The Mysterious Cube


3 people marked this as a favorite.

(Please give this thread a bump as you pass through!

The Cube

Before you, on a small wooden table, sits the ominous looking cube. Each of its sides appears to be eight inches in length, making it perfectly symmetrical. Both the cube and its table are prominently displayed in the center of a dark, damp, naturally carved cave that is dimly lit by a small hole in its ceiling. The vigilant moonlight, that manages to seep through the caves rough exterior, becomes quickly diminished by the cubes presence.

You originally pursued the cube for a reason. That reason now escapes you. Only the presence of the cube seems to inhabit your thoughts. Its form is flawless. Its sides are perfectly smooth, and its darkness is absolute. It doesn’t seem real, or make sense, yet you can’t find the strength to look away. You step forward, raising a hand slightly above the artifact and then pause long enough to feel an aura of coldness pulsate from its core.

Fight the urge to touch the cube!


Touch the cube!

Dark Archive



Liberty's Edge

Ok...I touch it!!! lol

Whee! Legos! Or is it magical Mincraft? Obsidian?


Only the truly adventurous of heart will discover the truth.

Touched it. Came back to bump before continuing.

Scarab Sages




Joynt Jezebel wrote:

LoL...just a little spin on recruitment.


Grand Lodge


Bump, bump!

First off, Bump!

Secondly, I'd like to say that your recruitment is rather unique and clever, so my hats off to you!


Vrog Skyreaver wrote:

First off, Bump!

Secondly, I'd like to say that your recruitment is rather unique and clever, so my hats off to you!

Thanks, I thought I would try something a little different.

bump .. i kinda like this take on recruitment... :)

Another bump


I have not the time to participate, but I adore the way you set this up.
*bows before a master*

The Ghost of War wrote:

I have not the time to participate, but I adore the way you set this up.

*bows before a master*

I appreciate the positive feedback. I wasn't sure if it would take off or not. )

Bumpidy bump!


Thanks to everyone who gave the cube a bump or submitted a character!

Recruitment is now closed.

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