Elykscorch |

I'll start by saying sorry if this is already mentioned elsewhere or if this is the wrong place to post this.
I just wanted to give a little feedback on my experience as a tank paladin with the reaction system. I have WAY too many options for my single reaction slot and I feel like this is something that needs to be looked at.
At lvl 7 in Sombrefell Hall I can use my reaction on the following:
-Retributive Strike
-Shield Block (for myself or ally)
-Divine Grace
-Orc Ferocity
-Divine Ward
Each turn is like a massive puzzle as waves of ghouls attack myself and my party. Do I punish the ghouls with retributive strike when they attack my friends? Or do I save my reaction in case I need to block? Or wait no I should save it in case my ranger way in the back might need my divine ward protection. No, I'm low on hitpoints I should save my reaction to use Orc Ferocity just in case I go down in the front. But wait, what if I need that +2 to a save against an enemy spellcaster?
In my opinion the 1 reaction a turn is a huge bottleneck. I find myself not using more than half of my class abilities. I have all of these wonderful ways to defend myself and my group but I can't use any of them because I can only do one thing a turn. I might as well not have the +2 to saves but the other options for that feat level seem pretty lackluster. I also wanted to get Attack of Opportunity to punish all the creatures that just run right by me but forget that. I have no room in my reactions for something else. Also forget about one of the main abilities of the paladin, retributive strike, as a tank. You'll never use it while shield blocking and using all of your other defensive reactions.
Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of having different options and managing them, but this seems a little overkill for a single reaction slot.

Dreamtime2k9 |
Shield of reckoning seems pretty good to mitigate some of the clog at level 10.
Quick shield block with a theoretical fighter multiclass could actually do quite a bit in combination. ALthough as an 8th level feat for fighters, it wouldn't be until level 16 through advanced maneuver.
3(4 if we would include the shield block) of the options chosen are optional with other options(lesser for sure in some cases) and could've been replaced with other choices.

Rules Artificer |

I agree that something needs to be changed. If Paizo wants Paladins to be the "tank" class, then they need to be able to tank, which means reacting and potentially mitigating enemy offense. With only 1 reaction available, Paladins are limited in what they can actually do to protect their party in a given round.

Elykscorch |

While I understand I took a lot of reaction stuff I'm not really sure how else I would go about it if I wanted to make an optimal tank paladin.
-I didn't take AOO for that very reason, so there is one.
-I'm taking a shield so no matter what it is coming into conflict with retributive strike until lvl 10. (Half the game dealing with this?)
-Orc Ferocity is way too good for a tank not to take, pretty lame to not take an amazing tank racial just because I'm a paladin.
-I could take a better retributive strike talent instead of Divine Grace but I'm already not using retributive strike much because of the other reactions. Plus, IMO, those other talents are very situational and even in their situation not that great. PLUS as a tank I want to take the defensive not offensive talent right?
-I could not get a domain and not get divine ward. This is the only realistic option in my mind of limiting the reactions I have (besides maybe the amazing racial). But I mean c'mon... how could I not take this as a tank? I've already saved at least three people with it.
The reactions may be manageable on a non-tank paladin but with one trying to be as defensive as possible with a shield it is just a little too much. My personal suggestions are to make Orc Ferocity and Divine Grace not reactions and to give paladins the shield block / retributive strike talent earlier. Maybe even level 1/3 earlier.

Elykscorch |

I had a paladin at my table that had the same issue. There should be a way to get more than one reaction, similar to how Combat Reflexes allowed more than one attack of opportunity.
I like this idea. If I take too many reaction feats/abilities make it possible by spending a general feat or something on extra reactions. Or if that is deemed too powerful maybe the second/third general feat in a feat chain?