Play test ffeedback

Doomsday Dawn Player Feedback

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So my group finally finished the first part of the playtest.
We have been playing pathfinder since the first day of release.

Our group

Elf monk (human monk) Iomedae AC 14

Human Paladin - Iomedae (LG) AC 13

Halfling Ranger

Goblin rogue (NPC)

We all had a great time.

all of us took about 30 minutes to make our characters, but found the layout of book to be terribe, and that was the kindest words. But we all felt that once you knew what you were doing it was very fast.

We all loved the new action economy. We all loved the bonus hit points, and the increased challange of the adventure. It was noted that this was the first time in the 10 years we have been playing, that our melee characters had to take cover. The third action is really great, and added a lot of tactical decision making for all the characters.

One of the biggest issues was our prior knowledge of the old rules, so a lot times, we were trying to figure out, if they were new versions of old rules, like firing into combat, or attack of opportunites and what triggers them.

The rest hp regeneration seems a little strict. We were all happy about healers being needed now, potions were actually treated as being special. we definatly tried to conserve them.

Healing is super important, if we didnt have that paladin, i dont think we would have survived.

Potential issue we saw was the death and dying, since our paladain was KO'ed by the boss, the save Dc was huge, he had to use a hero point. which i suppose may have been the point.

All and all we had a great time, and can't wait to continue the playtest. The biggest gripe was just the layout of the book, no one had anything postive to say about it.

Nice. I'm impressed you all managed to get your characters together in 30 minutes! I got it down to 90 minutes for creating a 4th level character for the second chapter.


none of us could figure out, what the lore category was to identity the Ooze. We didn't see dungeonering anymore.

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