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As I understand it, when I play part 4, I'm to level up the character I played in part 1. What if I had a bad experience playing that character and want to play something else? For playtesting purposes am I stuck?
For my personal situation, I was lacking for ideas and so just attempted to build one of my existing characters and now realize it is just impossible to actually level him up to be the same character character (who is a multiclass monk/rogue).

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You should probably talk to your GM. Keepjng the character is mostly a matter of continuity, so it’s not mandatory, but working things out is best for all.
Monk/rogue sounds pretty neat anyways. What’s stopping you?
Mainly the multiclass archetypes kinda suck. If I start as a rogue, I have zero options for monk stuff. Not even lethal unarmed strikes. If I start as a monk, I miss out on much of what makes a monk neat (ki abilities and a large enough ki pool to use them), and don't ever get the stuff that makes a rogue neat (dex to damage, skills, etc). The original character is way more rogue than monk, but if I'm a rogue I can't ever be a monk too.

Zautos' |

My gm tells me that it's a must to have the same characters even if you did not like it or for some other reason.
For me, it's mostly that it feels like it would give me better playtest data if I played something different. Because of there where 2 players playing the same class and 1 of them the same build during the level 7 adventure.
Has Paizo stated somewhere that it would be okej to change characters?

Ediwir |

the multiclass archetypes kinda suck. [...] The original character is way more rogue than monk, but if I'm a rogue I can't ever be a monk too.
Class archetypes have been massively improved in the last update, and I even feel rogue is a bit too good right now, but yeah, there is no Monk archetype yet (there will be). I'd suggest to try the Monk/rogue route and see how it goes with the updated version, and maybe retrain everything once the Monk archetype comes out?
My gm tells me that it's a must to have the same characters even if you did not like it or for some other reason.
Has Paizo stated somewhere that it would be okej to change characters?
Not specifically, but they didn't state you must keep the same either. The "main party" follows the events of three quests to give a sense of continuity and progression, and keeping them makes things feel better story-wise, but mechanically, there's no real reason.
I had to substitute three players in my group so far, so the party in Mirrored Moon will have 3/5 new characters. Can't be helped. Some might even die. If I TPK them, then Part7 will have 5/5 new characters. Obviously.
If you feel like your character is not satisfying, I would say that's good feedback but you should probably still try it (because bad characters need improvements and you might be the best guy to point out how once you went through it), but if you are deadset on changing and I can't sell you on it, well, it's your character.

DM_Blake |
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Ideally, gaming should never be a bad experience.
That said, we're not exactly just gaming here. We're also testing. If we all choose to only test the stuff that looks the most fun, then nobody is testing the rest of the stuff - and that is exactly the stuff that needs the most feedback!.
So I salute the players out there who are making the hard choices and playing something that doesn't look, to them, to be the best choice for fun.
That said, ideally, gaming should never be a bad experience.
Luckily, Paizo has solved all your problems.
Check out page 334. Specifically, the retraining rules. You can retrain everything about your character. Ultimately, you pretty much need to keep your ancestry, background, and class. The rest can all be changed.
It takes time and money but it's literally been years since you last played this character so you have had more time than you need. Also, you START with a fixed amount of gold and equipment. This is not based on how your character spent or squandered his wealth during those years, so if your spent money on retraining, and another character spent money on ale and pizza, and a third character saved every penny, and a fourth tried to save every penny but thieves stole everything he had - all 4 of those characters start Mirrored Moon with exactly the same number of items and same starting gold.
In short, you can literally change everything about your character for free.
Except ancestry, background, and class.
Hopefully, there is at least one way you could play your original ancestry, background, and class, built to level 9 from scratch, and not have to have a bad experience?
And, if you do have another bad experience, isn't that exactly what Paizo needs to hear?