PeeGee2423 |
To accompany an in-character endorsement below, here are some out of character thoughts:
Calder is a safe, non-controversial choice that wins friends and leaves the Society in a good position to weather media furor.
Avor is a 'non-candidate' outsider, arguably unsuitable for *elected* office (see 'sortition'); he'd probably be great if power were assigned randomly from the pool of all qualified to wield it, but not having a plan when seeking power is radioactive.
Tara is sure *portrayed* as a toxic, warmongering thug; if you want to *sunset* the campaign because the entire Society reaches its Infamy cap, here's your choice. That said, the depiction in the scenario does not seem *completely* fair in light of the biography. On the other, other hand, nothing about a 'G' in one's avowed alignment excludes one from being a xenophobic bigot.
Ehu is a perfectly acceptable candidate, that I choose not to opt for as a player because I prefer to stay away from magical mystery libraries and hedge toward 'science fiction' Clarketech. Your mileage may vary, and no one gets to tell you what's fun for your game (except things that are meta-antisocial; those are bad). As for a non-meta concern with Ehu, rerunning 1-11 this weekend:
<sarcasm> That's really going to win powerful friends and influence powerful people.