Bracers of Armor Verbiage

Magic Items

I was wondering as to why the verbiage for Bracers of Armor reads as such:

[…] You can affix trinkets to bracers of armor as though they were light armor.

According to page 380 “A single trinket can be affixed to only one item at a time, and affixing a new trinket burns out any trinket already on the affixed item.”

Wouldn’t it make more sense to simply say a trinket can be affixed to it? Or is there intent behind drawing a comparison (specifically) to light armor?

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

I can see why they would say to treat Bracers of Armor as though they were armor, as there are many trinkets with "affixed, armor" in their description.

There do not yet appear to be any trinkets for which the type of armor involved matters.

I would guess that people might read "a trinket can be affixed to it" and take that to mean "only one trinket can be affixed to it ever". This way makes it clear that they work in the same way as armour i.e. “A single trinket can be affixed to only one item at a time, and affixing a new trinket burns out any trinket already on the affixed item.”.

As to why specifically light armour when there are no trinkets that specify what type of armour: I would assume futureproofing, so they can add in trinkets that do care about what armour they're on.

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