Monk Handwraps


For my monk character I have expert handwraps. I want to get a +1 attack roll and +1 damage die to my monk. Magical weapon doesn't do this unfortunately since it's not deemed a weapon, so how can I get the massive 2nd damage die bonus?

Handwraps can store potency and property runes just like weapons

Thanks Dante! Those are permanent +1 etc to my handwraps. Is there any way to get a +1 att/+1 dmg die temporarily? Like 'magic weapon' 1 minute, preferably something I can put into a scroll.

I think they are supposed to be treated as weapons. It says for the purposes of property runes treat them as melee weapons of the brawler group, light Bulk.

So Oil of Potency would work. As well as magic weapon spell from a scroll.

The Potency Crystal trinket may work as well, it's a weapon-affixed trinket that makes a weapon into a +1 weapon for one attack.

Edge93 wrote:
The Potency Crystal trinket may work as well, it's a weapon-affixed trinket that makes a weapon into a +1 weapon for one attack.

Can Handwraps accept Trinkets? I know Bracers of Armor can accept Armor-based Trinkets, but similar language didn't exist for the Handwraps, so I took it as an oversight (in the same way that Handwraps can have Weapon Property runes but Bracers aren't written as being able to have Armor Property runes).

Hmm, good question. Because I'm not sure Bracers are meant to be able to have property runes either, since those are meant to emulate Mage Armor, which can't have property runes.

Edge93 wrote:
Hmm, good question. Because I'm not sure Bracers are meant to be able to have property runes either, since those are meant to emulate Mage Armor, which can't have property runes.

Considering that Bracers are the only way for Monks and other unarmored characters (but mostly Monks, since they care about being in melee more) to maintain level-appropriate (I'm starting to hate that term) AC and saves, I'd say that Bracers need to act a whole lot more like Armor in that regard than like the Mage Armor spell. None of the Armor Property runes are individually mandatory, but they're still a part of the game that Monk characters should be able to explore, regardless of how they're supposed to stay unarmored.

Don't see anyone mention it, so I'd just like to say magic fang. I'd consider them natural weapons if I didn't consider them weapon weapons and vice versa.

Note that oil of potency is Just Bad. It lasts a minute and your first action is going to be "picking up my thing" add it takes 2 hands to apply the oil (plus two actions: drawing the oil, dropping your held items, then applying the oil). There goes a whole round.

Even if you don't need to drop the hand wraps to apply the oil to them, then requip, you still spend 2 actions drawing and applying it.

I mean, at levels 1-3 I think +1 accuracy and 1 1/2-2 times damage is probably worth a couple actions or even a round, FWIW.

Scarab Sages Organized Play Developer

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Tectorman wrote:
Edge93 wrote:
The Potency Crystal trinket may work as well, it's a weapon-affixed trinket that makes a weapon into a +1 weapon for one attack.
Can Handwraps accept Trinkets? I know Bracers of Armor can accept Armor-based Trinkets, but similar language didn't exist for the Handwraps, so I took it as an oversight (in the same way that Handwraps can have Weapon Property runes but Bracers aren't written as being able to have Armor Property runes).

I'll ping the designers to verify (and make sure this is clarified one way or another in the final rules) but I know that during office playtest games my monk got to attach trinkets to his handwraps (I think that handwraps with trinkets attached may even show up in some art for the final book).

Michael Sayre wrote:
Tectorman wrote:
Edge93 wrote:
The Potency Crystal trinket may work as well, it's a weapon-affixed trinket that makes a weapon into a +1 weapon for one attack.
Can Handwraps accept Trinkets? I know Bracers of Armor can accept Armor-based Trinkets, but similar language didn't exist for the Handwraps, so I took it as an oversight (in the same way that Handwraps can have Weapon Property runes but Bracers aren't written as being able to have Armor Property runes).
I'll ping the designers to verify (and make sure this is clarified one way or another in the final rules) but I know that during office playtest games my monk got to attach trinkets to his handwraps (I think that handwraps with trinkets attached may even show up in some art for the final book).

Thank you! If you can, a concurrent question is "Can/Should Bracers of Armor be able to accept Armor Property Runes?"

It was just odd to me that Bracers could have armor trinkets but not armor property runes, while Handwraps could have weapon property runes but not weapon trinkets.

Also, if you could, I had an unrelated DSP question in a PM to you.

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