Chakat Firepaw |
This has been bouncing around my head for a bit, so I figured I'd let other people look at it. Primarily so that I can get some feedback before I start adding it to my campaign guidelines handouts, but also so that if others want to steal it in whole or part they can¹
When it comes down to it, Resonance is doing four things:
- Providing a limit on how many permanent items a character is using.
- Limiting the ability of characters to have multiple "X/day" items that they switch out.
- Encouraging the use of higher level consumables.
- Giving everyone a good secondary use for Charisma.²
Now, it isn't actually bad at three of those. It could be better, but it does work. The problem is with consumables, so I'm thinking of splitting that out to its own system.³
First, Investing items.
For now, I'm sticking with level+Chr modifier for the number of points. Investment works similarly to how it does now, you assign a point to the item and you can use it properly, (although there might be a check involved).
Using non-invested items: If you have not invested an item, you don't directly benefit from any of its magical abilities, (the ring doesn't turn you invisible, the sword doesn't guide your hand to more telling blows, the boots don't allow you to fly, etc), but you still gain any mundane benefits, (your feet are kept dry, you can still hit things, it does look nice on your hand, etc.), plus the item still works on itself, (that crystal sword won't shatter with the first blow).
Investing: Investing an item takes a full round, (i.e. three actions), and requires a standard level+Chr mod check against a DC of 10+Item Level⁴. Failure locks out that point for further investment attempts until you rest for the night. If you can spend a full hour with the item, you receive +5 on the check. You maintain the investment, (and the assignment of the point), until you chose to release it while resting.
Forcing an activation: You can attempt to force a single activation of an item, (e.g. a single force bolt from a Ring of the Ram), you have not invested with a DC of 15+Item Level. A failure simply wastes the time while a critical failure causes a backlash dealing 1d6 damage for every 5 item level involved.⁵
Item slots only apply in the sense that some things have logical limits but if you want to war a dozen rings, a trio of necklaces or a cloth skullcap under your helmet, go for it. You might not be able to invest all of them, but perhaps you don't maintain the investment on a couple items so that you can use the one or two you need today.
Next, consumables.
Since the goal is to encourage the use of a smaller number of more powerful buffs and heals, we will add a bit of a risk to using a large number of them through what amounts to a magical toxic buildup.
Each day, you track how many consumables you have benefited from, (easy, since it only ever goes up or fully resets). When you take more than your Chr mod plus any unassigned investment points you start making checks modified only by your Chr mod and any unassigned points, (+1/point). If you fail the check, the consumable is expended to no effect. On a critical failure you also take 1d6 damage.
With this system it would also be quite possible to include things like items that cost multiple points to invest, either as a minimum, (artifacts probably should), or split up for different powers, (e.g. a suit of armour where you can invest for the AC bonus, the true sight granted by helmet or both⁶). You could also have 'cheap and dirty' potions that generate extra buildup.
It would also be something you could offer class feats to modify. Perhaps a Wizard can take a feat that grants a bonus to investment checks, a Rogue one that make him more able to force activations and an Alchemist one that gives a bonus to buildup checks.
1: Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.⁷
2: It is the only one that lacks it. Str has carrying capacity, Dex has AC and Reflex saves, Con has HP and Fort saves, Int has Skill Points and languages, Wis has Will saves and Perception.
3: Annoyingly, I can't think of good names to use for the two parts. Resonance works for both, but I need to change it for one of them.
4: Caster level in PF1.
5: Personally I'm going to look to Hero's rules for fractional Damage Classes, so it will go 1, 1d3-1 (min 1), 1d3, 1d6-1 (min 1), 1d6. However, that's me and I would hardly expect others to go to that detail.
6: Perhaps even a bonus power, (protection from gaze attacks?), if you have both.
7: All $0 of it.