Help, In the Houses of Vampires

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Grand Lodge

Just a quick survey of ideas, looking for the best suggestion....

We have a Pride of lions,
an Ambush of tigers,
a Murder of crows,
a Coven of witches,
a Flock of birds and a School of fish;

.... What do we call a community of VAMPIRES?





What else might work for Vampires?....

(Please reference a source if you suggest one, such as ‘Vampire, The Masquerade’ or one of those new-age movies.)

Thanks for all suggestions!

Supernatural used "Nest" for a group of vampires.

Bloodlines and Clans have been used for more overarching lineages of vampires although not for your every day groupings (VTM I believe uses both of those, while Warhammer just stuck with Bloodlines for the main vampire "families" so to speak).

I think the smaller grouping in VTM is "Kindred" but I'm frankly fuzzy on my World of Darkness stuff.

There'll be a few ideas here.

Grand Lodge

My god I haven’t thought of that Thread in forever — thanks for the memory lane nostalgia!

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Well, if you peek at the actual Pathfinder bestiary, it says...

Organization: solitary or family (vampire plus 2–8 spawn)

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A Masquerade of Vampires

Kindred was simply a term for vampires in VTM


RainOfSteel wrote:

LOL, yep pretty much it exactly ... just not very poetic sounding to my ears anyway. Kind of like saying a flock of crows :)

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