Dat Damage Reduction

Rules Questions

I need someone to help me out here. I know that in some older versions and games, a portion of your DR was removed based on how high the magical enhancement level of a weapon striking you is. For example, whenever you run into a monster who has DR in a level 1-5 campaign, a +1 magical weapon will usually go right through it.

What's the damage reduction to magic enhancement level? If my question makes any sense.

+3 = Cold Iron/Silver
+4 = Adamantine
+5 = Alignment

Hope it helps


Nearyn wrote:

+3 = Cold Iron/Silver

+4 = Adamantine
+5 = Alignment

Hope it helps


The reason I ask this question, is because many people say that 5/- is the god of all DR types, but when you read the DR text it says how you can bypass - DR with any ability that bypasses DR.

Is the types bypass you listed in a tier of power? Is alignment DR more powerful than Adamantine DR, which is why it costs a higher enhanced weapon to penetrate it?

You're thinking of the way DR worked in 3.0; 3.5 changed it a bit, removing the requirement for a certain enhancement-level (so instead of DR x/+2, it would simply be DR x/magic). Instead, more monsters received DR requiring special materials or alignment to overcome.

Pathfinder inherited the latter system, but made changes of their own to make the weapon's enhancement-level matter more (although not quite as much as in 3.0). For instance, a +3 or higher weapon can overcome DR x/cold iron and DR x/silver, while a +4 or higher weapon can overcome DR x/adamantine, and finally a +5 weapon can overcome DR x/<alignment>.

SwiftyKun wrote:

The reason I ask this question, is because many people say that 5/- is the god of all DR types, but when you read the DR text it says how you can bypass - DR with any ability that bypasses DR.

Only a paladin's smite (and a few other abilities) can bypass DR x/-.

Most DR-varieties can only be bypassed by weapons specifically matching the required type; the list Nearyn posted are the only exceptions.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Sounds like some 3.0 and earlier DR has crept into your understanding.

In PF, the number after the / tells you what attack type overcomes that DR (which is either all or nothing: it works or it doesn't). If the detail after the / is -, then nothing overcomes/ignores that DR (except things like spells and energy damage which are never subject to DR). Which is why DR/- is the best.

If there is such a tier-system I do not know about it.

I guess you could argue that Alignment DR is more powerful, in the sense that it is harder for your average adventurer to get your weapon to do alignment damage. Paladins get it right out of the gate(I think, not really pally-savvy), but other classes (with certain exceptions) have to pay for a weapon enhancement to get alignment damage on their weapon. Whereas everyone with the cash to spare, can get adamantine weapons in a big enough city.


RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Nearyn wrote:

If there is such a tier-system I do not know about it.

I guess you could argue that Alignment DR is more powerful, in the sense that it is harder for your average adventurer to get your weapon to do alignment damage. Paladins get it right out of the gate(I think, not really pally-savvy), but other classes (with certain exceptions) have to pay for a weapon enhancement to get alignment damage on their weapon. Whereas everyone with the cash to spare, can get adamantine weapons in a big enough city.


You can get oils of bless weapon or align weapon for just 50 gp apiece. So it's not really that bad.

RainyDayNinja wrote:
You can get oils of bless weapon or align weapon for just 50 gp apiece. So it's not really that bad.


If this is true, then why can you pass the DR of low leveled monsters simply by having a magical weapon? I don't recall seeing a stat on their sheet that says "DR of 5/+1" or anything like that. Most of these monsters being abominations or wraiths and stuff. What am I missing here?

DR 5/magic is bypassed by any magical weapon (+1)
DR 5/silver (or cold iron) is bypassed by any silver (or cold iron)weapon or +3 weapon
DR 5/adamantine is bypassed by any admantine weapon or any +4 weapon
DR 5/aligned is bypassed by any aligned weapon or any +5 weapon
DR 5/- is not bypassed by any weapon properties at all, ever, some special abilities like the paladins smite (and maybe others I can't think of) do bypass it but are a special case. Other things that are not subject to DR at all (like energy damage) are likewise not hindered by any DR of any type.

SwiftyKun wrote:
If this is true, then why can you pass the DR of low leveled monsters simply by having a magical weapon? I don't recall seeing a stat on their sheet that says "DR of 5/+1" or anything like that. Most of these monsters being abominations or wraiths and stuff. What am I missing here?

It's written as DR x/magic instead of DR x/+1. But they mean the same thing. DR magic just means their DR is pierced by any magically enhanced weapon (which means a weapon with a +1 bonus).

They have Dr/magic. It is overcome by any magic Weapon.

DR/Magic is the bottom of the totem pole. Any kind of magic weapon is enough to bypass it.

but a +3 Weapon also counts as Cold Iron/Silver, in addition to simply being magical.

You also run into DR/Slashing or DR/Bludgeoning Those ones refer to weapon type. You need an Axe to chop up a Zombie or Clubs to smash a Skeleton. They don't have to be magic at all just the right type of damage.


Likewise, a +5 weapon bypasses DR/magic, DR/silver, DR/adamantine, and DR/good.

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