Tanky Tom and the case of the missing Tower Shield

Skills, Feats, Equipment & Spells

Liberty's Edge

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Quite simply, why was the Tower Shield omitted from the PT? I thought if ANYTHING the Tower Shield would need more testing than it's lighter counterparts? They are a quintessential component to MANY Tank/Protector Builds and as it stands PCs are left with only regular Shields to use.

I'm assuming they will make a comeback with the full release, but is there any chance we can maybe have them included in an Update midway through the Playtest?

Additionally, will Tower Shields require a special Armor Prof like they have in the past?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Currently I assume that if they left a basic piece of armor like this out they don't intend to include it later. I believe that only RPGs based on D&D 3 have tower shields as a separate thing at all, this is not one of those games.
If so I'll mourn its loss.

Liberty's Edge

Bump for visibility

I'm really curious if the intent is to eliminate the Tower Shield from PFRPG2, or rather if Paizo n' Friends want to simply wait for the full release and put it in the PF2 Adventurer's Armory or whatever it will be called.

I really miss being able to play a Tower Shield Character and I thought for SURE the new interactive Shield Reactions would make for some great new tactical options to use.

Hmm. Just spitballing.

Tower Shield, +3 AC, +2 TAC, -2 ACP, 2 bulk
Steel construction (minimum quality: Expert)
8 hardness (+3 bonus)
Can take 2 dents before being broken (+1 bonus)
Durable - Can still be used, but AC and TAC take a -1 penalty, when broken.

Liberty's Edge

I love it!

I think it's a bit odd that Tower Shields don't make any appearances with the Grey Maiden PrC though.

Perhaps a General Feat

Tower Shield Focus
Prereq: Str 15, Trained in Heavy Armor

You may purchase and wear Shields of a size category larger than yourself, it provides +1 AC and -1 Armor Check Penalty to it's normal statistics.
(2 Action) You may provide cover drawn along one side of your Square/Hex. You may use the Shield Block Reaction once for free each combat encounter. This counts as Raising your Shield.

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I'd expect it to be less like a shield and more like portable cover. Something like taking an action to select an edge of your square as granting cover, and being able to use the take cover action to get behind it.

That's more of a Pavise thing than a Scutum thing, but it should serve as the next step along the shield tree.

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Here is how I would write a Tower Shield for P2

As Shield, ie +2 AC. -2 ACP, 2 Bulk. Allows the player to "take cover" action behind it for the +4 circumstance bonus to AC vs ranged attacks. Functions as well as a normal shield in melee at the cost of ACP and Bulk, shines as portable cover for the bearer against range.

Dark Archive

So in this high fantasy word goblin alchemist are core but tower shields just don't exist?

I'd like to see Tower Shields return. They could be balanced by always being active (no need for Raise Shield) but not being eligible for the Shield Block action.

I've never really felt Tower Shields that important in my games, but I do think maybe something, as ErichAD says, like Portable cover might work, though it might involve some negatives to account for that, which I hope aren't simply ACP (like always), but something different.

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