thistledown Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East |
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I'm having trouble figuring out and roleplaying Naiaj in briefings. I think this is due to differences in what a Bleachling is between Pathfinder and Starfinder, and would like so insight into how bleachlings work now.
In Pathfinder, The Bleaching was a malady that affected gnomes who failed to find new experiences. The few gnomes who survived it became Bleachlings, and their emotions are pretty sapped. They've got a 'strange calmness', a 'calm, dreamy manner', and rarely lose their temper. I don't know of any specific NPC examples, but in my head they're a lot like Maud Pie from MLP.
In Starfinder, the malady can still turn Feychild gnomes into Bleachlings, but some are also born that way. They're 'more even-tempered', a bit dour, and pursue more intellectual things while the feychildren go for sensations.
So we come to Naiaj. Her art is quite scowly, like she's about to tell you off. (Reminds me a lot of Tatiana Wisla from Last Exile) And a lot of her dialog is pretty aggressive. This certainly doesn't match up with a Pathfinder Bleachling. But she doesn't even seem to match the even-tempered part of Starfinder Bleachlings. Last time I presented her (as GM) I gave her a tone much like Maud, and it didn't feel quite right. Now I'm prepping for her latest mission, and it feels very much incorrect to use that tone.
So please, give me some advice on how she should be presented.
BigNorseWolf |
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She always struck me as someone thats angry at stupid because stupid gets her friends killed.
Whether that's because bleachlings have changed, Naij isn't quite like the other bleechlings, OR that despite being drained of emotions she's THAT angry at stupid I don't know. But I don't think that any one individual has to wear the hat for their species.
thistledown Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East |
"Dr." Cupi |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |
I always go for the no-nonsense, straight to the point briefings. I generally add the answers to the important questions that should be asked into the briefing as well. I also end them with my favorite phrase I've made for her, "Get it done and don't die. You're useful and the Starfinders would take a hit to lose any of you. Now go."
David knott 242 |
As an older person myself, I can say that many of the symptoms of the Bleaching seem to match those of getting old. I can assure you that, while it takes a lot more to get an emotional reaction out of me that it does for a younger person, all of those reactions are still possible given sufficient provocation.
BigNorseWolf |
As an older person myself, I can say that many of the symptoms of the Bleaching seem to match those of getting old. I can assure you that, while it takes a lot more to get an emotional reaction out of me that it does for a younger person, all of those reactions are still possible given sufficient provocation.
Takes more huh?
*touches the thermostat with a fingertip*