FAQ or No

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

With PF2 coming I wanted to know if Paizo had said anything about a last round of FAQs for PF1.
I'm not here to complain, even if they're not going to do it.
I just want to stop checking for something that may not happen.

I am not aware of them having said anything.

At this point I assume they have abandoned it entirely.

andreww wrote:

I am not aware of them having said anything.

At this point I assume they have abandoned it entirely.

Im thinking the same. I just didnt want to make the assumption, and have them correct me.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

It looks like meaningful FAQ work was mostly abandoned about the time the design team started working on PF2 (~2 years ago).


The last FAQs appear to be for Ultimate Wilderness in February of this year.

Dark Archive

I asked a similar question in Mark Seifter's forum in April 2018. His response:

Mark Seifter wrote:
We do have more of them queued up and rough drafted (particularly for Ultimate Wilderness stuff like tyrant totem), and we do plan on releasing them hopefully soonish. We're just coming out of the playtest CRB copyfitpocalypse of long hours and working weekends, but we can see the light at the end of that tunnel!

I asked again in Jun 2018. No official response to my last inquiry.

It is my personal belief that Paizo has abandoned 1st edition, ceasing any further development and clarification, publishing only what they already have printed or ready to print.

ckdragons wrote:

I asked a similar question in Mark Seifter's forum in April 2018. His response:

Mark Seifter wrote:
We do have more of them queued up and rough drafted (particularly for Ultimate Wilderness stuff like tyrant totem), and we do plan on releasing them hopefully soonish. We're just coming out of the playtest CRB copyfitpocalypse of long hours and working weekends, but we can see the light at the end of that tunnel!

I asked again in Jun 2018. No official response to my last inquiry.

It is my personal belief that Paizo has abandoned 1st edition, ceasing any further development and clarification, publishing only what they already have printed or ready to print.

That comment is the one that made me create this. I'm throwing the towel in though with regard to this topic though.

I'll try(no promise) to come up with my own answers and explanations for any unanswered FAQ's, and post them to the board at some point. People can take what they like and ignore the rest.

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The official answer is probably "faq no."

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I would buy a hardback print copy of all FAQ and important errata arranged by race, class, feats and spells. Just arrange and print. No frills. Easy money. Kickstart it even so no risk to Paizo.


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An official FAQ, I doubt, but I'd like to get some answers to people even if they're unofficial, so I've started something to do that: check out more information on my Ask Mark thread.

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