Tholomyes |
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I'm more curious about Enfeeble and Spell damage rolls. Enfeeble says "conditional penalty to damage rolls", and spells roll for damage...
I was almost certain I'd find some rule that somehow spell rolls for damage weren't technically "damage rolls" or something like that, the same way critical hits doubling damage, by RAW, don't apply to spells with an attack roll and damage, unless stated otherwise, because they're not strikes (as far as I can tell, this only matters for polar ray, Heal/Harm and Acid Splash, as all others call out double damage on a crit, or require a save on a hit, for which the crit effect is to make the effect of their save 1 degree worse, which is double damage on a crit fail or normal damage up from half damage on a failure), and I thought you could maybe make that argument, as all things like dangerous sorcery, which specifically affect spell damage do not use the term "damage roll" but then I found p293 which calls out "A damage roll typically uses a number and type of dice determined by the weapon or unarmed attack used or the spell cast" so yeah, by RAW, Enfeeble affects your spells.

Greg.Everham |
Greg.Everham wrote:Is this true that there is no minimum damage in PF2? You can do 0 damage?Your player is trying really hard to bend the rules. I respect his attempt.
It's all additive with no concern for minimums. It's 1d8 + STR - 4. If you rolled a 1 and have a STR of +3... you do diddly.
It would seem that, yes, you can do 0 damage. I don't recall anything that states a minimum nor did I see one in a quick look through the rulebook. ((Mind you, the look was quick, so I could be wrong. Just saying I didn't see one just now.))

Draco18s |

I haven't seen anything and non-lethal damage is basically gone. The only thing "non-lethal" damage does is not give you a Dying value when you're reduced to 0 by a non-lethal attack.
(Note: 90 non-lethal damage followed by a lethal blow leaves you Dying, which is just as silly as 90 lethal damage followed by a non-lethal blow leaving you Just Unconscious)