Need to shorten my GreatSword. Help?


Hello Denizens of the Internet.

So i am joining a new pathfinder game and i want to play a winged assimar fighter, a real avenging angel type. I have the build all planned out but my chosen weapon is a greatsword. And i just cant suspend my disbeleaf about slinging 5 ft of steel on my back with those wings in the way.

so my question is: how much would a magical sheath cost with that reduced the length of my greatsword from a 2-handed weapon to a 1-handed weapon or a light weapon while sheathed?
Im thinking it would have a small portable hole at the bottom or something.

Or is there an item that can do this already?

thanks for your help.

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Note that if you're going for realism, a greatsword was usually carried on the shoulder unsheathed.

Here's a video with historical depictions of mercenaries carrying greatswords from the time periods where they were considered relevant weapons.

The video makes a good point in noting that carrying a greatsword is very similar to carrying a polearm weapon, where you'll typically have to have it occupying one hand at all times.

Or you can accept that the game mechanics sometimes don't perfectly align with reality and keep your greatsword in a sheath.

A scabbard of many blades costs 5K and could be made from any size of scabbard I think. It also does more than you ask, one which just shortens the scabbard required would be about a tenth of that cost IMO.

Discuss it with your GM. They might allow it in an Efficient Quiver, which is 1800 and has substantial extra utility. Or since it's mostly a cosmetic thing anyway, they might let you make a custom item.

Grand Lodge

The CRD says the greatsword is 8 lbs... a breastplate is 30 lbs and full plate is 50 lbs. Don't sweat it.

One other thought, if your greatsword is made of mithral it could be carried in a belt sheath as easily as a rapier - those could get just as long.

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depend on your budget and how fast you want it to reshape.

for 1k you can get :
shrinking ability added to it. command to shrink\resize
command word is standard action if im not mistaken.

for 10k you get free action:
Glove of Storing . free action to store\retrieve an item up to 20 lb.
(wielding the great-sword in a fight need 2 hands but to carry it you only need one, is in the rules about free action letting go or re-gripping a 2 handed weapon. so no problem storing it in the glove)

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