How to make a wisecraking villain

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

I was wondering how to make a wisecracking type villain and have it be funny instead of just annoying. Also, are there any official characters who are like this?

There is a fine line between being funny and annoying as a wise cracking villain. That line is how you tailor his personality and delivery towards your player's sense of humor. In my experience, with my players, is that they enjoy the typical villain tropes and when I do a complete 180 degree spin off from what they expected. It's even better when I can encourage them to LIKE the villain even when he has to be dealt with. It is usually difficult outside of certain types of gameplay because being the BBEG tends to bring with it some level of humorless seriousness.

It can be difficult to come up with lines on the fly for your villains. I find it useful to write out a sheet of possible lines. When the time comes, I pull out my sheet of lines and grab whichever ones seem appropriate.

Brother Fen wrote:
It can be difficult to come up with lines on the fly for your villains. I find it useful to write out a sheet of possible lines. When the time comes, I pull out my sheet of lines and grab whichever ones seem appropriate.

That cheat sheet of funny quips is a great idea. One of the things that I do for my NPCs is to write out a couple of things they would say, the voice you are going to use, and the accent you imagine they may have.

If you are as unfunny as I am you might need to work on your timing and material on your cat (tough audience).

I have a tendency to fall in love with my villains which takes the edge off them. A villain is a blowtorch don't turn the flame down.

IMO, the best example of a Wisecracking Villain done will is Handsome Jack from Borderlands 2.

The reason it works so well in that game is because Jack is aware of what the players are doing, and can talk to them through their personal communicators.

In a Pathfinder game, using a combination of Scrying and Magic Mouth, Sending or Dream spells might work for a similar effect.

Having the Villain follow them around in an Astral Projection and make their lives miserable might work also.

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Step 1: Make a Villain

Step 2: Have them crack wise.

Are there any official characters like this?

Harley Quinn?

I don't know any official Pathfinder characters that wise crack though.

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FormerFiend wrote:

Step 1: Make a Villain

Step 2: Have them crack wise.

Step 2.5: #dadjokes

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However you do it, I feel it's important enough to restate the "write up material beforehand" comment. Also this is a good way for PCs to hate your villains, thus giving them a reason to hunt them down as recurring villains (assuming the PCs don't destroy the enemy in a single fight). Finally, consider using their wisecracks to deliver key info needed for PCs to advance the plot.

"Ha, fools! Your attacks are as feeble as the bard's chin! I'd sooner die of a cold from the draft your flailing swords make! Of course, this is exactly as the master foretold at the Moot of 7 Tribes..." and now the PCs know that this villain has a boss and there was some event called the Moot of 7 Tribes that is important to the current story line.

Best way: underuse it.

Even if you are great at it, using too much will turn off your players. If instead, you only leaven the mix, then they will appreciate it better.


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