar archetype or class that mimics the abilities of a Kensia but does not have the magic?

I know Gestalt character are very over powered but some of the build possibilities make it very enjoyable and fun to try.

I want to build the character around critical builds while using a Katana. is there a monk archetype that allows me use the katana as monk weapon or is another class recommended?

i don't have the character mocked up yet, but i will shortly and will post it later.

A katana is not normally a "monk special weapon", and i'm unaware of any way to make it one.

That said, if the idea is to flurry with it, at 6th level a sohei monk gets weapon training, which can be used with weapons in the "monk weapons group" (which is different). If you then get a katana with the versatile design weapon modification (monk) (as well as either weapon adept (versatile design) or modified weapon proficiency (katana)) you can then flurry with it.

Technically, you can do this at first level as a brawler and choose close weapons instead.

haremlord wrote:

A katana is not normally a "monk special weapon", and i'm unaware of any way to make it one.

That said, if the idea is to flurry with it, at 6th level a sohei monk gets weapon training, which can be used with weapons in the "monk weapons group" (which is different). If you then get a katana with the versatile design weapon modification (monk) (as well as either weapon adept (versatile design) or modified weapon proficiency (katana)) you can then flurry with it.

Technically, you can do this at first level as a brawler and choose close weapons instead.

does weapon training from other classes count for Sohei 6th level ability (‘flurry with anything he has weapon training in’)? Doesn’t help much. Crusader’s Flurry works with a suitable one level dip, or VMC cleric.

Lelomenia wrote:
haremlord wrote:

A katana is not normally a "monk special weapon", and i'm unaware of any way to make it one.

That said, if the idea is to flurry with it, at 6th level a sohei monk gets weapon training, which can be used with weapons in the "monk weapons group" (which is different). If you then get a katana with the versatile design weapon modification (monk) (as well as either weapon adept (versatile design) or modified weapon proficiency (katana)) you can then flurry with it.

Technically, you can do this at first level as a brawler and choose close weapons instead.

does weapon training from other classes count for Sohei 6th level ability (‘flurry with anything he has weapon training in’)? Doesn’t help much. Crusader’s Flurry works with a suitable one level dip, or VMC cleric.

Technically, it doesn't say that the weapon training has to come from sohei...

I just was giving non-multiclassing options since the OP said that they were new to gestalt and throwing in multi-classing might be a bit much.

Is this character gestalt because your game is expected to be high power, or because there's less than the normal number of players and you need to cover multiple areas? These lead in different build directions obviously.

There's several 'weapon expert' archetypes besides kensai. Weapon master fighter, steelbound fighter, weapon adept monk, all the black blade types for a start.

Zero spellcasting is something which I'd avoid especially in gestalt, but YMMV I guess.

To flurry with a katana all you need is to either make the katana part of the monk/close weapon group, use Sohei Monk, get the Crusader's Flurry feat, or finally get a katana of the Sword-Sage (75,350 gp).

The easiest (and in my opinion best) way to get is to make a Versatile Design (Monk) Katana and get Ascetic Form and Weapon Adept (Versatile Design). This will cost you 3 feats and some gold, but it will allow you to use most feats that have Unarmed Strike as a pre-req with your Katana, in addition to letting you flurry. As an added bonus any weapon you get with Versatile Design (Monk) can also be used with unarmed feats (but not with flurry).

If going for Crusader's Flurry, then 1 level of cleric will give you channel energy. Or 4 levels of Sacred Fist Warpriest, but you said your are going Kensai Magus which already gives weapon focus.

hmm, maybe oracle might work, I'm not sure.

Liberty's Edge

It is expected to be High power. I am like the kensia for the bonus to magic to the wpn and for the high AC and non-combat versatility. My main dmg would be from my attacks, not so much from the magic.

Typically a Magus, Kensai or not, uses spell strike to add magic damage to his melee attacks. You are probably going to want to do that as well, but it isn't really complicated. It isn't uncommon for a Magus to use every spell slot for a single spell, like all first level slots being shocking grasp.

I am not seeing any advantage from a Monk gestalt with a Magus. Magus can already get an extra attack via Spell Combat, and there is no way to both spell combat and flurry.

I personally would take a hard look at the Swashbuckler. Like the Kenai it would focus on a one handed weapon, it would give you DEX to Damage, good abilities with your panache pool and with the gestalt you would have all good saves and full BAB.

I could see monk working for a spellstrike multi touch spell. First round you cast 2nd round you use flurry to finish them. The benefit would probably come more from monk defenses/abilities; But, that would mean having 2 main mental stats (Int and either Wis or Cha).

MoMS Kensai might be nice to gain Marid Style (ranged attacks with added cold dmg)n or possibly some other style like swordplay style.

Liberty's Edge

Dave justus: a problem I see with swashbuckler is that all the dmg comes from having a piercing wpn where as the katana is a slashing wpn.

Temperans wrote:
I could see monk working for a spellstrike multi touch spell. First round you cast 2nd round you use flurry to finish them. The benefit would probably come more from monk defenses/abilities; But, that would mean having 2 main mental stats (Int and either Wis

Temperans: yes the idea with the monk was mainly going for his high def/abilities that would help me survive in battles.

Slashing grace is a feat which lets swashbucklers use slashing weapons and which has value otherwise, you're fine there. And swashbuckler // kensai (BTW, kens - a - i) looks like a decent gestalt combo.

Swashbuckler Kensai is a great striker.

Mystic Swashbuckler Kensai gets some Monk abilities, not sure which abilities.

avr wrote:
Slashing grace is a feat which lets swashbucklers use slashing weapons and which has value otherwise, you're fine there. And swashbuckler // kensai (BTW, kens - a - i) looks like a decent gestalt combo.

Just to be clear, you won't be able to use the katana two-handed with this build... I know that magus is similar, but only to use spell combat. To use any of the swashbuckler class abilities, it must be used one-handed.

Liberty's Edge

Yes I understand that I would not be able to use it as a two-handed wpn. For flavor I was going to but only do the dmg as one-handed. I am liking the swashbuckler-Kensai combo better than monk.

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