Terminator 6


Scarab Sages

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Terminator 6 news.

Terminator 3,4 & 5 were just bad dreams.

I kind of liked 3...

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I don't really understand the hate for T3 either. It was silly and fun, not scary like the first or badass like the second.

Maybe they didn't like the new John Connor...

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Terminator: Dark Fate teaser trailer

(Could a Mod rename this thread to "Terminator: Dark Fate"?)

I liked most Terminator movies. However, moreover than even Star Wars, the fanbase has be leery of saying I like the film series in general, because Terminator fans are notoriously fanatic.

Notoriously? This is the first time I've ever heard someone say Terminator fans are problematic. Ive seen worse fan fights over Robocop. Maybe there is a dark corner of the internets I haven't encountered?

Orville Redenbacher wrote:
Notoriously? This is the first time I've ever heard someone say Terminator fans are problematic. Ive seen worse fan fights over Robocop. Maybe there is a dark corner of the internets I haven't encountered?

fanatic, not problematic. There are also a number of gun nuts among Terminator fans which is only really an issue if you are anti-gun control.

I liked the fact they turned Ghost Rider into the ultimate Terminator... ;)

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I thought the twist at the end of 3 was clever and fun. I think 3 is a fine movie. The problem may be in comparison. T1 is a great small budget action horror movie. T2 is one of the best action movies of all time, made even better if you could somehow have avoided the twist that was revealed in the trailers. T3 is a fine action movie with a few nice homages to the previous movies, a couple of fun jokes, and fine acting all around. It isn't great like the other movies, so if suffers in comparison. Salvation has some interesting characterization, but isn't as interesting as the television series in dealing with the same story elemnts. Genesys just didn't seem to have the vision that the other movies had, but it has some fun moments. "Come with me if you want to live," probably the best one.

I'm curious to see if they can make Dark Fate relevant, but I'm avoiding trailers.

Scarab Sages

Although the action sequences and special effects look top notch, I have a hard time seeing them breathing life into a tired franchise. T3 was indeed fun, and it tied up the story rather well. The next two films in the series were "meh" at best.

I will say, however, Linda Hamilton looked damn good for 62 years old. And it took me a bit to place the chick playing the new good-guy cyborg, but she was in The Martian with Matt Damon.

I think part of my overall problem with the franchise is the machines keep losing. If that were a real situation, they'd probably wipe the floor with us pretty quickly.


Nah I'm pretty sure there are one to five capable humans that can defeat an army of artificially intelligent cyborgs.

Scarab Sages

We'll have to agree to disagree on that one. It's the kind of discussion that works better in real life, over a pitcher of [insert beverage here] and some good food.

Personally, I go by the Asimov I, Robot short story collection, where the machines took control and no one realized it until later.

I do discussions over Coke regular.

Scarab Sages

Hookers and blow?

Aberzombie wrote:

We'll have to agree to disagree on that one. It's the kind of discussion that works better in real life, over a pitcher of [insert beverage here] and some good food.

Personally, I go by the Asimov I, Robot short story collection, where the machines took control and no one realized it until later.

I am willing to have a drink or three over talking about the Terminator series.

Besides, the machines have already taken over.

A-zombie, no I don't do that kind of Coke. I was thinking more the classic kind that had Santa as a spokesman.

As for Hookers, hey you do you...


I'm not convinced yet since I still turn off my machines...except for the AC.

Sharoth wrote:

Besides, the machines have already taken over.

We approve your acknowledgement of our conquest, carbon unit.

Linda Looks badass, no question. I like most Termninator installments if onl yfor the Robot designs. Unfortunately I feel since T2 there has not been an interesting Terminator actor. T2 reached the summit for me with old battleship Arnold vs the sleek T-1000 as played by Robert Patrick.
Lets see what they come up with for this installment, but direction by Tim Miller has my hopes up.

Liberty's Edge

I heard that this is the first Teminator movie James Cameron is involved with since T2, so that has my hopes up.

Well if nothing else DerNils, we have Ghost Rider as a Terminator...so there's that.

Also I'm fully convinced the other young woman (played by Natalia Reyes) is either going to be the father of Reese...or else someone else of importance.

I do like they have now blended Reece's character (changing it up with a woman) into more of a "Battle Angel Aleita" vibe) to help save the future.

I didn't follow Agents of Shield and to be honest, that guy does not impress me in the trailer. But I'll give him a Chance. (Even though Ghost Rider has a bike, mumble mumble)

Silver Crusade

Which one? There's five.


Robbbie Reyes, who in the MCU got his Ghost Rider powers from the OG, Johnny Blaze.

While I agree that the COMIC version of Robbie has been...problematic for much of the time, when I found out he's got REAL Ghost Rider powers and stuff...well that kind of changed the dynamic for me.

Sovereign Court

I don't think that Agents of SHIELD is in the MCU. Because AFAIK Feige hates the show. And doesn't want to connect it with the larger continuity.

I heard in this one the new Terminator was going to be a horse and Schwarzenegger was gonna beat it with a stick...

PLOT TWIST: The horse was already dead.

Thomas Seitz wrote:


Robbbie Reyes, who in the MCU got his Ghost Rider powers from the OG, Johnny Blaze.

While I agree that the COMIC version of Robbie has been...problematic for much of the time, when I found out he's got REAL Ghost Rider powers and stuff...well that kind of changed the dynamic for me.

ugh, not more of the True Ghost Rider Wars. I thought that ended with the(pretty awesome!) Ghost Riders Throughout Cultures/History storyline that I WUUUUUUUUVED.


Look I'm not against Blaze and Ketch having Ghost Rider legacy, nor even that one chick, Alejandra Jones, who was a Ghost Rider for all of one month.


Feige might hate it...but so far it's the only show that's survived through 23 movies...

Sovereign Court

Well he's in charge...

Bah. I should be in charge! After all! I'd totally greenlit a A Force along with Young Avengers helping a young Loki try to save the universe from the God of Symobites and darkness.

Hama wrote:
I don't think that Agents of SHIELD is in the MCU. Because AFAIK Feige hates the show. And doesn't want to connect it with the larger continuity.

I don't think he hates the show. His problems were more with the former boss of Marvel comics Perlmutter. And that lead to seperating the TV and Movie stuff.

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How did this get from terminator into that garbage shield show?

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It's not a garbage show! Also it got this way because Gabriel Luna who is the Terminator in this movie played Ghost Rider/Robbie Reyes in Agents of SHIELD.

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New trailer

Yeah thankfully they finally get Luna to put in some ACTUAL dialogue. That plus you know, Sarah Connor...

Listening to Linda Hamilton in that trailer is the closest I've gotten yet to understanding ASMR.

I dunno about THAT...but it was pretty epic and baller over all, Slaad person.

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