Liquid Leap

Running the Game

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So Liquid leap-
"Liquid Leap (concentrate, conjuration, teleportation) The slime
demon transports itself from its current space to any clear
space within range that it can see, as long as both spaces are
within a liquid."

What it doesn't give is, "What is the Range?"

it's: "within the range that it can see"

If it can see a clear space in 286ft. distance that is within a liquid, and it currently is in a liquid it can liquid leap to that space.

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Huh, that is a good question. Stating "A square within range that it can see" implies there is a range limit but no such limit is stated.

Franz, uh, no. It says a square within range that it can see, not a square within THE range that it can see. One word change, totally different meaning. If it was supposed to have line of sight range it would say "A square that it can see". AS written it is supposed to have a range but none is listed.

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