DungeonmasterCal's House of Respite

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*backs away from the clown *

Anyways, I just wish the rain wouldn't appear so often today, tomorrow (Friday) and possibly Saturday...

Lantern Lodge

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Slaadywise the Clown wrote:
{grins from sewers that are Florida} Move down here. We have balloons. We have such sights to show you.


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If I ever went to Florida my Seattle Freeze could melt, and I'd enter a coma.

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I just bought and installed some shoe sole inserts. The effect was almost immediate. Need to be better about keeping them up to date and in good condition.

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Orthos wrote:
I just bought and installed some shoe sole inserts. The effect was almost immediate. Need to be better about keeping them up to date and in good condition.

It is of paramount importance to tend to your immortal sole.

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Scintillae wrote:
Orthos wrote:
I just bought and installed some shoe sole inserts. The effect was almost immediate. Need to be better about keeping them up to date and in good condition.
It is of paramount importance to tend to your immortal sole.

Wah wah wah waaaaaaah....

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Scintillae wrote:
Orthos wrote:
I just bought and installed some shoe sole inserts. The effect was almost immediate. Need to be better about keeping them up to date and in good condition.
It is of paramount importance to tend to your immortal sole.

What does fish have to do with this?

Vanykrye wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
Orthos wrote:
I just bought and installed some shoe sole inserts. The effect was almost immediate. Need to be better about keeping them up to date and in good condition.
It is of paramount importance to tend to your immortal sole.
What does fish have to do with this?

A nice, tender, delicately-seasoned filet of soul is delicious. Especially when it's beer-battered and served with fresh hot chips.

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Well, that does sound delicious, but I'm still trying to find out what a soul is. I've never had one.

(or so I've been told)

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As much as I enjoy a spirited conversation, I wanna get back to the idea of Turtle-time shares.

I have been told its a shell of a bargain.



On a serious note (yeah, right)

I have to put extra arch-support soles in my already arch-supported shoes,

yes, my arches are so high I can use a VW Beetle (original, 60-70's model) as arch supports.

And I wish I was joking,

Makes finding good shoes, and especially boots, a real pain-in-the-arch.


Night everyone. Two more days of convention, plus unloading things a day

Gnight, Drejk!

Right now I just want to figure out when I go to this newly minted Con in my home state, what kind of Pathfinder game I want to run.

Mostly because I'm getting the feeling I won't be gaming on Sunday...

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Here's hoping you make it. There's a con coming to Little Rock in a few months which has Kevin Conroy as the guest of honor. I don't generally do cons anymore but I might make an exception for this one.

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Nothin' to do nowhere to go.

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Well, if a goat-legged man jumps out of your closet and offers to take you to a magical land and make you a king, don’t do it. That perv skipped bail last week and he’s been sighted in your neck of the woods...

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I would definitely watch a Monkey Santa: Skiptracer TV show.

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quibblemuch wrote:
Well, if a goat-legged man jumps out of your closet and offers to take you to a magical land and make you a king, don’t do it. That perv skipped bail last week and he’s been sighted in your neck of the woods...

Duly noted! (Surreptitiously removes all the goat-legged man lures from the lawn).

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I'm not bored. I just hope Mom can handle the dogs for 4-5 hours on Sunday. :p

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Nothin' to do nowhere to go.

Twenny twenny twenny faw awas ta go?

4 people marked this as a favorite.
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
...(Surreptitiously removes all the goat-legged man lures from the lawn).

Goat-legged Man Lure was one of the least successful Axe Body Spray scents...

3 people marked this as a favorite.
quibblemuch wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
...(Surreptitiously removes all the goat-legged man lures from the lawn).
Goat-legged Man Lure was one of the least successful Axe Body Spray scents...

*looks forlornly at the 24 cases he's stuck with*

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*pumps fist* YES!

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Checks off another name on the list.

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Dire potato

That's so cool...lol

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I felt a terrible disturbance... like millions of nerds arguing over whether it was "dire poTAYto" or "dire poTAHto"...

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Drejk wrote:
Dire potato

{continues to lurk quietly}

I just came home, returning from a gaming convention.

Potato Con! That is so excellent!

quibblemuch wrote:
I felt a terrible disturbance... like millions of nerds arguing over whether it was "dire poTAYto" or "dire poTAHto"...

Thralls! This dissention must cease, or I shall be forced to intervene directly.

All power to the potato.

Drejk wrote:
I just came home, returning from a gaming convention.


(I'm not jealous, I'm not jealous,...)

Heck I'm not. :(

I wanna Con too!

Looks cool, NERDS UNITE!

Reminds me of that one Phineas & Ferb episode where the kids were all went to a Con and were divided into Fantasy and Sci-Fi camps.

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Oh, by the way, apparently the convention gathered around 50k participants (a lot of those were parents/guardians of minors attending, or casual folks with general interest in SF&F, but there was a lot of cosplayer, gamers (computer, pnp, board, wargames, card games, etc.), and hardcore fantasy, sf, and anime fans. It is the biggest convention in Poland. Most are local with a few thousands attending at best.

Greetings and salivations, Housemates! How's your Monday?

Drejk wrote:
Oh, by the way, apparently the convention gathered around 50k participants (a lot of those were parents/guardians of minors attending, or casual folks with general interest in SF&F, but there was a lot of cosplayer, gamers (computer, pnp, board, wargames, card games, etc.), and hardcore fantasy, sf, and anime fans. It is the biggest convention in Poland. Most are local with a few thousands attending at best.

Thats Awesome!

Sounds like fun! I only get to make it to small/medium size cons. Sometimes.

I got to go to GenCon once, 15 years ago. It was a 40th birthday gift from my friends. I had a blast. I never got to go again and won't get the chance to do so.

I don't even attend small, local cons. Anxiety and such now, which I used to not have. I'd love to go the one coming up in Little Rock. Here in Conway, we have an annual comic book con that draws a few thousand collectors, sellers, and the occasional big-name artist or writer. It's kinda cool that our little town (62K population) manages to pull this off.

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That is cool!

My (current) town (college town with delusions of being a city, but keeps doing stupid stuff like taking 4 lanes and turning them into 2 lanes + bike lanes) started a Anime convention few years ago. It actually outgrew the available spaces in town, (that were affordable/available) and moved to New Orleans!

Don't know WHY. I'd have moved it to Baton Rouge, an hour closer and not dealing with the Big Easy, but hey, Convention!

I guess they moved it to Nawlins for the larger population and the recognition the name has. While Baton Rouge isn't exactly unknown, I guess it can't compare. I've never been to either, so I'm just speculating in the dark.

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8 days left until my knee surgery! I shiver with antici....

With a tiki?

Why, yes!

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Back from Endgame. Fun, entertaining movie, though at times I felt a sense that it misses a tiny bit to make it better.

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Once I get through this week, get my check for 125 dollars and deposit the rest of my checks from the past two/three weeks, I plan on going to see Endgame.

It could be 2 more weeks before I get a chance to see it. :(

Well it might be that I don't get to go to Buckhannocon, if Mom can't take care of the dogs for 6+ hours...So I feel you there.


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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
I guess they moved it to Nawlins for the larger population and the recognition the name has. While Baton Rouge isn't exactly unknown, I guess it can't compare. I've never been to either, so I'm just speculating in the dark.

That is entirely possible,...

Although, Baton Rouge IS the Capitol city of Lousy-anna,.... But everyone has heard of and seems to want to go to 'The Big Easy', So,...... yeah,...


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