Player leaving

Doomsday Dawn Game Master Feedback

Well, I imagine I'll drop a thread.

One of my players just let me know that she will not continue with the playtests due to issues with the system. A big thumbs down on 2e the way it currently is, from her.
She ran a Bard and felt frustrated at the system in multiple occasions, from the action economy penalising her spell capabilities (especially with Concentration and having to renew inspire courage) to Attack of Opportunity being a coin toss between safety and absolute suicide (no way to tell until you try) and to AC/to-hit bonuses feeling out of scale and unreliable. Unfortunately there was no space for players to write actual thought out feedback in the forms (understandable, with the amount).
After some prodding, she added that the system makes simple things feel clunky and "a pain in the ass" while things that should be meaningful can be made irrelevant. I believe she refers to manoeuvres mostly, she's a big fan of "playing smart" during combat and she is the one that disarmed Drakus at the start.

For context, our Cleric tried to Somatic cast (a manipulate action) in Drakus's face and got mauled, losing the spell in the process and falling to the ground. This turned the fight around from a very quick burst of 33 damage points in one round plus disarming and Dust effects that led me to think Drakus would barely be a challenge to a desperate one-sided damage control situation where players kept getting tripped and stabbed while Drakus took almost no damage at all for the next 3 rounds.
(yes, I had Drakus trip people and sneak attack with the claws, I am mean, I know. I even Drained unconscious characters for style points)
As for why she felt manoeuvres weren't as good, it's because Drakus could fix the penalties in one action (losing only his -8 attack), but instead of provoking a thousand AoO, he only provoked one average attack (+4 vs AC16, regular damage), while players would get massive damage from his (+7 vs AC14ish, sneak attack). Basically using strategies that were supposed to help only costed the group time and resources, while for Drakus it was extremely effective because of the wide number disparity.

This is not to discuss her reasons or argue their strategies, it's just so that Paizo has the feedback (and possibly, argue the feedback). Personally I'll miss her at the table, but I'll still continue testing with the others. After all, improving this is the whole point.

Did you guys lose any players?

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